[A/N* RP] The Men of Good Faith

Thread was mass flagged though


westfall bvlls always win :muscle::smirk:

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Looks like Meat is back on the menu boys!


/e stretches his limbs, having dug his way out of the grave.

I have yet to yee my last haw :cowboy_hat_face::smoking:
Good to know there is no actual issue with the thread.

Edit: However in the spirit of cooperation I ask my boys to delete any posts related to bone vampirism. Ok? Epic.


The curse has been lifted! We’re free men once more!


Honestly this is the issue with the forums. One person can take down an an entire thread if they wish with enough alts. Bring back the downvote instead of this, it had less of an impact.

But yh we’re back


Yay in ten characters.


Thank you Based God!


still the most viewed guild thread BTW



It’s like a live sitcom

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That’s so epic Xd​:rofl::rofl::upside_down_face::heart_eyes:

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Are you ok Brigante…


I take back saying that Kunzel would never apologise.


But does she know why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?

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Less than half did. The Trebuchet is a cruel god, the people in hamster wheels that wind it up even crueler.

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Well, not really, hence the gags :smiley:

Yeah, I really don’t like that about the forums as they stand at the moment, the report system can be far too easily abused.

Just to absolutely clear the air, I’ve got no grudge, and I make jokes about my health situation all the time, so take other people making them with a robust sense of self mockery and don’t get offended, If I am offended I tend to respond with words (Even if too many and rambling) rather than reach for the ‘Report’ icon, so however this thread got temporarily suspended, I assure you it was not my doing. I actually found the Bone Marrow thing funny, and the bizarre thing is, I looked it up, and it actually -is- a treatment option for some bone disorders. Not what I have (They call me Mister Glass :slight_smile: ) but it is actually a medical practice. I never knew that.

Anyway, back on topic, Yeah, I’d recommend a read of Ivanhoe, for the Free Lances in it, who do sound pretty much like your Guild, especially as they are a bit shall we say, morally dubious. It is I warn you, a long read, but it is absolutely awesome as a story. Similarly it might be worth looking into the Landsknechts of what would later become Germany, who were roaming bands of soldiery who were not exactly mercenaries, but not exactly men who followed a particular crown, they kind of straddled the middle ground, in fact they sound much more like your concept. It’s an interesting one, because it does add that horrible bleakness of morality that occurs when nations (or factions) wage war.

You say that, but a few years back they misjudged it, and fired a missile of burning pitch, which struck a 12th century boathouse that was a listed building. Funniest thing? In the local papers it stated “Fire Investigators are still investigating the cause of the blaze” For real? The Biggest Siege engine in the world launched a ball of burning pitch, which hit a building with a thatched roof! What investigation do you need?


Might give this a look. If you’re interested in this sort of stuff in turn, I recommend giving the life of Sir John Hawkwood a read. He was a semi-inspiration for Williame here and just another interesting historical condottiere.

Anyways, that’s enough lucidity out of me, regular :poop: posting shall begin anew tomorrow :cowboy_hat_face::smoking:


Brigante, whilst you’re here:

I’ve been looking a Blood Elf who I can treat as an estranged cousin for Actov here. From your clear interest in our guild concept, and from reading the nature of your posts, I think you may be a perfect match!

As I’m not as well known as others in this guild, certainly within this thread, allow me to give you a brief summary of Actov’s character:

  • Actov is a divorcee. His wife still lives in Silvermoon, and sadly chose to leave him as a result of his ramblings and, crucially, due to meeting a very well paid divorce-court judge, who then presided over the case, taking everything he had, including Actov’s surname. This is Actov’s main conversation source.

  • Actov prefers a firm handshake to a hug, in almost all circumstances. He often greets strangers enthusiastically, like old friends.

  • Actov is renowned for telling long stories, which he frequently continues to tell despite everyone around him having stopped listening. Whilst giving a speech to the Men of Good Faith once, he was greeted by applause at what appeared to be the end of his story five times, only for him to recommence on the next part.

  • Actov is usually unaware of the fact that the Men of Good Faith frequently make fun of him. He gives them the benefit of the doubt, despite his suspicions and always treats anything they say as genuine. With an encouraging smile, he listens and is keen to congratulate anyone on their achievements. He will then talk at length about the subject which has been raised only to make fun of him, much to the Men of Good Faith’s amusement, which then leads to further comments and questions designed to restart the cycle.

  • Actov becomes very excitable in combat, enjoying any possibility of “popping” someone with his rifle. Unfortunately this does trigger his IBS.

  • Actov is unaware that the terms he uses such as “Dogging” for dog-walking, are also possible terms for other situations.

We do not need specific contact between ourselves or our characters, but it would be nice to know that somewhere out there in a distant land, a blood elf wonders where his cousin Actov, who meddled with the Void, ended up…


Time to arrange a dinner date :wine_glass:


I am, obscure history is my jam, and I’d never heard of this fellow, but even just googling him he seems to be a pretty fascinating character.

Alas and Alack, Brigante’s only surviving relations are two brothers, who have already been detailed, his wife, and two children, and given that they are just over one year old, there is not much mileage in that…

Oof, Sad times for Actov, has he not considered just having her killed off? I know people, is all I’m saying…

Of course he does, he’s a hunter, and an elven one at that, so likely has very good upper body strength due to his experience with a bow, overly intimate displays of affection are something to be left to humans…

He probably needs to work on his delivery, don’t pause too long between what could be considered paragraphs if the written word, or at least provide a segue between them, vary between the serious and the comedic, that sort of thing.

He probably needs to adopt a cunning method of ‘not giving a damn’. You’d be amazed how effective that technique is. Once you start ‘not giving a damn’ life will become much easier for Actov, It’s nice that he is trusting, and congratulates people, but really, he needs to learn the art of ‘not giving a damn’ He’d probably be happier.

He uses a rifle? For shame! What son of Quel’thalas uses a rifle and not a bow? No wonder he dabbled in dark powers… Triggering his IBS is an unusual reaction, admittedly, to the act of pulling a trigger, how does that exactly work, or is that something you express through roleplay?

Well, that could make sense, I mean language has changed sufficiently in my RL lifetime that certain words mean other things, So no reason they would not in Actov’s, crack on with it I say…

Sounds like a solid character concept.