[A/N* RP] The Men of Good Faith

Alas and Alack, Brigante’s only surviving relations are two brothers, who have already been detailed, his wife, and two children, and given that they are just over one year old, there is not much mileage in that…

A pity to have such a small family. However, it’s quality not quantity which counts!

Oof, Sad times for Actov, has he not considered just having her killed off? I know people, is all I’m saying…

Sadly she took all he had, and thus he hasn’t had the funds to go to such extremes. However, as William keeps telling Actov not to do so, he invests his earnings from the Men of Good Faith in causes which he believes will have a good return, and thus may one day be able to afford this.

Of course he does, he’s a hunter, and an elven one at that, so likely has very good upper body strength due to his experience with a bow, overly intimate displays of affection are something to be left to humans…

Quite so, although the upper body strength is questioned by his colleagues. Apparently the tight-fitting armour is not flattering.

He probably needs to work on his delivery, don’t pause too long between what could be considered paragraphs if the written word, or at least provide a segue between them, vary between the serious and the comedic, that sort of thing.

To the contrary, Actov thoroughly enjoys his story-telling, and holding forth on such moments. The pauses in delivery he feels add a touch of drama to the story.

He probably needs to adopt a cunning method of ‘not giving a damn’. You’d be amazed how effective that technique is. Once you start ‘not giving a damn’ life will become much easier for Actov, It’s nice that he is trusting, and congratulates people, but really, he needs to learn the art of ‘not giving a damn’ He’d probably be happier.

Actov is already regarded as one of the happiest elves in existence by his colleagues (although the elf criteria does limit his competition for the title), possibly due to his ignorance in such matters!

He uses a rifle? For shame! What son of Quel’thalas uses a rifle and not a bow? No wonder he dabbled in dark powers… Triggering his IBS is an unusual reaction, admittedly, to the act of pulling a trigger, how does that exactly work, or is that something you express through roleplay?

Sadly, Actov suffers with sensitive skin on his fingers. When pulling on a bow, giving him a literal itchy trigger finger. However, when he was introduced to a rifle, he found that the cool of the metal on his skin helped with the problem, and he’s not looked back! The IBS is merely triggered by excitement, and thus he has to make frequent trips to the toilet before and especially after combat.

Well, that could make sense, I mean language has changed sufficiently in my RL lifetime that certain words mean other things, So no reason they would not in Actov’s, crack on with it I say…

Indeed! New fangled words are hard to understand for one so old as an elf.

Sounds like a solid character concept.

Thank you, I’m glad it meets with your approval. To his colleagues amusement, Actov did have a life-coach in Silvermoon. Perhaps you could say hello to them if every you meet them up there.


This guild is a loving, including home to anyone, no matter how different.

My mute beggar, my stunted wizard, my repressed Dwarf? Let’s just say the Men unloaded Good Faith into them all. :wink:


What the heck sshh.


I heard these guys fight crime for the good of the people.

Or they fight good for the people of crime.

wait can i see the script again


it’s canon that TMoGF only do good deeds for the people. most lawful-good guilds out there :man_with_gua_pi_mao::smoking:


Darkplume has lead the gang in search of new opportunities and treasures. No idea where our mentally ill Duke and so called leader is.


I Have A Plan.


And we’re back. Resume.


Unbanned and untamed.


Really cool, epic gamer moment my guys.


we’re back boys


Skrt skrt in ten characters.


My favourite criminal bunch need a bump. Don’t let these inferior threads push you down, bad boys.


I’m not inferior! But gawd damn do these lads need another bump. Love em.


Remaining at the top shout out to the fans.


Crime RP taken to the next level, they robbed Grim Gest’s banner and made it their own.

Based and redpilled.

RIP Morsteth


Cool guild…


where’s my wife


didn’t you push her off a tram


A wife? Thought you’d have a husband like a real good man.