Alliance to Horde ratio

385 is useless yet still we have complaints, with warfronts being the same both times. The Alliance a chance at 400 or two (means most got nothing) while the Horde had both the warfronts first with a HC item reward. For EU the quest was in the end compensation so in that sense we can say we got a 385 every time. I consider this chapter closed and balanced.

But look at it since it’s a 385, which you get from WQ and still the complaints are never ending. Pathetic. Same way as December or how I like to call it “Horde getting payed back for what they did to the few Alliance left the past 4 months”.

Pre-8.1: “L2P, camping a FP is WPvP”
8.1: “OMG! This ruins my gaming time, cowards camping a FP!”

Conclusion Horde’s mantra: “As long as you can do it to others without retalition, it’s fine. Mock them! But as soon as it happens to me? Complain!”

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No, this is the “mantra” of players overall.
You get entitled players on BOTH sides. I must admit though, alliance are more easily triggered by mundane stuff.


The warfront issue is becouse the alliance pushed so hard to get that one unlocked they set it in motion BEFORE the reset happened, had they not been so “eager” they would have gotten the 400 item from the warfront that week, which is what happened in america.

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I have been saying this for years when people whine about Russians/Germans/Martians in bg’s most of the time if people give a effort those Russian and German premades run away like wimps but it takes too much to operate alliance muppets to victory it is doable but its mentally taxing to move them like Jim Henson and tell them basic common sense things.

Tbh,a major issue with Blizzard’s warmode numbers is that they aren’t reliable
There are two reasons for that

-Passive horde WM players : A lot of horde players have warmode on even though they stopped doing WQs,most of the raid loggers and m+ only players you see on horde side have warmode on,in fact,I can testify for this myself as pretty much my whole raid team is always with WM on.But those people don’t take part in warmode or world PvP whatsoever

-Alliance players turning it off after the weekly loot quest : This one is a known and obvious case,but a lot of Alliance players turn warmode on to do the quest,and after they’re done ganking horde at flight points for half an hour,they turn it off until the next week.

So because of these two issues,on paper,the Horde outnumbers the Alliance in warmode,and that’s the statistic Blizzard uses

However,in practice,the Horde is often outnumbered by the Alliance in actual warmode world PvP,sometimes by massive amounts,and that’s even before the LFG effect

Ye, too many variables, we don’t know the data. The 15% not going straight back to 20% means something. See how long it takes this time.

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