Danking is the solution to ganking

There is no Blizz anti-ganking mechanism, hopefully never will be. They’ve had all these years to introduce it, never have.

It’s under player control to deal with ganking. Player decisions, on each side determine outcomes. That’s WPvP. Love it.

A player solution is to become a defensive anti-ganker, or Danker.

To those that complain about ganking, do something about it, be proactive. Open world WM is a lawless situation. You might be treated honourably, or not. Either do something about it, or suffer. You have choice.

Or maybe you just like defending. Protect our lowbies and civilian WM PvEers!

Ofc keep it fun.

Here’s a list of ideas for defending Alliance:

  1. We need your 120s in Lakeshire, Redridge. Horde are ganking our lowbies because 120 quests.
  2. Darkshire and Stranglethorn have intermittent ganking problem.
  3. In higher level zones, world quests and flight points often suffer ganking.
  4. Ask in local defence chat if anyone being ganked.
  5. Ask in guild/community chat, let friends know you’re available for danking.
  6. If you are being ganked, ask for help in local defence chat. You might not get it, but if a danker is near, they want to help you.
  7. Sometimes you have to be proactive, and dank a potential ganker before they get opportunity. Rogues for example should be danked on sight.

If you have more suggestions, I can add to the above. I don’t want danking to be boring, gotta be fun. Will best suit patient players that love defending.

Good to have locations with consistent PvP possibilties, like Redridge. With less ganked areas like Duskwood nearby, that you can reach quickly if needed.

Patience may be required. Can be hard to form danker LFG groups, do your best. Try to get danker pals for regular danking sessions. Join a WPvP community :smiling_face:

Alliance Defence Force WPvP community looking for Dankers:


my personal favorite solution to ganking

anking, hmm not sure about name
not as cool as original G-anker

this might be fun tho, make sure to fill up those salt shakers before u leave sw :wink:


An alternative name could be Danker, for “Defensive Anti-Ganker”. Or maybe for “WM/WPvP Anti-Ganker”, Wa… ah, never mind. Anker works pretty good. Short and simple.

HAHAHA!! Danker it is! :laughing:
fast! change the title!

cant wait to gank some dank dankers

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Hehe, good vid. Is it still possible to get your main in WM random sharding though? Whatever works, it’s all good danking!


A’ight, changed it to Danker. I admit, I partly preferred Anker to avoid having to change the title and post text, lazy git. But ye… Danker, like it. Ofc I checked for other meanings, but it’s a “Defensive Anti-Ganker” in WoW :stuck_out_tongue:

Be proud to be a Danker, Alliance needs you!


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Bring on the dankers😁


Here’s the song: Ganker by BrewGuy (who won a Blizzcon Best Fan Song contest around 2005-2006, I think)

Bit off topic but I really miss Blizzard rewarding the best Machinima and Fan songs out there at BlizzCons. That’s the stuff that built the community.


Someone write a Ganker Danker song please!

Lyric ideas…

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