Am I the only person who find the term "Horde Council" to be somewhat bland?

It’s kind of generic. Do you reckon that some other term could be created for it later?

What about the Horde Diet? The Senate? The Council of Elders? The War Council? Some made-up Orcish word?

Well… We are talking about the game that called the hordes of invaders to Azeroth the Horde, and the alliance to defend against it the Alliance.

Yes, it is generic.


We got enough of these wanting to post a daily mention of horde slaughter for some reason.

But yeah, not sure of the phrase ‘Simple is good’ works here…


You are definitely not the only one.

A council idea isn’t inherently boring or bland, but this one gives such impression because it’s bloated with a bunch of characters that rank way bellow the former leaders that made up the rulers of the Horde faction.

Writers can handle a council in an excellent way if they create it through characters with actual narrative relevance and uniqueness.
What the Horde currently has, is but a bunch of yes-men with close to zero narrative development or weight that will never pose the challenge that could’ve made the council idea, be interesting in any way or form.


Doesn’t help that most of the ones with actual clout and historical involvement are either dead, turned evil or not gotten the spotlight either.

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the council is fine they haven’t really done anything yet it’s like calling vol’jin useless oh wait he was …

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Okay, we have…

  1. Baine: Cow that gets sad when people are evil.
  2. Eitrigg: An old Orc that has probably forgotten his lively backstory by now, since Saurfang stole all his spotlight.
  3. Rokhan: Bargain bin Vol’jin. Thought Vol’jin had a pretty vague backgroud? Time to lower your expectations.
  4. Forsaken speakers: Literally placeholders until further notice.
  5. Lorte: He has a girlfriend now. And he likes poetry. That’s a character, I guess.
  6. Gazlowe: Pro Union Goblin Trade Prince. What the actual funk. But that’s fine, because he was always somehow inexplicably nice to the Horde, so I guess that’s character.
  7. Thalyssra: She brings the hedonism in headache. Yes, I did the Suramar campaign and all, but when I think of her I just see an aged elf chick bemusedly slurping wine while the world burns.
  8. Mayla: Doesn’t matter who she was or what she liked, she is Baine’s arm candy now.
  9. Geyarah: She is… erm, an orc. Overly aggressive and subtle as a sledgehammer. And that’s about it, isn’t it?
  10. Talanji: Hey, we might actually have a character with relatively well thought-out motivations over here! Guard her well before she gets the axe.
  11. There are also 2 decorative fluffy critters in the room. I guess they must be someone’s pets. Maybe Rexxar’s?
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World: “You can’t kill hope…”

Blizzard: “Can’t I?”


As of BfA, I see her as LTTs armcandy.
It’s a shame, because she started of on a good basis that mimicked Tyrandes origins.

Basically. Yeah.

you don’t build up new characters by focusing on old ones but then again it’s kinda to late they should have built a new horde cast during the previous expansions but they didn’t they focused to much on existing ones


gl hf


Its a new term to please the alliance forum whiners that stormed the forums for “retribution” during BFA.

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I’m with Chrono’s linked pictures on this. If someone is the arm candy here instead of the driving force, it is not Thalyssra. We read it from Lorte’s pov, and he still seemed clueless.

I’d rather much have a warchief back. An orc, tauren or jacked up berserker troll.

We need a new charismatic orc to take a place as a warchief. I find it extremely ironic that “savage” faction gets a democratic council while Alliance has new despot while Anduin is away.

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Perceived “savages” had democratic structures centuries before the “civilized” world even thought of them.
Vikings hat their Thing, some Native Americans had a council of elders and a womans council with veto power etc.
These even were a reason why they were seen as savage… giving woman power or sharing them? pfft savage!

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Counterpoint: the Mongol Empire was ruled by a democratic council called the Kurultai. The Khans were elected by it.

Talanji is a good, well-rounded and quite charismatic character imo. I liked Voss in the BFA war campain, Geya’rah could have been an interesting addition had they bothered do some writing (her being the only one not outraged at Baine’s arrestation might indicate further char dev), same for Eitrigg who’s kind of a letdown. I also enjoy Thalyssra’s elegance and straightforwardness.

The rest ranges from uninteresting to Baine

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The issue I have with her, is that everything points at her persona being swallowed by the bland amalgamation that makes up the rest, in the long run (like it happened with LTT).
Shadows Rising laid the foundations for such.

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I have yet to read Shadows Rising, but I have no doubt she’ll end up losing her identity unfortunately. Actually perhaps we had higher chances of her remaining a strong figure under Sylvanas’ reign, with the whole “I agree to join the Horde but only as your equal” thing, rather than lost among 7 other voices in the Council