[Alliance] Worgen and Naga Allied Races

I’ve wanted to play as a Naga since OG TBC.

Looks like the dude who designed the Naga explained a way to have it so they can mount.

Transformation just like the Worgen.


The Naga joins Horde.

You can have your Beast Men.

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Oh no, the alliance can’t have something you want badly as that might lead you to switch to it and help even that awful number disparity :wink: :wink:

But seriously, if they were playable, would you play alliance?

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Once upon a time this Orc used to be a Human.

Edit: Maybe…

Nagas look sicks

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Hang on. That’s giving Alliance essentially four races? Some sort of Botani/Ardenweald mash-up, Furbolg, Saberon and Arrakoa.

Demon Hunter makes no sense for any of those, though the other classes could theoretically make sense, yes. Demon Hunter -only- makes sense for Night Elves and Blood Elves.

And then a Fifth. Naga.

Does that sound balanced to you?

So What Five races are the Horde getting? I mean I wouldn’t say no to Gnolls, revamped Kobolds(problem there being they would be too similar to Vulpera) Centaur’s and so on, but this does look a lot like trying to get five new Allied races for the Alliance, without considering the balance problems.

Also with regards the ‘Sea Elves’ idea, why not just Naga? They don’t need a ‘humanoid’ form. If they want to ride a mount, they can sit in a saddle and coil their tail around it’s underneath to keep themselves in place, we know the Naga have muscles in their tails, they should do, they use them to swim.

How would the arms situation work? Female Naga by large tend to have four arms. Have you considered the ramifications of say, a Fury Spec Female Naga Warrior? Wielding four weapons at once. I mean don’t get me wrong, I’d roll one in a heartbeat, because I do love me some ‘General Grievous’ look, but that isn’t exactly a balanced race. The Implication would also be that they learned how to overthrow the power of an Old God, which even Aszhara couldn’t do, thereby making a starting character of that race intrinsically more powerful than Aszhara, which is a really dodgy precedent to set.

Also DH makes no sense for them. This just sounds a lot like wanting more Alliance DH races. Alliance has one, Horde has one, which are the only two that make sense… Let’s leave it at that.

I kinda have to agree here. We have 4 Elven races, and of those 4, 2 have a unique class that only they can play. It really is better to try and think of newer ideas to give a bit more ‘oomph’ to the Alliance than just ‘more Elves’.

I mean it’s pretty artwork, but it is also trying to shoehorn five new races into the Alliance, which I’m not sure is a viable concept.

There’s only really three. Stormwind Human. Gilnean (But really they’re Worgen, if you want to play an unafflicted Gilnean, as I do, you roll Human) and Kul Tiran. That’s it. Anyone saying Forsaken are a Human race is just mental.

Night Elves already got an ‘Allied Race’. The Nightborne, just that they’re on the other Faction, in exactly the same way that Blood Elves got an ‘Allied Race’, the Void Elves, just that they’re on the other Faction.

The Alliance need something more unique. Stop trying to tie it all in to Elves. You want Arrakoa? Fine, just say so, Horde can have Gnolls. You want Naga? OK, it doesn’t make much sense, but cool, Horde can have Centaur…

Better to be the pity Faction and have to suck it up when Horde only player mock you eh?

Given that I already play both factions, sure, I’d hecka play a Naga. Doesn’t bother me none which faction they’re on, I’m a Roleplayer, I can play the ‘bad guys’ to whoever are the ‘good guys’.

So? Technically it’s one race if they say it is, it’s really a forest based animal parts modified night elf that instead can have a choice of it’s transformed form.

I think the lure is that it feels like having four races, but it’s only one. It’s like the druid class for races really. They kinda need to pull some true aces out of the hat for world of warcrat, and especially the alliance, the state is awful

Anyway, the horde isn’t left behind either

i feel those would be pretty exciting too.

See above. But also it’s disturbing if you keep thinking that if someone proposing something good for the alliance, it’s unfair because they haven’t mentioned something for the horde. I very much doubt people who suggest something good for an area or group they are focused in don’t mean the other group to have something. they are just not focused on that for their topic.

I always find it weird when people come against good suggestions from fans for whatever cause they are writing about, and go… "that’s unfair, what about “warriors” or what about “the alliance” or what about the horde - what about raids…? when the poor fan was just wanting to talk about what they liked. Those disruptors should go make topics about the things they want rather than drag the poor fan and quench their creative fire and enthusiasm just because the fan (not a developer) isn’t catering to all the other aspects of the game too in their topic.

Can’t expect people to make a suggestion for everyone when they have an idea for their group. And it just because they suggest something really cool, doesn’t mean that other races or classes or factions or parts of the game not mentioned won’t get something either.

Currently though, the alliance needs some really exciting stuff regardless of what the horde get, it’s really dying. We know that. It’s okay and necessary for them to get truly extraordinary stuff, and this is regardless of what the horde will get. Just because I don’t mention what the horde will get doesn’t mean i don’t want them to get something nor does it mean they won’t, it’s just not my area I’m dealing with here.

I don’t understand this either, it seems fan contrived, we have nightborne and void elves because they are the sub races for night elves and blood elves, every other race got one so far except Forsaken, worgen and Pandas, this idea will certainly fill the worgen sub race slot for sure, if they were human that would bring the human related race tally to 6 (stands at 5 atm)…but that’s irrelevant. Whether several races are elven, human or orcish each is treated as their own race. Not my place to fix those balance issues or suggest for the horde or forsaken (another human based race) what they should get just to appease a disgruntled horde fan replier sick of elves on a topic for alliance races.

I also don’t understand why people should be surprised if elves get more, they are the most popular races. and blood elves did not get more allied races than anyone else, nor did night elves, at least not yet. However if there popularity can be made to make races like Naga and beastmen more popular, then they should.

those who don’t like elves in this example can stay in beastman form or naga form and focus on the fantasy that is based on the naga or the beastman.

Technically beastman is a the worgen allied race, it’s more appropriate for this mechanic that the humanoid form is night elven based, and it would aid it’s popularity. Should it be human yet again when the concept is night elven based and we already have 5 human based races?. It’s okay for more races to have human, night elven, undead or orcish connections, they’re bigger races both in the lore and by popularity.

Secondly, this is the alliance, and they tend to like elves more - notice most of the elf haters are from the horde crowd and are often directed at the large amount of blood elves, alliance members are happy to have more elf based stuff.

Besides it doesn’t go by that, Naga are popular , and they are a night elf off shoot, that hasn’t stopped it’s popularity, some would hate them as they hate elves, that shouldn’t stop blizzard from doing something attractive or desired… just because it’s elven connection

That’s just silly fan prejudice…but it’s most prevalent on forums when people complain they don’t get attention, yet ignore all the changes they get, because the truth is, they’re likely just sick of hearing elf fans go on.

blizzard should focus on doing tings that are really good and popular… that will boos their game, I think these are, if you scrap them or change them because they are elf based to please a tiny disgruntled minority, you risk putting of and diminishing the attractive value to the vast majority who love this thing .

We have always had elf haters, and they will always come on posts like this and say elves have too much or some other excuse because they just hate you. That’s why other races exist, and we know blizzard has given stuff to other races, and humans and orcs, and undead Sylvanas are the pet favourites.

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So Surely that is just basically a second version of the Druid Class, but one that is exclusively Alliance?

But with iconic races that aren’t achievable on Horde, you see what I’m getting at here? It’s asking to have, as Night Elves, Druid 1.0, Druid 2.0 and Druid 3.0.

Don’t you see how damaging that would be to those people who only play Alliance? Any time someone who only plays Horde mocks them for being a charity case they’d just have to take it. They’d have no comeback. Because there is no comeback.

By definition it is?

Ogres would be awful, and are not as popular as Alliance only fans keep telling us they are. Mok’nathal are at this time utterly pointless, now that we have Mag’gar (Cheers Blizz, a customisation disguised as an Allied Race)
Nobody want’s freaking more Undead apart from Americans who haven’t got their Twilight fix, and the only one interesting there is Mogu. Who really hate the Horde, and have no reason to sign up. I mean they -really- hate the Horde, probably more than they hate the Alliance. They also hate everyone. That’s like “We want cool stuff, have stuff you don’t want, and stuff that hates you”


You say ‘disturbing’ I hear ‘balanced’.

That’s the thing. It’s -not- weird. It’s human nature, and we are all human beings. “We want this cool stuff, and you can have…err this?” “Did anyone ask if we wanted that?” It is like the Nightborne scenario all over again. You have people actually claiming that Horde were clamouring to have Nightborne. No they weren’t. Nobody expressed interest in that, or even thought it was a possibility at the time, just give it two years, in fact, you don’t even need to, people are already claiming it “Horde wanted Nightborne and Horde got Nightborne!” Uhh, no, that never happened, that literally (In the correct sense of using the word literally) never happened.

So people often misread the situation, and make stuff up. Which is where you can get mad stuff arising.

But the thing is, that is a self manufactured situation, and no, it isn’t OK and necessary, it would be unfair and imbalanced. That’s not OK…

Forsaken are not a human race. They are Undead. They are sentient and sapient zombies. Once they were human, they are no longer human. This is like insisting that we class Kaldorei, Shal’dorei, Sin’dorei and Ren’dorei as Troll races.

Thing is, you state your request is for Worgen and Naga Allied races. But it isn’t, is it? If you’re being honest. It is ‘More stuff for Night Elves’
Both of those concepts are tied to Night Elves.

  1. not 5. Human. Worgen. Kul Tiran.

No actually, it looks the other way around…

I think we know why that is, and it is not healthy…

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Damaging? Where you see damage, others see exciting and different. IF a druid is not your cup of tea don’t play it, and if the beastman isn’t yours don’t play it.

You can’t shift between different beastman forms, you pick one - like the worgen, but unlike the worgen youcan choose to fight in your elf form or beastman form at will, because the night elf form is not identical to the night elf like the worgen’s human form is.

Stop comparing to the horde, the horde will get exciting options too, you are simply playing devil’s advocate on the premise of this isn’t fair to the horde -when you have no idea what the horde is getting and you have eto factor in your opinion is subjective too on what is appealing.

You may like this a lot and covet it or similar for the horde, others may, and if it’s actually a bit too good for the alliance, maybe that’s a good thing for the alliance to have a race or two that have the edge over the horde for a change, I’m sure their numbers need the boost.

Again, subjective opinion, it’s not fun for you, just because you may not like an option doesn’t mean others wouldn’t. Head over to the Horde page, the ogre suggestion is actually a double race in one, it’s both ogres and Mok’nathal presented as mok’nathal and elimating the ened to have an "official"ogre allowing you to get away with a smaller identical looking version under a different name in addition to what you originally thought was Mok’nathal

  1. These are all suggestions too, on both sides, this topic only address a proposal for the alliance, the horde version is not a certain counterpart. As mentioned earlier, I am sure the horde would get something cool too. For some people, it may not be as cool as the alliance (this is fine, the alliance need it anyway) for others it may be cooler than what they alliance get (this is also fine, they’ll be happy)

The aim of this post is not to present a balanced proposal, you can’t expect everyone who makes a suggestion for a group they love to then come up with a counter suggestion for the other side…

  1. They would not do a good job, because that’s not what they are passionate about, it’s better if someone who was passionate about the other side did that in a separate topic

  2. They don’t need to since their topic is not about what the other side get, whether it’s the other faction or the other races or the other classes or the other game features.

It is not hey I 'm a a designer therefore I am obligated to provide options for everyone when I suggest something. These are desires, fantasies, ideas, hopes coming from fans for what they like. Don’t criticise them purely because they are not expanding their topic to cover the other side. They don’t have an obligation too, and they won’t do it to a level that will satisfy you who may be a fan of that side and possibly capable of coming up with something far more desirable for yourself or for your side. Which if you do, you should make a topic about it.

When you do I ams ure you would appreciate people commenting about what you did rather than the other class or race or faction you had no interest in and weren’t writing about.

Human being s are also intelligent too, wha mightappear as nature, can be unlearned or relearned. If you’ve gotten into the habit of expecting a fan to be a designer with every suggestion they make and obligate them to do the same for the entire game, then get out of that "human nature "desire or at least applly your brain muscle and realise that it’s not on them to doso even if it has become a tradition on forums like this to do such things.

it is unreasonable to suggest this of them when they are only writing about what they are passionate about. it’s the actual paid and real developers job t go okay, if this idea is reall cool for the alliance, let’s do something cool for the horde and come up with something.

But i can guarantee you, whatever they come up with, people are going to view the grass on the other side as green, and sometimes it would be that more people will view one side’s addition as cooler than the other. Is this not what happened with Draenei and blood elves? This happens too. you can’t please everyone.

Try to do the best you can all the time, and no one should be afraid of doing something cool for the alliance or suggesting it, so please don’t go intimidating those who suggest it by demanding they provide something for the horde, then falling down heavily on them if it doesn’t measure up to your standard of cool or is not as cool as you feel their idea for the alliance was.

Manufacturing a need or demand for a poster to prrovide for the the other side is even more contrived. They are under no obligation too, they are free to make a topic about what they want, you can’t go criticsiing their ideas because they didn’t do the same for the other side.

