Alt Character Loop

hey everyone!

i’ve a problem with classic. no, not with the game itself. it’s great. i’ve been playing since the launch.

the problem is: i’ve never managed to get even 40. i always make a character, level it to 25-30 and suddenly change my mind to play another class. i have two 19 warriors, one 32 mage, one 35 rogue, one 18 hunter and i even deleted two more characters around 17-18. i don’t have any reason to rush but i want to see endgame. now i can do all the quests in elwyn forest and loch modan without even looking the screen because i memorized all the way.

-i leveled a mage to 32: suddenly realized i don’t want to deal with mana and cloth looks super bad.

-i leveled a rogue to 35: suddenly realized i want my character to wear mail armor because it looks cool.

  • i leveled a warrior to 20: suddenly realized it’s a looong way to 60. and i’m sick and tired of doing same and same quests and dungeons.

-i leveled a hunter to 20: suddenly realized i want to level a class in high demand such as tank etc.

loop continues.

so, what is your suggestion? this is my first time playing classic. and i want to see endgame, raiding, pvp etc. i’m currently leveling a mage but i’m sure that i’ll get bored of it as well after a couple of levels.

stick to one char to 60?

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Don’t pick your class based on small features, pick based on the general class fantasy and endgame playstyle.

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Play a druid. You can wait until 60 pretty much ubtil you decide if you wanna zank or heal.

No matter which class you are playing, you will have downsides you have to handle and upsides which you’ll get satisfaction out of handling. When the downsides aren’t handled properly and overwhelm the player, people start thinking about rolling a class that are a hard counter to these sort of downsides (for example; warriors often get demoralized due being very suspectible to getting kited in pvp, being one of the weakest 1v1 classes or due having 0.01% chance of winning a 1v1 against some classes and they reroll to those classes) but like I said, all classes have ups and downs.

Answer here is; motivation.
So what to do is, sticking to the class/race/ability YOU enjoy the most. Only by this you can find enough motivation to overcome the downsides before loosing too much morale and giving up on your character, and only by playing the class you enjoy playing the most for reasons specific to you (for example; being the strongest 1v1 dueler class, having a holy knight protector vibe, ability to travel around the world easily etc.) you will be able to find motivation to continue playing the game when a burnout phase hits you.

To learn the ups and downs of classes if you don’t, I’d suggest taking a walk around town and whispering people of that class/race about it.


That’s just your way of playing the game. If you enjoy playing multiple classes, just do what you’re doing and accept that you’re going to be behind many other people with 1 main.

Don’t pick a class based on how they LOOK

choose your class based on how they play and how FUN they are to you.

and stop deleting characters

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To shake it up a bit you could try races other than Human so you aren’t only in Elwynn Forest and Loch Modan, thus you will undertake different quests in different zones which you may find more enjoyable.

Below is a link to a fabulous map which shows you all the different levelling zones in Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor.

I level multiple characters aswell, to me it is fun and since I don’t delete any of them I will get to max level and endgame, there’s no rush in an MMORPG if you play to go on adventures and explore, just don’t restart too often, in your case I guess you have done that and now you are a bit bored of the starting zones.

Maybe you could go to other starting zones you did not memorize yet! ^.^

Anyway have fun and play the way you like, and stop deleting characters if you wanna get to endgame since that is the only way you can stop yourself from ever reaching endgame, any other way you will level up.

To be honest I pick human and I go to Teldrassil on foot/boat if I feel like leveling there!

OP you could do the same! Don’t get stuck in human (or whatever race you pick the most) leveling zones or starting zones, go explore the world of Azeroth!

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