Sylvanas needs to return and executes the council. They are all nothing but alliance appeasing traitors who need to die as soon as possible. For the TURE Horde! Lok’tar!
I’d rather just have a thick headed bloke ruling the Horde picking fights with everything, much more interesting imo lmao
No she dont and she never will be welcome in the horde again and you are not part of the true horde filthy blood elf
Baine and Thrall are the biggest traitors of the council. They both should be put on a pyre and be burnt alive. Down with the false Horde. Lok’tar!
i think you misspelled Sylvanas.
Really miss the Horde culture of centered around a Warchief.
A real Warchief, not barbie doll Sylvanas.
Call me toxic maculinity, but bleh.
I’m a big fan of the Old Horde that consisted of Ogres, Trolls and Orcs. Death Knights being old slain human combatants raised new with the soul of an Orc Warlock.
Really wish they incorporated that Horde more, instead of moving on from it.
People say Thrall was wrong in renaming cities towards Horde “heroes”.
It’s just Orcish culture, which would clash with us Humans.
Orcs aren’t Humans.
I really, really miss that Horde.
A shame they took out a huge portion of Blackrock Spire.
Atleast there’s classic.
no its the filthy blood elves that should be burned alive as they have stabbed the horde in the back in the past and they have no place in the horde
The fellowship of the horde
?? I hardly see how there’s anything “barbie doll” about Sylvanas. Girl’s a freaking thrice-dead warlike banshee. Even Garrosh was less intimidating of a warchief
That’s something I can’t agree with. I mean yes there isn’t much background there for him. But it was pretty much the other way around until Vol’jn got his short story. It’s sad though Vol’jin first had to die until Rokhan has gotten anything more (aside from the little in WoD).
I like the idea of a Horde Council because it helps resolve the succession crises that the red faction often gets into, but I agree that there should be a single military commander next time the Horde goes to war.
I like the idea more about the Horde being about strength and power. There’s the Alliance if you want to have a faction around councils and the like.
If we’re being honest, hasn’t the Horde always been less centralized and more prone to inter-racial councils than the Alliance ? At the core of the Horde is that idea of “very different races with very different goals joining forces in an alliance of convenience in order to survive”. The Alliance on the other hand feels more like a nation state. Might be totally wrong though, I never played blue so you guys tell me
Since the Horde is ruled by a Warchief, no. Every race has to submit an oath towards the Warchief.
The Alliance is different nations banding together to form an Alliance. That’s the difference with the Horde. The races in the Horde rile themselves under one banner, one leader.
Ofcourse, the things have been switched with the whole High King and council now.
Tribes and groups distancing themselves from a Warchief’s decision is far from unheard of though (Tauren, Darkspear etc). Folks do seem to retain a certain level of independence, even in the Warchief-dominated political format
Also the Alliance is composed of traditional allies who share historical, cultural and often genetic bonds. The Horde has nature-worshipping Tauren, plague-obsessed undeads, Trolls, Trolls’ historical ennemies, Pandaren, Pandaren’s historical ennemies, desert nomadistic Fox people…
(Although the Alliance does have Void Elves, now)
The Alliance races are tied together by history and morals. The Horde races are tied together by the desire not to get swept off the surface of Azeroth
Only the Dwarves and the Humans share a historical and cultural bond. The Night Elves are complete aliens to them.
Most of the original Horde races (Tauren, Orc and Shaman) had more cultural bonds thanks to shamanism. The undead joined them out of protection agains the Humans and because the Tauren vouched for them towards Thrall. While Sylvanas used the Horde to gain a shield against the Human threat to the south.
I really don’t get how you claim that the Alliance has a more cultural bond than the Horde. When the Night Elves got a completely different culture than the Kings and monarchs of the Dwarves and the Humans. Aswell with a difference stance towards the light, Night Elves being more about druidism, etc.
The Alliance are tied together because of the history of Alliances they previously had, ofcourse. But one has to question why these Alliances were forged.
Which would make sense that the strongest leader would rule over the Horde races.
Night Elves are definitely the most different race among the Alliance. Now Humans and Dwarves make up for 5 out of the 11 races. The rest are either Light worshippers/hardcore Light worshippers (Draenei and LF Draenei) or past members of the Alliance of Lordaeron (Gnomes).
What striked me as hilariously representative of that is the difference between Ankoans (descendants of the Jinyu) vs Unshackled (multiracial organization composed of Gilblins, Makrura, Murlocs and freaking Sea Giants. Guess which faction got which group)
Yes shamanism is in appearance something that bonds many Horde races together, but lorewise it didn’t really seem to have been of great help, as Orcs weren’t into shamanism anymore by the time the Horde was founded, and Trolls & Tauren didn’t seem to be quite fond of one another in the begining (and tbh despite common shamanistic tendencies, their spiritual practices differ greatly)
That’s not true. The Taurens actually rewired Orcs and their connection with the elements.
Trolls literally use carven Tauren totems in vanilla, as do Orcs.
Alright my bad, seems I got confused over some stuff here. I’m a bit lacking regarding “ancient” Warcraft history
As someone who plays the alliance more than horde recently, I have no idea what ties them at all, other than the members of the old alliance (dwarfs, gnomes, human nations). And even there is seems more like “just because”.
gl hf