[A/N* RP] The Men of Good Faith

There I thought you surround yourself with good men…


Better than draining bone marrow from innocent women… Looks at Brigante


Are you doing OK man?


Thats a pretty based post, man.


I hate that word so much, its just everywhere… ‘Based’ and ‘Woke’ are my current peeves…


Now that you have suggested it, and having looked into it, that’s not the worst idea in the world ever…

But seriously, where is this ‘Aerie Council’ thing coming from? I mean its cool if you’re using the same name as we do for the NPC’s who kind of oversee our Guild and send us places, sounds a bit weird given your guild concept, which seems much more like the ‘free lances’ of old, so soldiers with a vague allegiance, but not fervent -as such-, as in they would -Oppose- certain things, but not necessarily -support- certain things, and whilst averse to one faction, nonetheless would have to be courted, either by coin or political favour… I’m trying to think of the ones I’m thinking of now…They’re from ‘Ivanhoe’… I think it was Sir Walter Scott who came up with the word actually, Free Lances, or Free Companions, Similar to the Italian Condottieri, but with a bit more allegiance to a cause…
Not so much so that they would enlist and fight for it, but not enough that they would consider turning against it. Its an interesting concept. I wish I could remember the name of the dude from Ivanhoe who led a company that sounds exactly like this, but even Google-fu is not helping…

De Bracy in 10 characters :smiley: unless I’m mistaken

Yes!! That’s him! Quite understated as a character, but you were never really sure what was going on there. Thank you, you saved me going to my room and digging out the book.

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Resonant name. And a resonant book. Everyone could (should) read it! Strikes me familiar with lots of guild concepts too.

Its so good, and to be honest when I read this Guild’s concept, it actually sounded like the depiction of Robin Hood and his ‘Merry Men’ It was like “Nah mate, they ain’t Merry, they’re going to be some right argey bargey difficult lads” But yeah, I straight away thought of Robin Hood’s band from Ivanhoe…

I’m honestly not sure if you really don’t get that they are just making fun of you by referencing the ‘Aerie Council’ or if you are just trolling everyone with your borderline incoherent rambling.


That’s rather unfortunate, as it does reveal a certain tendency and that there is some trolling going on here…I was hoping to be charitable and assume the words were sincere. That is, as I say, unfortunate. Can you point out the Incoherent part, I would be most interested to see. Please, be my guest to do so.
I was rather trying to give helpful references from literature that sound very much like what this guild is aspiring to, but by all means, Do tell…


Someone explain to me the jokes about a fatal illness I feel so left out meme bros xd :joy::joy::joy::joy: :cowboy_hat_face::smoking:

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:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:


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It isn’t exactly a good advertisement of your guild to openly mock someone about a very serious illness on your own thread. Endorsing and making “jokes” like that is pretty gross.

Brigante isn’t exactly a coherent writer, sure, and I’m equally certain there’s criticism that can be fairly directed at him. But come on guys, this is the edgy, malicious humour a basement neckbeard would laugh at.


A word has been had with those involved. Thanks and sorry to those who have been offended.

This Guilds reputation is already in the gutter and from the looks of things, they are ok with that.


I saw it fire on a school trip once, very fun experience, would recommend.

Did the kids survive?


You guys are back, it seems

Thought it was lcoked for 24 hours :thinking: