Allow Nightborne to become Demon Hunters, please

I want Kul Tiran DH with a jetpack!

Gnomes would make by far the most sense, they wont need much more than an imp to ritually fel infuse themselves and they’re plentiful.

I just want Nightborne DH so I can be the Felborne I’ve always dreamed of.
Also Belf DHs look absolutely horrid so a different option would be amazing

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just make it all elves can be demon hunter

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We don’t want/need anymore Demon hunter races.

I’d prefer if they left it as it is…

Lorewise there’s little reason for someone to go through a training regimen specifically to hunt demons now.
A training regimen which either outright kills you or turns you mad if you’re not of the lucky few that survive it.

Demons exist, sure. But they aren’t a world ending threat anymore. So I don’t see why anyone would become a Demon Hunter other than “It’s cool, therefore I want it.”

I’d definitely dig nightborne demon hunters.

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If nightborne come DH for horde.

Where for alliance too? I’m sure for void elf can DH.

Gnome DHs for alliance

Using the royal “we” wouldn’t help you much.

I would say a rift-blade would be more appropriate of a term. Imagine all the standard paladin skills, but void based instead.

This is no good chief.

Death Knights, Demon Hunters and Allied races are not going through Exiles Reach, appearantly.

if u have a paladin what uses void madic it is so called shadow priest we have that already …

There is a huge difference between paladins and priests.
Please read up on it before trying to sound cool or whatever it is you were trying to achieve…

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We already have the fel Tauren models at least. Those Feltotem Tauren in Highmountain.

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Hoo Bio, you are looking up to Asmond’ knowledge…
What next, you are taking lore lessons from Pyromancer?

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I think some people can’t think of their own opinion, so they can just say “even X thinks the same”. It’s sad, to be honest.

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It seems like you finally made up your mind on the answer.
But I am yet to see how the void helps that much my void elf Hunter aside from the temporary form.

Tell me the name of a void hunter.

I mean, said person changed their post about 6 times.

why we speak about paladins on a nightborne DH thread ?

Gnome demon hunters :slight_smile:

Yeah, Draenei makes a lot of sense, Shadowmoon Valley was home to many and Illidary had a lot of broken and Orcs in his ranks on the Black Temple.

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