Allow Fire Elemental Totem to reset with other raid CDs

Sadly now, on sarth 3d and in any raid that wants to do parses, they stand around and wait for the CD’s anyway. It’s doing nothing but waste time for everybody.

Like earlier in my EoE 25 raid, somehow we all got hit by a massive arcane storm and whiped on 95%. I used fire elemental on pull, now I dont have it for the actualy kill, bye bye logs. It makes no damn sense.

Boss Parsing is simply a huge part of what people do in classic. And if you take it serious you wait for all big raid cds to come up (Lock infernals, shamy eles, army etc). So, for all people who are enjoying to play like this its just so frustrating. If you want to compete you simply have to do it, even if it isnt fun. And for all people who dont really care it simply has no downside. Heck, even for speedruns, where this change would be most impactfull, its still okay since everyone is on the same playingfield anyway.
On a side note i do not understand why people advocate for the glyph being required for it to reset. The glyph has a specific usecase, which are encounters lasting for over 5 minutes. Even if there are few in the whole of wotlk, there are many niche glyphs in this game that are barely used, no one would even notice. All in all noone would dislike this change, and some people will love it. It makes the game better period.

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Hey Please make Fire Ele reset after every boss thanks

Please Blizzard, make fire ele, together with the other 10 Minute CD spells reset. It wouldn’t hurt anyone, would it?

Please add it to the reset list.

This week is my week to “parse” in the guild.
Which litteraly means i have to hearth / portal to dalaran and queue for a skermish, then get summoned back to the next boss and repeat.

I feel like if rebirth (10 min CD) gets reset why shouldnt every other raid cooldown at 10 mins, glyph or not.

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i totally aggree ; +1

yes please

100% agree ( not a shaman)

This! Blizzard please take note

Fire ele is waaaaay too strong to get the reset treatment imo, it would turn enh shammy into more of a pet class than hunter or lock

+1 it should totally reset. We are again back in the situation where guilds stand there and wait for those cds to come up… isnt that what we tried to avoid? It will happen during Ulduar hard modes progression too no doubt. Blizz act or explain!

Fire ele is not “waaaaay too strong” it’s literally the only thing keeping shamans viable. Totem deals between 900 and 1300 DPS for a properly optimized shaman who makes sure to snapshot it on fights. Yet, shaman is not top dog on any boss nor on overall for the raid as a whole. Having both a warlock and a shaman, i can tell you, that it sure as hell doesn’t feel like a pet class as the elementals terrible AI already messes up on half the bosses, leaving it to run around hitting useless adds half the time. This change will not magically make shamans OP, it will just bring them stability from boss to boss. Doing zergtactics like sarth 3d on 10 man requires you to wait for 10 mins between pulls for shamans and warlocks to get their abilities back, cause every DPS matters. This is not fun, nor is it necessary.

bump for FeT

Bump, bump, bump!

And remove lust debuff from pets please.

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Made a thread on this when it was first announced and still they’re coming. Sad.

They never even provided an explanation for why these spells were left out. I just did a 10 man parse run today and hit 2 100s, only because I had fire elemental on those two, the other attempts where I had the elemetnal the group decided to whipe.
If they could just reply as to WHY it is like this, maybe it would be understandable.
Right now its just purebred frustration from every single parsing shaman.

Blizzard hates shamans

Chill, it’s not like they made an official post telling you to “just spec resto”.