Alterac Valley "change" that needs to happen - trinket CD

There should be a cooldown on the AV trinket. 3-4 mages recalling and dying on repeat can force endless turtles. I know it is not vanilla but it would help with the overall health of Alterac Valley. In early Vanilla the Battleground had more to do. Items dropped from the summonable bosses, you could mine and get herbs. Troll boss dropped loot iirc. If there is nothing to do in AV besides rush Drek or maximize honor with npc kills then the health of the game can be improved by preventing 4-5 players on both factions forcing a stalemate. If you don’t want to do that then at least add in resources so it’s possible for the game to end by attrition.

I agree, current state is extremely boring

Every post u makes shows that you are a part of the problem :joy:
Nothing to do besides pve rush? How about u PvP in a BG for a change?
But sure, prevent the few people from actually engaging in gameplay or pvp! Let nothing come between the meta sheep and their brainless pve rush! Don’t you dare have fun or actually PLAY the game!
Just like you are in favour of narcissistic antisocial behavior like HR groups etc… :man_facepalming:
I’m thankful I can enjoy this game in my friends/guild bubble and that Global Ignore List/Chat Filter exists… holy hell, the worst part is that people like you think that they are in the right and don’t see that you are creating ur own misery in the form of a toxic environment


This would move the game further totally in the wrong direction. The changes of AV up to version 1.12 in the original game are already part of the downward spiral which altered the game in such a way that it appealed more and more to a totally different playerbase.

WoW Classic should especially appeal to the early players of the game who got alienated by all these changes and eventually quit. Your demands would achieve quite the opposite, we would move even more towards downward spiral and Retail 2.0.

The solution is to reverse all the changes of AV and restore the original version. This can go hand in hand with changes to the honor system which encourage actually fighting other players in the BG and reward skill over grind. The deeper problem is that you and many others (also Blizzard with all the changes of AV) try to change the game to fit into a system (the honor system) instead of doing it the other way around, change the system in such a way that the system supports and encourages playing the game how it was meant to be.

I made several suggestions here: AV gripe and disappontment - #21 by Balduregan-spineshatter


AV Starts, Horde meets Alliance at Balinda because Horde’s spawn point is closer to the mid than Alliance. Horde kills Balinda when Alliance starts encounter with Galvangar. Alliance meets at Horde Keep when Horde is pushing Vanndar to 50% hp. Horde wins.
This is the scenario that happened to me 90% of the time. I player 50 AV and won only 10 because A) Alliance go turtle, B) Horde wiped on Vanndar.

And your problem is with trinket that 10% people are aware of?


Non argument - There is people spamming it and 1 mage can wipe 15 people. Had entire stalemates because of the trinket usage. Killed the same mage in Drek’s room 5 times in 4 minutes. Others coming too.

I’m all for 1.7 AV, it would be fun.

1.12.1 AV isn’t PVP, its just people afk running, hiding under trees, and people yelling at each other to not defend. If you like PVP then go out in world or do WSG - both are fun.

My complaint was a trinket should have a CD because it can be used on repeat every time you res and it can allow 4-5 people spam it on repeat and stalemate the BG for everyone else.

Oh so you don’t actually care about pvp you are just seething over my post about how HR is fine

You just ignored my whole post, quoted the conclusion and called it “non argument” :man_facepalming:

Just wait another week for stragglers from Thunderstrike to get our R11, then you can jump into the remaining ~10 AV instances in 2 weeks time and grief the gamer dads who couldn’t do the grind in time with your PvP antics. AV is all yours from February 12 onward. You can force your 60 min turtles all you want.
Until R14 comes out that is, then it’s ours again for anothr 5 weeks. And then you won’t ever see us again anywhere near the ungodly mess that is WoW PvP :face_vomiting:

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judging wow pvp based on doing av and random pug bgs is like judging retail from doing raid finder, but in the wow classic version raid finder drops mythic loot

Retail LFR drops mythic loot too

just summarized something that didn’t matter then said that the trinket is not known about which is a lie. whats your point?