Am i too old to play wow now?

il preface this by saying this isnt a troll post, just had a birthday “mid 30s” and its like i have suddenly noticed everyone is younger than me. WoW has always been my love my past time, its been there during dark days and happy times and now im struggling to find enjoyment playing it because of this sudden feeling of im too old to be playing this now.

i login play for about a hour feel like i shouldnt be on anymore and come off. im a introvert with huge social anxiety, gaming and online friends is my main way to be social now it feels like i cant anymore, i havnt raided with my guild in about a month not been in a vc just isolated myself completely.


Game is 20 years old and the average age of wow player these days were +35 if I remember right so I would say you fit on the average age. Many who started in vanil are almost 40 by now me aswell. :smiley:


Your not too old friend… Literally almost everyone I know are in their 30’s too.

My best friend in the game is in his 40’s heck one of our MVP’s here on the forums? Ananda? The Draenei is known for being everyone’s grandma. (No offense Ana<.<)


Nice :dracthyr_heart:


most of my guild is 30+ :slight_smile:


You are younger than me and I still play :dracthyr_shrug:

I also know a few forumers who are older than me too so you have nothing to worry about.


From scrolling my guild chat in recent weeks, I’d even flip it the other way around: those in their late teens and early twenties feel like the rarer ones!


Look out! Old woman Ananda will hit you with her walking stick!


Honestly I’m not sure how can we help you with this. You’re certainly not too old to enjoy the hobby. I’m basically the youngest wow player I know of that still plays. Should I in that case feel like I’m too young to be here? Because I do not feel that. It’s a game and a place for everyone. I hope you can find people that make you feel comfortable here on azeroth or whatever game you choose to spend your time on. :dracthyr_heart:


Im 53 next month- shall i just quit and uninstall? Like hell i am…


Im about to be 36. Playing once son is asleep and relax before bed.

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Weird… myself and everyone I know is hitting almost 40… including most of the people of my guild.

Also, I tend to play when other Dads also play : late at night, when kids are sleeping. So I bump into many of them… :slight_smile:

She witnessed the Ten Commandments :rofl::rofl:

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I am 30+ years old you old fart !

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A mere whelping , and welcome back yoi rabid hound


Also, a thought. Why not stick around the forums, join threads like the GD chat room (: Maybe you’ll enjoy talking to them

MoP Remix is amazing

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nah you’re a mere stripling. When you get to the milestones that Afenton and Ananda have reached then you can call yourself old.

For example, when someone asks Ananda “what role do do you play?” she replies

“During the war…”

And Afenton just screams for the nurse to warm her tea.


Oldest peeps in my guild are 60-70, youngest are teens. Most are around 30-40 I would say. There’s no age for gaming but I mean I get if you feel like the game itself doesn’t resonate with you anymore, now thats a separate unrelated to age.


44 with no intention of hanging up the keyboard and mouse.