[A/N* RP] The Men of Good Faith

Displaying power over another man in a bedroom environment is one of the most manly thing you can do. This is often the source of the strange noises around the men’s camp at night too. Don’t tell anyone though.


support all not bad crime guilds always


Printing this out and pinning it on my bedroom wall thank you :cowboy_hat_face::smoking:


The Gang is currently deep undercover at the Redridge Games. Scheming and thieving as always. We’re also now looking to recruit more morally grey characters to the guild, so if interested, whisper anyone online. Criteria to be met are all listed in the main post.


The Redridge games are in full swing, as are Big Chung’s own ‘creative’ exploits. Amidst the hiding of weapons, harassment of locals and overall expansion of his image, Big Chung has been plotting.

The Gang has also been approaching the poor, stepped on, disgruntled residents of Redridge as well as top competitors in the games, Seeking to scout out new talent for their plots and schemes.

The stylish, well kept face of Chung is never far from the action and rumours have began to spread about his involvement with the increase in crime Redridge has seen over the past few days.

The Men’s distaste for the Alliance’s finest fishwrap is one again also no secret, with the rumours of the main writer, Shellby’s involvement in the Horde’s attack on the festivities being propelled further by its very secretive operatives.


I unironically think your character is the best thing I’ve seen in RP for many months, and it’s a refreshing sight to see creativity in the form of an absolutely massive furball clad in the finest of attire Azeroth has on offer.

My heartfelt thanks big man.


Praise Chung


Fledger remains locked up in Booty Bay, being used and abused by the female goblin regime


The Games of Redridge are in full swing and we’re in attendance. If you have a character suitable or interested in the adventurous travelling bandit RP then feel free to contact one of the guild for recruitment. Inclusive is our middle name and we look to take all kinds of brand new MEN on board.

The Men of Good Faith need YOU to sign up today. Is your heart made of more cholesterol than muscle? Do you have that special yearning and craving for adventure with a flexible moral compass, then we’re here. Rumours of our ‘ill-practices’ are far exaggerated from the truth.

Word travels from Redridge itself of the Men of Good Faith’s iron stomachs, legendary and renowned now as they stood alone in the drinking competition. The dastardly Duke known as William the Bastard falling victim to his cup first. Soon only the Baron Blightplume and Kloiffen remained to represent the “Grim Guests” in the competition but the Baron soon too fell victim to his drink. Leaving Kloiffen to be declared the winner!

We’re not joking. Join us or get robbed by us. The choice is entirely yours… :dagger:


Jun-Seo, the henchman of the gang remains ever vigilant as the final war approaches swiftly… Thelsamar will feel the wrath of angry forum sh*tposters.


The Men of Good Faith Need You!

The Men of Good Faith have triumphed once again. In a daring act of a double-double-double cross, the Red Bears found themselves on the receiving end of antics they were previously privy too. Stripped down. Tied up and transported - being handed over to noble buyers in return for the sum of sixty gold sovereigns. When will their tyrannical noble acts come to an end?!

Intercepted by the Lionwatch the Bears were taken to new unplanned holdings, giving cause for the Men of Good Faith to ponder whether a new scheme could be developed… One to now twist their former attack on the Bears in their favour to ally the anti-establishment group. Only time will tell.

With the end of the Games of Redridge and the beginning of a new plotline we are still looking for new and fresh faces. We have already recruited a fair few new faces but we still look for more to join our Brotherhood without Banners epic band of adventurers.


Stop mass reporting this man we need him for bumps.


Mass report you said? I’ll get on it right away!

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Another fun night of RP, men of good faith continue to be the best brigands with the biggest hearts


Plaguelands infested by Brigands

Travellers passing the roads of the Northern Kingdoms already begin to spread rumours of the Men of Good Faith’s return to the hallowed lands. Petty antics to begin with, tolls on the Span and simply stick-ups of Alliance officials and smaller bands of travellers. Rumours then turn into confirmation at the Men learn of the incoming flashpoint within the Eastweald; the Duke’s rightful claim, now the Men rally forth to loot the dead bodies defend their Duke’s land from foreign invaders.

The Men of Good Faith will be travelling towards the Plaguelands in the next few days to participate in the Ports of Storm RP-PVP Campaign, if you have a fitting character and wish to join the campaign. TMOGF are still seeking new recruits and are more than willing to allow for a ‘test’ of whether the guild is what people are after during this period.


An excerpt from William’s hidden journal:

I doth oft wonder how long I can keep up this charade. Sir Owl, previously a man I hath thought to be forever gone from mine life hath now returned with the knowledge of mine true background. While I am joyous at his return, I might not but wonder. Should he know my secret, whom else may?

Yet again I am leading my often merry men into a conflict that haply brigands such as us are perhaps best refraining from, yet the chance at spoils of war are too enticing to pass up on. The haul we may acquire could turn our fortunes around and allow us to return to the luxurious lifestyle we once enjoyed.

Light preserve my men and I.
Should I be dead after the end of this coming conflict and this entry found, I leave half of mine wealth to my men, and half to my cousin, one Bartholomew McBride of Westfall, currently a courier for the Royal Mail.

As with every other entry in the journal, the ink is thick, implying effort was put into writing out every word.


We should’ve killed him for half his money. Everything would’ve been so much better.

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Flips open his diary, glancing down at the empty first page with a sigh.

"I have never written anything like this before, not for a few years now at least. But this is as good of a time as any to start. Maybe someone will find this one day, and wonder what it was like being the last of the Men.

It’s been well over a month since the Duke ran off with the stash. All our money, gone like that. I don’t blame him however, things wasn’t exactly going as planned towards the end here. It wasn’t like it used to be, we didn’t go anywhere at our own leisure anymore, doing whatever we wanted. Now it was simply making sure no one could catch up to us. Thinking about it, I’d rather be back in the Bay than go through that again.

The worst part however, isn’t the fact that someone stole my money. It’s the boredom, the loneliness. I had gotten so used to the others, that without them I’m feeling lost…I don’t even know if anyone else is even still alive. Darkplume, Ox, Chung. Even Hacklet, that senile old fool. It’s not the same, doing all of this without them.

For now, I’ll just continue working with Boltick. We’re doing rather decent with this contract work, and I get a chance to use some of my explosives as well. Maybe I’ll try to find the Duke some day, or just leave him on whatever sunny beach he’s hiding on."


If I had the brain power to focus on more than one character at a time, I’d join instantly!!!