Allow Nightborne to become Demon Hunters, please

Don’t you mean from the Light obsession to the Void? Mana isn’t specific for Paladins.

Oh sorry I meant going from bloodelves to voidelves hehe. If the bloodelf was a paladin then they should be allowed to become a voidelf paladin

Void elf Paladin: follow the light everyone! The Light is the right path!

Alleria: why are you even one of us?

How would that work though? I don’t think you can become infused with light AND void.

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Isn’t the very reason those who went to the Void went to the Void because they were seeking to use something apart from the Light to win against the Void?

What a tongue-twister… :stuck_out_tongue:


How would that work though? I don’t think you can become infused with light AND void.

It wouldn’t be the first time they did something that didn’t make sense, enough people would enjoy it to make it worth it and they can try justify it later like they did with Worgen / Goblin Death Knights.

Expanding on lore is a bit different than heavily retconning something. Although the whole “light and void can’t touch” thing is stupid anyway.

Elves and their Murloc friends. (Murloc DH exist) Just not for Players.
Edit: But I think it could be possible for blizz to make it for all elves at least for SL maybe or a later patch after SL.

Exactly. Besides, I agreed with the fact that it may not make sense, but merely because I found it fun, to say how good “Void Elf Paladin” sounds when saying it at least. As a way to call it; fan-fiction if the word is on the point. :smile:

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Would not object to this.

But you’ll open the floodgates of all the muppets that think Tauren and Gnome Demon Hunters should happen too.

Although…Demon Hunters already look ridiculous. Would it be any more ridiculous if a large cow or a tiny human could learn their arts?

I think eventually they may relax the rules to include other races like they did with DKs. However I don’t think it’s going to happen any time soon.

I have to say I do love the idea of a void elf demon hunter!!!

Ah okay, this getting used to this forum so the different types of replies is confusing, but thanks for trying to help, I’ll hopefully do it right in future hehe.

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The criteria should be, in my opinion, the ability to be agile, which the elves fulfill. I think the humans, goats, orcs and trolls would be able to fulfill it too.

I don’t want Demon Hunters to be humans, only elvish races



Void Elves descend from Blood elves, so should be able to be Demon hunters.

Draenei have shown ability to wield Fel, so simply give them erader aesthetics fort the Demon hunter class, like they have gave blood elves and night elves the scaled skin with the class.

High Mountain Taurens became demon hunters, so again Another race you could add DH Too.

Nightborne again, Showed abiltiy to be fully fleshed DHs so give them the ability to roll DH.

and on the notes of critism, Yes High Mountain Tauren could be considered “unable to be agile enough”… my simply response is how can they be monks if that statement was accurate :stuck_out_tongue:

Soon you’ll be an expert and quoting multiple people in one reply :wink:

Demon Hunters are just glorified warlocks.

So anyone that can be Warlocks and Warrior/Rogue should be able to be Demon Hunters too.

ROFL I bet I would look like some kind of Beyblade IF I was able to DH as Goblin. :rofl: :joy:

As I understand void and light do not work well together.

But maybe with some form of class skins where edgy palas follow the void instead of the light I can see it happen.

Goblin DK makes sense, Worgen not so much tough.