It is what I think will be cool for the alliance, which is why I am suggesting it. Why would it matter to you as a player that is well known for liking the horde and horde elves in particular and criticising or opposing the vast majority of alliance suggestions, especially ones that concern elves?

Yeh I like Night elves, they are not the only race I like, but guess what, I like naga too, a race based off night elves, and love the druidic nature type beastman that started with the worgen, also tied to night elves though it used humans.

For me, it will come naturally to propose things I find cool. It’s great if you find them cool, but if you are opposing them because you really like them and they are not proposed for your faction, then be at least honest about it.

Your problem is not with the idea, it’s because it’s on the alliance, because you are feeling this is unfair to the horde as your main argument, and the horde has not figured in this discussion at all. This is not about what the horde should get or could get, it’s about cool things for the alliance regardless of what the horde gets, whether it’s cool to you or not cool to you, or cool to me or not cool to me.

Human, Kul’tiran, Forsaken, Worgen + Gilnean human (simply because you count the transformed race as a another race). And 6 when the inevitable forsaken allied race (likely Lightforged undead) will come.

How do you figure that?

There might be a higher volume of vocal elf supporters on the horde: but this is because horde elf fans a re a lot more active, and the engaged gaming community has a massive horde majority - so it may appear like it looks the other way round.

The horde also has the biggest amount of elf opposers, hating the blood elves for flooding the faction to.

Meanwhile on the alliance you may have much smaller numbers engaged, but across the board you have a much higher percentage throughout the faction liking and desiring elves, even though they may also like other races more… Night elf players were certainly not the only ones asking for high elves on the alliance. and all the alliance players wanted improvements to night elves. Well nearly all, even though their total number is dwarfed by the horde - which is exactly the problem that warrants cool stuff that horde elf majority may like coming to the alliance in cooler ways, because hopefully it may attract them to switch over evening out the number imbalance a bit.

it doesn’t mean horde won’t also get cool races, but maybe not quite as many of the type the large horde elf crowd might go ape over, and this might be a good idea for them to be more attracted to an alliance set of races. It would be the smart move to help encourage or entice migration.

It definitely isn’t.

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Why does every Race HAVE to have an Allied Race associated with it…?

Strictly speaking, both the Forsaken AND The Worgen are (predominantly, in the case of the Forsaken) Humans that suffered side-effects of some unnatural affliction. OK, death is mostly natural, but resurrection to Undeath isn’t).

Naga, on the other hand, are an (unnatural?) evolutionary branch of Elves… just as the Jinyu are to Murlocs; but in the case of Jinyu it’s for the better.

what about Tuskar and gild goblins ?
and Orgs
leper gnomes or undead gnomes what serves forsaken …
undead night elves seen in broken shore
drow/dark elf
forest elf
snow elf

Tuskar (walrus people)…? Pass.
Gilgoblins - as seen in Vashj’ir…? I’d say evolutionary mutation of Goblins (Goblins with gills, like fish?).

fel elfs outside Suramar - Nightfallen? Simple - Nightborne, deprived of the Nightwell.
leper gnome ? Irradiated Gnomes from Gnomeregan; thank the Troggs…

All Elves evolved from Trolls, way before the Warcraft Universe was made into games.

Where, specifically…? … or do you mean ghosts of fallen soldiers?

u letterly kill night elfs and ressurect them as undead on horde side as a quest :stuck_out_tongue:

Problem is what you and most people see in allied races isn’t what blizzard saw in them.

You see an opportunity to add cool races that somewhat relate to the existing ones.
Blizzard saw it as a buzz word to promote BFA with reskinned models that require minimum investment. This is why allied races mostly failed.

And before someone says I’m wrong, think about it. The allied races that did succeed are either faction swaps or ones that by some miracle went a bit extra beyond just recoloring existing races.

Hell yeah, I asked for this mid bfa when I played WoD for first time.

Also, I just finished today the 4 first books of WoW, so I also know that one Arrakoa allied with the Alliance during the first expedition to Draenor.

id take the sea elves ONLY if QUEEN azshara joins with us

walks in I want Naga walks out


You seem to think I don’t already have a Druid, in fact three of them, one indeed who is a Kaldorei one (really need to level that boy up from BfA to Shadowlands turf.)

