Allied Race RP Hubs now fully open for everyone!

So, to those who wern’t aware yet, they’ve opened up all the the allied race starting hubs for everyone to be able to access! Also noticed they fixed the city teleporter in mechagon so you can access pretty much the full city interior for RP! Lots of opportunities for the RP community now! Anyone already hatching neat ideas?


Not heard anyone mention it, but I would be highly surprised if Telogrus didn’t get used in some capacity in the upcoming expansion. It’s always been a cool zone, there’s been a few small events hosted there before (by way of velf 'locks summoning others in), and it’s likely about to be more lore-relevant than it ever has.

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It is glorious news but the method they have done it was so half-planned and improvised that it looks like something added on a private/pirate server. They could have utilized the locations around Stormwind City to make it more fitting for the world, and design an area around it to have a thematic feeling for each teleport.

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Now, I can finally RP in Highmount-





… I got nothin’.


Am I able to RP in Suramar with my NElf Highborne finally?


I agree, for the Vindicaar and the Telogrus Rift at least.

For Shadowforge and Mechagon, it would be nicer if we could reach these places by traveling where they actually are and not enter an instanced version of them…


actually there’s a teleporter into the allied race hub Mechagon at the main rustbolt encampment on Mechagon Island so that’s technically a thing already!


I’m very curious to see how this goes.

First things that comes to mind is. Everyone wants to try new places. And eventually we’d break up again. Dividing roleplay :frowning:

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Reject your vile, fetid skin, creature of greed and explosives. It is only a small fee for fur and tail, and the only downside is that playing a vulpera may be a sort of gateway drug into the furry fandom.

A small price to pay for perfection.


Yes and no - consider Stormwind as it is, you’ve got civillians, militias, criminals, churchfolk, loyalists to various kingdoms and states, probably a whole bunch of other archetypes that you can focus on.

The church and civillians probably aren’t interested in Telogrus, only the draenei and maybe a few Argus veterans are going to be interested in the Vindicaar, there probably aren’t that many dark iron or mechagnome players to go to those zones, and if there are then it’s probably not some major decrease in the overall players in that zone.

I don’t think any long-term division is going to come of these locations being open, but what I do think they offer is interesting locales for campaign hubs, one-off events, small plotlines and so on.

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Dear Blizzard,

If you don’t give us an unoccupied Suramar in WW something bad is going to happen.


Big B


The whole city? Hell yea! Lets make it so!

Also make it neutral please!

What I think Tristion implies are wierdos who see a portal in game and assume it’s canon and they can just hang around Telogrus on any character, despite if I am correct, anyone else than velfs will lose their mind lorewise if they stay longer there. This I am afraid too. Or anyone ranomly hanging on Vindicaar and traveling to Argus like to a neighbour town…


“But Old Emma went to the Shadowlands, so-!”

-Visceral, final sounds-
Sorry, what? Oh, no, just the wind.


I can’t imagine that those individuals will stick around for long as people will either start to ignore them outright, or take their RP elsewhere. Bad RP has always happened, is still happening, and will always happen, but that doesn’t mean that we should fear new options or opportunities for roleplay. There are plenty of bad man’ari characters out there that just act like they’re normal draenei who caught a sunburn, but there’s also plenty who stick within the guidelines of being eternal social outcasts who only find solace in the most fringe pockets of society (or just continue to do evil antagonist things which is also cool)

There are plenty of bad vulpera characters - I’m not going to elaborate further on that, it’s not wholly relevant here and I’ve made the points before - but I’m glad they exist as a playable race even if certain players do certain things.

All of that to say, yeah there’s gonna be some cringey “WE’RE GOING ON HOLIDAY IN THE VINDICOACH” RP probably, but there’s also maybe gonna be some introspective draenei roleplay that takes a look at Azeroth from afar and leads to questions of what the future of the draenei is.


Vindicaar is hanging in orbit around Azeroth, though :smirk:

On a more serious note, I wish they had placed these portals in the Mage tower, same with the Cataclysm portals? Because now they’re just randomly throughout a, otherwise, perfectly viable piece of farmland/park in Stormwind city!

Ofcourse portals only to the ones that make sense, Shadowforge could have used a portal instead of a Mole Machine, and then they could added the Vindicaar drop pad in the spot where the Illidari used to hangout, or something?

The rift to Telogrus could’ve been placed within the basement of the Slaughtered Lamb?

Mechagon should’ve been an addition to the Deeprun Tram, ngl!

It’s a net positive for anyone frequenting Stormwind City anyway, we’ll see less of these Slice-of-Life dullards around the Lion’s Rest even for just one evening.

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My guild and I use certain locations on an OOC basis.
This means, we use Tyr’s hand as a base of operations (Headquarters) but we say it’s an island somewhere off the coast in Tirisfal.

Now-… For those certain locations-… It’ll be weird to pretent they’re elsewhere. So what you say. That they just hang around there, because it was easy to get too. That’s indeed what I meant.

I do hope that people are able to seperate themselves (during events or what so ever). Cause I can imagine it being a pain. :slight_smile:


Tucks shirt “Make it so, number one!”

You need to say it properly or just say “Engage”

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“To shreds you say?”