In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Alonsus in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
Hey everyone!
This is Pyronus. I was a Gnome Mage in the guild Ascendance on Alonsus, not during Vanilla, but during BC, WOTLK, CATA and a bit of MOP.
Over the last few months I’ve been contacting old guildmates to see if they have any interest in playing classic WoW. The response was so great that I decided to double my efforts. We’re at a point now where we’ve gathered about 50 people! Almost all of us were in Ascendance at some point during WoW.
It’s great reconnecting with old friends, but ofcourse a lot has changed over the years as well. Most of us can’t be hardcore like we used to be, basically we’re old now. Therefore we’re going into classic WoW very casually. That said, there are no plans for lvl 60 content. If enough people are up for it, something more serious might happen in the future.
Currently the goal is to get as many people from Ascendance (old and new) to classic WoW. Friends of Ascendance members or anyone that has ties with Ascendance are ofcourse welcome aswell! If you don’t intend to play classic WoW, but want to get in contact with old friends, that’s possible too! Just add Pyronus#2960 on Discord and I’ll get you sorted.
With kind regards,
Hey Pyronus!
I remember raiding with you in TBC. We did Magtheridon, SSC, Kael’Thas, Mount Hyjal and Black Temple while I was still playing. Really enjoyed it.
I don’t have access to my old account anymore but I used to be a Dranei Shaman, can’t remember the character’s name for the life of me, it’s been so long.
Had been thinking of giving WoW classic a spin as I really enjoyed the game back then and would love to group up with some old raid mates.
I remember a Gnome only guild called The Highland Banana Cult
I played a Really tall Gnome Paladin and was denied entry.
I feel like I have been grossly mistreated for my size.
I believe after 15 years I should finally be let in.
Make it happen PiePie
Hello yous,
I was a warlock called Celidon throughout vanilla and TBC, and then a resto druid called Ardei through WotLK.
If anyone from Xanadu is still alive, hit me up in classic! I’ll probably be playing a feral druid called Celidon.
Awesome Cotyc!
Add me on Battlenet (Altonative#21561) or Discord (Pyronus#2960) 
Qruze, Human Warrior… Been around since Vanilla but only got guilded during Wrath. Any ex Prodigy members about, or anyone who raided with us?
Hey Celidon / Ardei
Your names sound familiar.
I was with eXanadu during wotlk, played a warrior tank, Sinstar.
Hey all!
My old toon was a Night Elf Hunter named Leew on the Alonsus realm. I can not remember for the life of me the guild I was in for most of the time but it was a big guild packed full of nice people!
Some names I remember off the top of my head, Gruffydd - Human Warrior. Derwydd - Night Elf Druid. Giggzy - Human Warrior.
I was so useless back then (kinda am now!). Using a bloody defence gem in my shoulders and walking around like I knew what I was doing!
Anyway, hope to find some old players. Have fun!
I used to play on Alonsus right at the beginning of TBC. I had some friends IRL who were in Ascendance, nicks in game were Mal, Duo and Wass (or variations of these) anyway, as a little noob they let me tag in on some Ascendance raids. I’ve lost touch with these guys! I briefly was a member with this character. I raided Kara, Gruul, Mags and then a disastrous attempt at Tier 5 with me trying to ‘lock tank’ Leotheras made me bow out. I’ve (very) casually played ever since.
See you in-game!
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i played as male paladin on this server since launch till the end of TBC in ascendance.
Charc - Dredd + rogue Iccy
Remember - Raevin / Kelia / Ginar / Dasspaper / Halle / Buxton / Memoryjar sure there are more but cant think at present
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Several familiar names here
Both from Xanadu and Ascendance, mainly in WotlK. I plan on playing Classic in a more social manner. What server are you guys planning on playing?
PS. If someone sees Mala, please slap him from me.
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Hi My name was Braeburn i was a female warrior on Alonsus, does anyone remember me? i remember ascendance was a massive guild and they topped the game. I had loads of friends can’t remember all the names/guilds but great memories. Some of the names i remember were Stimpy, Mal, DarkOutlaw, Ssaskia. I also joined a guild which was made up of 3 brothers, we made a lot of other friends from all over the UK , EU & beyond. We raided, duelled & pvp’d. I remember a few of the names that have been put up here nice to see you all again.
My battle tag thing is Mulesy#2157, and I’ll most likely be playing on Shazzrah, alliance.
Sinstar and Hather, both of your names are familiar to me. Anyone who remembers me from Xanadu/eXanadu, reach out!
Awesome! Of those you mentioned we’ve got Ginar, Halle and Memoryjar 
You’re welcome to join us! PM me (see opening post) to get an invite to our Discord 
We are rolling on Golemagg as Alliance.
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Oh boy here we go.
I played Vanilla wow right up until the Pandas arrived then the game felt to easy and lost some of it’s charm so I left.
I was a guild leader for a pretty good raiding guild. First we were called Death’s Calling, then we changed the name to Wicked Truth.
My mains were a Human- Mage named Morva, and a Draenei- Priest named Angelice.
I remember we did a few raids with Ascendance but couldn’t rightly tell you any of their member names. 
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I started playing towards the end of Vanilla.
NE Hunter named Mewynd. I was first in an “all Italians” guild (I forgot the name though!) and then moved into a guild called Burning Crusaders.
I was Wolki as mostly a Dranei Priest in (e)Xanadu, only a low level paladin during classic though.
Currently not subscribed to be active on classic but will be keeping an eye on where you all land should i be tempted to come back soon.
Hey guys
I was guild master of Keepers of Chaos been playing since tbc and as with many guilds lost a lot of members due to real life ect.
I have a warrior called Handfull who was a tank through tbc and wrath and a priest called Meretseger who has pretty much only been holy.
Lost contact with a few over the years but if any old Keepers members want to catch up message me on Kauket in game.