To be honest, there hasn’t been a single warchief that managed to command absolute control over the Horde faction (in the MMO phase i mean)
I’d honestly be hardpressed to find relevant differences regarding the Horde and the Alliance ruling systems. At least when it comes to practice.
Neither have ever managed a centralised command of their forces. And both had a balance between autocratic and democratic approaches regarding their affairs.
What happened when Thrall tried to rein the Forsaken? They still went ahead to do as they pleased.
How were the Horde affairs managed when deciding their course of action in every major conflict? By consensus.
Neither circumstances should’ve been such if the Horde had truly ever followed the almost dictatorial regime that comes in theory with the Warchief title.
And in all, the Alliance “council” has always behaved par on the Horde one in almost every way. With the High King figure taking onto itself whatever authoritarian aspect the Warchief figure ever managed to display for the red team.
Tbh at this point I don’t see the Horde just sweeping away the newly established council system and putting the Warchief back on his throne. Maybe a hybrid system with the Council and the Warchief being in charge of different domains ? I’d be down for that I think
There’s one massive benefit to the council and that’s the lack of succession crises. IMO there should be a Warchief elected by and accountable to the council, that’d be the perfect balance
Imagine the in-fighting in that mix-up. Dargrul flailing the hammer of Khaz’goroth everywhere, burying Orgrimmar in another Highmountain, Magatha plotting behind peoples backs, Jin’do trying to eat everyone elses deities to become stronger, the AU Warlords flailing…
All these characters represent the perfect themes for each race they are supposed to lead. Unlike the trash council that currently holds all the power.
Nah, he is the embodiement of the worst aspects of the Goblin society, nuance. I think that’s even the whole point of this character
Also if faithful racial representation is your main criterion when picking members, how do you justify Magatha ? Do you honestly think she’s the typical Tauren?
Oh I do like Gallywix, I had a good time with him during the War Campain. But the guy is a freaking public menace and the very thought of him having any political responsability is terrifying
Well yeah?? We all know it’s not a real world. We like discussing it through nonetheless
I’m obviously not the one “terrified”, I’m just talking from a fictional perspective
It was said many times so i will just keep it short.
The only thing “Your council” would do is dismantle the Horde and go separate ways.
Most of them would become a world threat again, giving alliance another hours of job, others would isolate themselves, never to be heard again.