Am i too old to play wow now?

How’s your actual life going?

Whenever I lose interest in wow (because of real life not because the game is having an issue) it’s usually something else going on in my life. I’ve been here since WC3 personally and quite excited, oddly, to see if they’ll do something more memorable for the game’s 20th birthday.

The only times I feel old is when I feel my reflexes letting me down in raiding or m+. I don’t think the game is getting harder, I genuinely drift away and boom, woops I’m dead because swirlies… And now to potentially sound like a grumpy older person… Can we stop having swirlies and other floor marked abilities with fading out borders? Hard borders are so much easier to see. Or at least make sure there’s distinctive contrast from the actual floor. These eyes aren’t what they used to be! :older_man:


…Your a grumpier older person…<.< one of us! one of us!

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Earlier today I was saying something along the lines off… ‘‘Idk if the game has changed or I have’’…

I think its me…lmao I could drink 3 six packs of beer without any hangover in my 20’s and still do m+ later.

Now? …now im like 2 m+ dungies and i have had my fill… I feel like im aging fast xD

Cant drink anything anymore either…

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thanks guys for all the msgs its been really nice to read! i dont want to give up on gaming i love it and its a huge part of my life, as i mentioned its probably the main way i be social i think im getting in my head abit and it just hit extra hard


im mid 30s too

and ill say something that should be said but other people wont agree …

yes you are too old to play, just like i am too old to play…
we only play this game out of habitual ritual or a sense of security

  • in all honesty if i could turn back time, i would of told my younger self to not play at all
    if you could go back in time would you do the same?
    if the answer is yes. then you have found your conclusion
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Its ok, i did love Pandaland when it was current

No ones gonna judge you for where you have fun and spend your free time honestly.

If that place is gaming then screw the haters. bottom line is… Your not the only gamer over 30 xD

I mean what else are you supposed to do? Read a book? screw that.

I think in SoD community we have a mage who has 79yo or around that age…

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As long as u still enjoy the game and are able to play you are not too old. Also id consider you the same age as average wow player, would think most of use are in the 35+ range.


You’re 20 years late to not notice how mainstream gaming has become where literally 80 year olds play games too, and you’re asking this at just 30…

Age is just a number. Gaming is gaming. Don’t bother to understand the new generation. Enjoy the game and I am sure u will have positive thoughts.

No offense taken … I am a grandma though I’m not sure I want to take on all you lot as well …

That one’s pushing it a bit. Even I wasn’t around during the war …

And as for Mistary … as so many have said, you’re nowhere near the older group of players yet. But it’s up to you and how you feel. If you feel happy and comfortable playing, then do so. If you don’t, then try stopping for a while and how you feel then. Oh, and happy birthday!


No, most people here are 30+, not sure where you are meeting young whippersnappers.

Also you are only as old as you feel and behave. Do not let societal pressure tell you what to do, screw anyone who says you are too old for something that makes you happy. Do what YOU want so long as it doesn’t hurt other people.

Furthermore, some of what you are saying suggests to me there is more going on than you have noticed your online friends are younger than you. Is everything ok irl? It sounds like some symptoms of depression/anxiety and perhaps you should consider that because it really affects what we enjoy. :pray:


Not sure either :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: I thought WoW was a niche game for people above 30 :joy::joy: heck even the streamers are all around that age. Maybe imfiredup is young… and by young is almost 26 :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

You are probably still below the average player age in this game, so nothing to worry about.

You are making this too weird.

You have to ask yourself if you enjoy playing. No regard for any ages or what anyone else thinks.

If, yes, continue playing. If, no, stop.

There is no age to play games. They are for all ages. You don’t see any 18-35yo game in the age ratings. It’s 18 and up.

Don’t deny yourself life’s joy’s cause of others. It’s your life. You enjoy it as you feel like.

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well i too old play this game but eh old man not much to do

I’m 32 and most of the people I play wow with are older than me. ^^’

What does it matter how old you are?

Time is inexorable.

47 here :wink: never too old!

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Enough people have said it but you’re not too old! Age is just a number :blush:
I’m 32, i have IRL friends who play, some a year or two older than me. People I went to high school with still play.
I can relate to you though as I get the same feeling with console games… I’ve bought a few games and struggled to commit to them, I cant decide if its due to age or my wow addiction lol