If you enjoy WPvP and play Alliance on any EU realm, you are invited to join the Alliance Defence Force (ADF) WPvP community. A place to group up with like minded gan… defenders, for zone defence - in particular World Quests and Flight Points, but also lowbie gank zones like Redridge.
You can join even if already in a guild, and you can join multiple communities. All WPvPers welcome. We have a lot of members, but always looking for the more active WPvPers.
Ey, there is no shortage of Horde, an endless job defending
Yep plenty Horde confirmed, just spent a long time defending our FP at the Terrace in Voldun. Lots of Horde. Rumours of their demise must be exageration
Just curious. What exactly is fun about waiting at a flightmaster for semi AFK horde to arrive so you can kill them in a 25+v1 fight? I mean i get that you have bad gear and are all probably fairly bad at the game and might have bad experiences with pvp (based this on looking at achievs). But isn’t it more entertaining to just get good instead of this crap where you get rewarded with microscopic amounts of honor and a seriously pathetic and fleeting sence of accomplishment?
I wm 99% of my game time. There’s no rating system for wm, nothing to tell you how good or bad I am in wpvp. This is a wpvp forum, not an arena forum. I’d love a rating system for wpvp, but there isn’t. To me, wpvp is the true pvp.
Yup, I need to learn better pvp, working on it. Does that mean I should not enjoy playing a game I pay for, in whatever way I choose?
I love all wpvp, from 1v1 to large raids. Different players will have their own reasons for what they do. For me, I love defending. If I do a random bg, often I’ll stay with the capture point. In wm, fps and wqs are equivalent to capture points. You control it for your faction, so that they can use it unhindered.
But more than that, in a raid, you hunger for a battle. Attack is fun too. However, there is often no opposing raid. You have to stimulate one, by gaining bounties in your group. Then horde arrive, and a fun battle.
All that and just why the heck not. It’s fun to go on the rampage. Anyone that turns on wm has opted in to be killed. Don’t care if questing, etc. You literally asked for it.
Don’t like it, you have lots of options. WM is all about choices and consequences. It’s not a fair 50/50 faction balanced bg or arena, with specific goals. WM is anything goes pvp, anything. Love it or leave it
I get the feeling, that sometimes it isn’t about getting easy honour points, but also the fun of just being part of a group - and that’s when someone becomes devoured by a group having fun
Exactly. I literally couldn’t care less about honor points. Was fun in Legion to grind up to Prestige 25, but I did that in random bgs. There was not enough WPvP happening for me in Legion to grind honor in WPvP. But for me, the point of honor points was removed in BfA.
However, in WPvP motivated to get conquest points. Need bounties! Less grindy though, because bounties and air drops are kinda random. Can stimulate them to happen tho.
But ye… fun. Whatever is fun for you… do that. Simple, and nothing wrong in it. Every player enabling wm made a choice, deal with it. Not fun? The player has several options. It’s up to them, not the player having fun.
There are different types of PvPer. The arena/bg type player don’t seem to understand war mode. Same for primarily pve players. Not all.
For example, I like to joke that Alliance don’t gank, we defend our interests. See, we are the good guys, and you are the bad guys in this game.
But… Alli are for sure outnumbered in wm eu. That extra bonus is the only faction balance stat that matters in wm. Horde have an advantage with lfg, it is their choice to use that advantage or not.
We neec conflict in wm… what use is an army without conflict hehe. Sometimes you have to make conflict happen. Therefore, the 25 kill quest. Suddenly, a more active alliance in wm.
But, advantages and disadvantages. Alli groups tend to be small parties. Raids can happen, but harder to form. Horde, have larger pool of wm players in lfg, and because no 25 kill quest, theoretically easier to form larger raid, and faster. Lots of variables. That mix, is all part of what makes wm awesome for wpvp.
Players doing it for rewards, well that’s their choice. WM is chaos. WM on is a choice. You literally request to be hunted into extinction hehe