Allow twisting Seal of Command with Seal of Martyrdom

No it wasnt. 99% of pala players would like to seal twist agan in sod

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citation needed

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Absolutely not, what a terrible design

As long as hunters deal near 400 damage in a second and their pet another 340 in the meantime I say let thm have whatever they want. They should even give them old school reckoning.

Im tired already, blizzard ruined sod by not adding seal twisting

I don’t understand why people would want this absolute terribad “mechanic” to be with this thing too, especially when there are 3 more buttons more to push anyway. Pure masochism.

New phase is coming, sure thing blizzard is gonna introduce twisting this time.

Seal Twisting is a dog tier rotation. It has no skill at all, it’s just braindead following a WA.

What they should do is not absorb your seals upon judgement, and you change your seal once per the boss you may encounter; and give a variety of seal options like Wrath.

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Youre crazy.

Ret Paladin gets the most overpowered abilities in SOD, and you still ask for more.

Even in normal Classic my Paladin could oneshot top geared players in deep ret spec with the right procs, without seal twisting. (I never did because its obviously not intended and cheating)

You have a strike (which already is enough to move the class into a overpowered state), other insane abilities, and you still want to exploit seal twisting which was never meant to be a thing.

If anything the SOD paladin needs to be massively nerfed.

You people cant be helped. False paladins all.

Please don’t pollute the forum with your stupidity at least check your “facts” first. Retribution paladin is performing mediocre at best right now and he will continue to fall off compared to other dps especially since we already know most of the runes for next phase and ret pallys gain almost nothing.
Also it makes little sense to design a rune which gets outperformed by another rune in the same slot. At least make seal of martyrdom somewhat competitive.

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Who cares about PVE balance LOL. You are talking about 5 man classic wow dungeons. Not even a single raid in classic has any mechanics.

The hardest part about the “hardest” raid Naxxramas was knowing left and right or moving your character.

Obviously pve dps doesnt matter in this discussion, never did matter and never will. Nobody will ever look at your classic wow logs in the future whether you do the highest dps ever or not.

Nope we don’t want seal twisting

Who said pve dps doesn’t matter in this discussion? That is just your opinion. Also logs only compare your spec with your own spec so you can have good logs despite playing a bad class.

Also the fact remains that seal of martyrdom is just worse in almost every regard than divine storm. There might be a small niche where you can give your group a few mp5 with seal of martyrdom but so far that did not matter and I am pretty sure it will not matter in the future, since the amount of mana you give is so negligible even after the buff.

So I still think they should do something with seal of martyrdom to make it somewhat useful. It is kinda nonsense that divine storm is just better in aoe and single target dps. So maybe buff seal of martyrdom that it surpasses divine storm at least by a small margin in regards of single target dps. Seal twisting is just one tool they could use but there are many other ways to buff it.

I just did. Because it doesnt. Classic WoW is such an easy game, PvE dps will never matter.

Does it matter if you want to “speedrun” things, sure i guess. But again, no sane person will ever care about your times or look at your classic wow warcraft logs and be impressed. It doesnt matter. Youre not competing against anyone for anything, its meaningless.

No Classic WoW dungeon or raid will ever be difficult to an extent where dps matters.

PvP balance is important, PvE balance is completely meaningless.

Seal twisting where

No seal twisting please. It’s annoying.

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Add seal twisting pls, those dumb low iq guys can still play without it fine.

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there never was pvp balance, what are you smoking. any class with strong cc can destroy anyone in 1vs1 starting next phase. for example, rogue saps you, places mine under you, then death rays. congrats, you are dead, and he hasnt even used energy

PvP is pointless and i am offended that you think it matters.

Delusional person.