Yes, but you’re missing the point. That’s still essentially giving extra races. Just because they are default Night Elf, they can still permanently be X race if they choose. You want to play as an Arrakoa? You can, you want to play as a Saberon, you can, you want to play as a Furbolg, you can, you want to play as a Naga? You can, you want to play as a Worgen with a Night Elf form (Despite being able to already play a Worgen being a thing, so this isn’t any extra) you can. Now the one good point you do make there, is that they would have the option to fight in one form or the other, which currently Worgen do not, but should have.

Says who?

But nor do you, that’s the point. we have no idea if -anyone- is getting something, and seem to be under the impression that anyone is getting anything.

But sure, let’s play devil’s advocate then, and let’s talk about the races, because that is what you’re really talking about here, rather than a second Night Elf Iteration. (I hope.)

I can see Alliance getting Arrakoa. Personally, the wingless Arrakoa would make sense more for Alliance. the Flighted ones have more in common with the Horde, specifically with Shal’dorei and especially Sin’dorei. Saberon are weird for either. They don’t really fit either, but as such, that is no reason for Alliance not to get them, because there is no compelling reason for Horde to get them either.
Furbolg? Definitely Alliance, we have seen they can play nicely with both Kaldorei, in Ashenvale, and with the Draenei, who are freakin’ -Aliens- on Azuremyst Isle. They have never really built up a connection with the Horde in a similar way.
Naga? Alliance? For real? No. There is one playable race they have a connection with, which is Blood Elves. Even assuming we’re talking an anti-Ashzara group of them, they are still far more likely to go Horde because of the past connection with Blood Elves.

I think we called that period WoW up till Cata. Alliance had the edge then. Don’t blame the Horde playerbase for the Raid imbalance, that’s entirely down to those people who jumped ship from Alliance, even when their racials were (as they are now) better than Horde ones.

So basically a bigger Orc. I mean, that’s all Rexxar is. a bigger Orc.

So why complain about a counterargument? Did you just want posts saying “Oh yes, that’s awesome” “Oh yes, that’s awesome”

And? Are you implying that I should have an obligation to not criticise things I can see flaws in? Christ, God knows I’ve criticised enough Horde threads about Ogres and bloody San’layn, and red eyed Blood Elves because those things make no sense either. Stop trying to make this about me criticising Alliance suggestions, when the truth of the matter is that I criticise -any- suggestions that don’t make sense.

I would actually. Critique helps us to expand upon our ideas and gives us things to consider we had not just blindly expected to have people nod their heads at.

I’m probably not the best person to ask on that front, given that my Horde Main is a Blood Elf, and my Alliance Main is a Draenei.

So an echo chamber it is then? fair enough, you should have just said so. cool, I’d probably play a Naga.
Just be honest about it. There is nothing in that title that is truthful. There is no Worgen allied Race there. There are Night Elves who can turn into multiple other races. There is no Naga Allied race there. There are Night Elves who can turn into Naga.

You should have just not been so disingenuous and been honest about it. “I want two new versions of Night Elves, that can look like Four other Races” Then everyone would have known where they stood.

Here we go…I knew it wouldn’t take long. I don’t actually favour either side. I play both factions (Because who wouldn’t want the cool mount that comes from ‘Every story has two tales’ Achievement or whatever it was called). You’re making massive assumptions here, that I specifically favour Horde. I don’t, just that -some- Alliance posters are so bitterly opiniated that someone has to give the other side voice. I also don’t even favour Horde Elves. Don’t get me wrong, I like that Blizzard’s Blood Elves are more similar to Elves from our real life myth and legend than some Tolkein fluff that is part of the ‘Humans and pals’ club, but it doesn’t mean I specifically favour them.

Wouldn’t bother me. If something’s cool, I’ll play it. Faction is an utterly secondary and meaningless concern in that regard.

No, it really is, as I explained.

No it really isn’t, as I explained.

That was me pointing out the impracticalities of the implementation of the idea, that whilst the ideas of those things being playable, were indeed awesome (Not so much the Saberon and Furbolg, but Arrakoa and Naga heck yes), it was ultimately a fruitless discussion, because it is asking for Four Allied races to be shoehorned in, which we just know isn’t going to happen.

No. You are incorrect. Humans are obviously Human. Kul’tirans are inexplicably Human somehow, but we’ll let that slide. Worgen I’ll give you a half mark on. Gilnean Humans are Humans, not a separate race. Because they are just Humans. Forsaken are not a Human Race. Lightforged Undead, assuming Blizzard are utterly insane enough to try and implement such a thing, would also not class as Human.

