Allow Nightborne to become Demon Hunters, please

will be so awsome gnome DHs they have smaller hitbox then Nelf Dhs …

For those who say it doesn’t make sense lorewise:

Felborne are a thing, i know they served the Legion, but it’s not far fetching to idealize that some of these Nightborne changed sides and decided to become Illidari by following Illidan’s path, after all it even makes sense thematically, as they’re castouts from their society, just like the other Demon Hunters.

As for the Void Elves, the race itself don’t have a whole lot of lore, but again, the few lore it have is that after all the events of Legion, a group of Blood Elves were trapped by Void Ethereals and turned into the Void elves, so, all the justification for Void Elf Demon Hunters you need here is that there was one or a few Demon Hunters among those Blood Elves.

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And Kul’Tiran Paladins too to balance things out.

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Nightborne demon hunters already exists in the game go look North Suramar you will find a group of Nightborne Demonhunters …

Afther defite of legion they are free from legion slavery and join horde as all other Nightborne boom playable Nightborne demon hunters …

Draenei/Orc or nothing.

Preferably nothing for the time being since there is literally no point whatsoever for anyone to undergo the necessary rituals now that the Legion is at least temporarily removed from any story relevance.

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For now* is more appropriate. Sargeras was defeated but not slain. Give it a few expansions and we’ll get mingled in with a lot more demonic shenanigans.

The illidari seems far too dedicated to their course to simply lie idle and wait, and I sure do believe that a lot of the individuals who were slighted by the Legion, would do anything in their power to ensure that it will never happen again. Said people would be very likely to either seek, or be recruited by the Illidari for training.

It’s already canon that the Illidari did recruit new elves, and there is nothing stopping Blizzard from having the character intro be in between Tomb of Sargaras and The Burning Throne timeline wise. Or you know, simply have it as I wrote earlier:

It’s remarkably easy, simple and straightforward, really.

As the illidari are from before the nightborne or the void elves joined either faction, I don’t think it’ll happen for lore reason. You’re not an elf who trained to become a demon hunter. In fact there’s nothing about being a demon hunter that is exclusive to elves.

In order for expanded demon hunters to happen, we’ll need some story development, like the one that allowed allied race dks to happen.

The Illidari literally recruited new Demon Hunters during the entire storyline of Legion. That during and after the Nightfallen rebellion.

90% certain the nightborne join the horde after Illidan disappears.

Did you ever play the Demon Hunter Class Order storyline?

Illidan literally didn’t return, ever. He left the Illidari entirely to the Slayer. His inclusion is completely irrelevant. Besides the obvious, the story of Illidan would most likely aspire fear and admiration.

I’m not saying Every Nightborne should be a Demon Hunter, just as not every Blood Elf or Night Elf is one. But it’s pretty darn’ logical for a few of the Nightborne who suffered greatly at the hands of the Legion, to undergo the same arc as the Blood Elves and Night Elves that has suffered similarly prior. Ariana Fireheart even trained new Illidari, and this is made glaringly obvious. It isn’t far fetched for some of them to have gotten in contact with her to train and sacrifice themselves for the betterment of Azeroth.

It’s thematically appropriate and fitting, and entirely canon too. We just don’t have the option as of yet. It would simply add to the customization of this game, and allow for more diversity.

I dont think blizzard acknowledge that nightborne exist, have you seen the sorry state of their models


I think the perfect time to introduce new race/class combinations (not just DHs) would be if they’re planning to do a world revamp in 10.0. Would be amazing!

Gonna have to agree, DH is really fun to play, but i really hope they “unlock” it so Non-Elves will be able to do it down the line (with appropriate Lore developments, obviously) like they did with Druid (Pretty easy to forget now that we have all these races with their own cool twists on the animal forms, but only NElves and Tauren used to be able to be them.) because variation is the spice of life and being limited to one race per factions is pretty glaring compared to the other Classes, especially with DKs getting the “EVERYONE CAN BE ONE” treatment (again).

The important thing though is that it should be justified and built up to and not just “Taran Zhu and GRANDMASTER forgot to destroy one of the Fel-corrupted brews, so now there are Half-Demon Pandas that have been trained by the Illidari off-screen after they drank it”.

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Temporary is the good keyword here, since it is very likely temporary.

I don’t see why the Illidari would not capitalize on the recent Legion defeat and bolster their forces for the inevitable future. Surely there must be some Nightborne out there with a desire for vengeance.

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