Alliance vs Horde: Which one is the worst according to you?

Tyrande has her meltdown on the public AD forum. Sylvanas her meltdown in private discords.


There was later a callout thread from a heartbroken Malfurion after he caught Tyrande and Sylvanas ERPing without him.

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This is unironically the most compelling I’ve found Sylvanas LMAO


“No they hate each other why would they try and kill each other-… toxic yuri you say, I see, I see.”
“Okay but she tried to strangle her. An undead. That makes no-…breathplay you say, I see, I see.”

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This is giving me strange reminders of the “Sonic For Real Justice” joke tumblr blog from back in the day, and not gonna lie, it would be wild to see the same but with the WoW main cast.


We can check the wiki for that.

As Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner and Anduin were aware that their factions are not ready for a war, they agreed to the terms of the Gathering and promised they would not harm the other faction’s members.

The factions were not at war as of the Gathering, post-Legion. Hence no matter how hard people try to tip-toe around the issue, or who was wrong during Stormheim, Genn did not start a war.

Interestingly the wiki actually claims the factions’ relationship improved over time during Legion:

For the remainder of the war against the Legion, the hostilities between the Horde and Alliance ceased, and the night elves and blood elves even put their hostilities aside in order to aid the nightfallen rebellion to liberate Suramar City from Elisande and the Legion.

Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner feared that the Alliance would use it to build powerful weapons, […] She thus preemptively struck by launching a campaign to capture the World Tree Teldrassil

While before it is mentioned how both sides were entering minor skirmishes in Silithus, this is essentially what started the war


why would I trust the warcraft wiki’s fan-written summary when I can just read Before the Storm and get Anduin’s own words on it:-

“Do not mistake this for an offer of peace.”

why would he say that if they were at peace and not at war

Because a lack of a direct war does not equal a lasting peace, and minor skirmishes were happening for a while. In general the situation was so tense that an action like the Gathering, by itself, would not cease hostilities.

Anduin is fully aware that the Gathering will not mend the ongoing rift between the Alliance and the Horde.

Plus he wanted to be kidnapped by goth mommy n.3, so I am like, 69% certain that what we read there was just foreplay in his mind.

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As we have told Desartin many times when he’s been in our prison cells after being kidnapped from the battlefield and cough (maybe Hearthglen) it is obviously the ALLIANCE who are the worst faction!


I am just wondering; I know the hill Elenthas is deciding to die on, which is all fine and stuff…

But does Blizzard consider Stormheim the actual start of War between the Horde and Alliance and the ensuing War of Thorns and 4th War? Because we all know, that when logic points to one thing, Blizzard usually means another!

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Because the two factions have a history of open warfare, skirmishes fought even in times of peace and nothing but distrust between the Forsaken and humanity. In the Arathi Highlands there were probably still on-going skirmishes between the Defilers and the Alliance.

One war against the Legion doesn’t simply erase all of that, for a meeting such as this everyone will be at odds and we saw as much at the actual Gathering with only a handful being willing to attend it. But this was still a time of peace and rebuilding on Azeroth.

Even Anduin had suspicions that Sylvanas betrayed the Alliance at the Broken Shore.

Genn’s actions didn’t start a war.

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So trying to assassinate the Horde faction leader didn’t start a war and killing a bunch of civilians also didn’t start a war.

Sure is wild how much the Alliance can get away with while still being at peace huh (they’re not at peace).

The Stormheim questline is used by diehard Horde fans as a moment in which the Alliance did an oopsie (which is frankly more a technical oopsie than a substantial one, seeing how they saved a group of people from being forcefully enslaved) and paint its consequences as more far-reaching than they actually were.

As far as I know it is never acknowledged as the moment which ignited the war and is pretty much a self-contained storyline.

The Fourth War ‘started’ when the Horde began its assault on the Kaldorei in Ashenvale.

Sylvanas started that war. She started the Fourth War, and Blizzard were pretty determined in showing that with her clandestine maneuvering of troops. She marched into Ashenvale to start it, she started it and the Fourth War began. If you’re wondering if Sylvanas started the Fourth War? Yes, absolutely. And there’s nothing wrong with that narratively.

Genn Greymane’s attack on the Forsaken in Stormheim was a continuation of the struggle between the Forsaken and Gilneans during the Cataclysm, and he only did it because Varian Wrynn wasn’t there to stay his hand / he had died because, in the eyes of the Alliance, the Horde had failed them at the Broken Shore.

I get where Elenthas is arguing from and if I was the Horde I would’ve declared war on the Alliance after something like that, but I guess cooler heads prevailed in the face of the Legion. But there’s no mention of the attack in the build-up to Battle For Azeroth as far as I know, and I think Sylvanas just kind of owned that whole ordeal as “business as usual” / “okay im not gonna cry about it because i was doing some shady stuff too”.

Sylvanas still started the Fourth War, because there was no state of war between the Horde and the Alliance before that. Call that “technically correct” all you like.


So in other words, the narrative forgave the Alliance’s actions even as they provoked the Horde?

Wonder if that concept has cropped up before in this thread at all as some sort of a double standard.

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Just as the Horde was forgiven a thousand times, let’s not pretend this has not happened.

I get what you’re trying to do but it comes across as very child-like and prickly rather than insightful and cunning, which I think is what you wanted to do.


Huh. Guess if even Genn and Sylvanas’ forces fighting through an entire expansion didn’t count as a new war breaking out then a bunch of role-players in a skirmish won’t threaten any armistice either.

Good call.

Cool story, but:
Stormshield Guard 1 says: The Horde is growing bolder every day. They attacked another one of our outposts this morning.
Stormshield Guard 2 says: Did those mongrels forget that we’re supposed to have a treaty?
Stormshield Guard 1 says: It looks that way. I think they fear that if we do find the artifact, we’ll end up using it against them.

Horde attacked Alliance on Ashran, breaking the post-MoP peace.

The narrative doesn’t leave Horde actions to be forgotten - they’re brought up constantly. “Forgiven” is not the same as “forgotten”, and you know that.

What counts as a war almost as nebulous as what counts as a war crime on Azeroth.

So Vol’jin started the war, not Sylvanas. :slight_smile:


Horde did, yes.