So that’s actually 2 1/2 Human races playable. It is also not inevitable. This is starting to sound like the High Elf fans who predicted that High Elves would be coming and that it was definite for every year for the last three years…

Ah hah, there we go…

You want to put a band-aid over a gushing femoral artery wound, rather than actually addressing the wound. We don’t live in the times when you could only play one faction (Thank the Gods), so that isn’t going to fix the matter.
The other thing is, it has nothing to do with races looking more attractive. It -did- once, when you could only play one faction. It doesn’t anymore. It has to do with idiotic League tables and parasitic opportunists trying to min-max the game.

Shouldn’t exist in Lore. Blizzard said they were impossible, hence the Seventh Legion troops despatched to Pyrewood in Silverpine.

Nope, nope nope, hella nope!

So like, uhh…Farstriders then, and Sentinels? Yeah, Horde and Alliance both have those.

OK, I’ve done Tabletop RPG’s for about 35 years now. What the everliving heck is a Snow Elf?

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That was simply to tell you not every choice or development has to appeal to everyone. nor will it, that’s why you have more than one race and more than one class, more than one faction.

You are missing the point, this is not about playing all those races, it’s about playing one race. You choose which beastman you are going to be when you make your character, it’s not like the druid class where you can shift to 4 different types of animals at will.

You are either a Worgen, a bearman, an eagleman, or a cat man.

It is not within the scope of this topic to debate what the horde should or will get. There are other topics for that, and you’re free to make one.

how dare teh alliance get a race you like or want, simply how dare they. The alliance must never get something that appeals to horde players.

They must feel inferior to us and we should always be the best (as I perceive it), faction balance be screwed the horde must always have the features I like the most.

Yes, ofc it’s raid imbalance, it’s certainly not serenading the horde with the best versions of things alliance players really like, and surprised why they all switch horde.

Afterall, that’s exactly what drew you to the horde from the alliance you originally started playing :wink:

I think you should read what it says and contribute your thoughts there, I’m sure it will be happily discussed.

Did you not understand a word that was written? You are arguing this is unfair because the horde doesn’t get it… you don’t see how pointless such a statement is on a topic that is only topic about things for the alliance and not what the horde shoudl or shoudln’t get.

Stick to the context of the topic. What’s the point criticising someone’s idea for Blood elves because humans don’t get it or because orcs don’t get it? Or another’s idea for Rogues because Mages don’t get it?

Don’t see the problem there?

It’s not relevant critique. If the topic mentioned what the horde shoudl get and you weighed it in relation to how you felt their proposal for the horde was, then I might understand.

But the topic isn’t about what the horde should get it’s pointelss to criticise it for not mentioning it, or having a go at it because @the horde@ @the horde@ it’s nota bout the horde.

I’m not here to judge you, but are you really aware of what you are doing and syaying here. Comment within the scope of the topic. No point complaining about this because the Legion doesn’t get the same treatment, when no mention about theLegion or what the legion should have is been discussed here.

You can bring up what the horde can get if you want, but this isn’t about the horde shoudl or shouldn’t get. Are you understanding the point?

You may play both factions, it doesn’t mean you like them equally. You have a clear favourite. Playing a druid night elf or a draenei doesn’t necessarily mean you’d love to see them improve or even get better than your favourite blood elf.

nor does it mean you like the alliance to be better. Examine yourself, it’s not for me to judge you. I will point out my observations. Correct me if I’m wrong, prove it to others and yourself. Be honest.

That’s at least good to hear.

Then you didn’t explain it properly. All I heard is that the idea is problematic because of the horde doesn’t get anything

It apppears to me you are biased , very much so, you are unwilling t admit it, possibly even to yourself - it means something that you would think such a thing let alone write it.

Oh really, then why mention the horde?

@You can’t have four races in one, this is unfair tot he horde@ - is that not what you said? I had to point out to you, it is 1 race, not 4, and you can’t say something is unfair to the horde when what the horde should or should not get is not been discussed.

Is that hard to understand?

Undead forsaken are humans in a conditioned state of undeath, they are humans you are playing as another faction. Night elves and less elves because blood elves are on the horde and are a different race in character craation, they are still elves.

Worgen you play are also humans, tha thave a cursed state. You play this faction as a different race, but they are still humans or human based.

That’s 5 by my count.

It would be a good thing if the alliance races are attractive enough to get some horde players to s witch over wouldn’t it?

Unless you think the factions being more even isn’t a good thing as long as the horde remains clearly superior.

I’ll challenge you. You want me to make suggestions for the horde, but I know I wouldn’t do them justice… why don’t you give it a shot and write what you think would be good.

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