Alliance vs Horde: Which one is the worst according to you?

Sylvanas never unlocked Maw mounts.

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This is the big thing.

By what we are shown in Shadowlands, many of the souls sent there directly by her (many of the Darnassus civilians) are already gone. Completely. Either broken and turned into weapons used by the Mawsworn beyond repair or literally obliterated from existence due to torment (We got at least one fully confirmed darnassian elf this happened to).

There is no fixing that. And it would be a complete mockery of those lost so completely that they no longer even exist in the afterlife to let her simply return after like 3 years and be sad about it.


They don’t? Nice! I never personally noticed a non-red eyed Darkfallen(well except Death Knights, I suppose!)

Lol. Lmao.

The only unique aspect of Sylvanas really is that she actually got punished for it and lived, you mean?

Which, lets be honest, apart from it being a stupid rule that time floes differently everywhere… Is not something I would care about if she suddenly returned after 5 years, proclaims she suffered her janitorial job for 5000 years and she deserves a chance now.

Bro killed my mother 5 years ago and you think I am ready to accept your sorry behind back? Lmao, get out.

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The biggest brain ouch with this is still the Legion.

Because if the multiverse worked as Blizzard claims(and wants it to be) then all life would cease to exist immediately. Right this second. As there would be an infinite possibility that somewhere in an infinite reality, anyone became a demon.

And demons transcend all realities and essentially merge/removes their other alternate versions.


San’layn and Dar’Khan are the most notable Darkfallen to not have red eyes outside of the death knights.

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Says the faction who, before imprisoning him, shot him and looted ( some of) his stuff and also tried to turn him into a spy :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry my small friends in green, but clearly the Horde are the worst!

Death doesn’t even really count as a punishment tbh. Just look at Vashj. She assisted in the enslaving of Outland and theft of its water, only to die unceremoniously. Her “punishment”? Getting to enjoy fighting forever, something she apparently enjoys quite a bit. Ain’t any justice beyond the Veil.



This is one of those things in lore that I just outright decide to ignore because I don´t think people who were writing Shadowlands were capable of grasping the sheer horror of immortal soul being destroyed and as such, the story they created and are creating is never going to reflect that.

Just like Legion transcending all realities, souls getting randomly destroyed to fuel stuff is one of those lore pieces where if you don´t tune it out, you´re going to have pointless headaches about this low to mid quality MMORPG story.


Darn it, I honestly keep forgetting Death is like a second chance on life, but better in this setting.

Fml I hate Shadowlands and will never stop hating it!

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We were also, as players, utterly ROBBED with Maldraxxus. Maldraxxus, as a zone, is supposed to be this GIANT abomination that beings just happen to inhabit. That’s such a cool visual that it SUCKS we get no real sign of that outside of being able to skin the zone of it’s warts.


Its only a touch worse than being assigned by an emotionless robot to either Scourgeland where you’d be slaughtered and grafted onto an abomination’s back or funneled into Bastion and then repurposed as fuel for a golem.

Damn I love that characters who were soldiers with a sense of duty could potentially end up like the above just so the afterlife can keep functioning!


Blizzard unintentionally generating hellscapes despite shouting “they’re good actually” sums up Shadowlands too well.


Just want to reiterate:

Alliance = Good.
Horde = Bad.

Blue, and red allies, are good, just red is dead.

That goes in the book as an insult to both the Stormpike Clan and Stromgarde.

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Dont know what you’re talking about :innocent:

This in particular is just plain weird.

Revendreth with its highly catholic sins and extremely arbitrary punishments for the slightest petty transgressions has the potential to be interesting as souls are judged at least somewhat by the conditions and standards of their societies (your heart wasn’t 100% into your warrior culture, you were unprofessionally biased at work etc) while others are punished severely for being mildly unpleasant or just incompetent.

But then you have Vashj who is established as a villain involved in Illidan’s big ego scheme and apparently faced heavy metal zombie afterlife by some cosmic Mr. Torgue quotient. Her response to Kael’thas about that is basically “git gud”.

There’s inconsistency large enough to fit a celestial body. At least it aligns with Garrosh being punished as not just a tyrant but a failure. Were he more successful, he’d be Maldraxxi material.


Especially dumb because all her war activities the players know about were ones she did alongside Kael, so she+him had basically identical successes/failures (except Kael also had a few more successes under his belt, which makes it worse).

Just more Shadowlands stupidity. Glad we left the status quo mostly in place!


They both made decidedly mid (tier) raid bosses and my obsessive, self destructive attachment to worldbuilding demands an example out of Revendreth’s list of Sins and legalese that allowed Vasjh to squeak through.

But no, the most we have is that the robot the cosmic spirits built to sort all the soul mail put the snake lady where she’d thrive by way of some inscrutable “Purpose”.

Speaking of which, Oribos’ attendants treating the sorting machine’s hangups as divine command should’ve been shaken to their core when she disintegrated and got replaced. I still hold to my idea that they’re domesticated devourers who should’ve gone feral.

These are undoubtedly the same type of creatures.


It gets worse.

Garrosh goes from claiming that goblins aren’t allowed inside Grommash Hold to reading the message from Thrall and then claiming he has already put other goblins to work in Azshara, all within the span between the quest progress message and the quest completion message.

If we take that at face value, and we shouldn’t, all that ridiculous, impossible terraforming happened within the span of a couple seconds.

It’s very obvious that Cataclysm was a Frankenstein’s monster sewn together from the efforts of multiple quest teams that had next to no communication with each other.

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Sure it sounds ridiculous but they’ve got Terraforming-in-a-Box so…