An Unbiased Question (sarcasm) 🙃

Do you agree that tank survivability should be buffed to make game play more fun, increase the number of keys run, and save mythic plus as a game mode?
Or, do you think Blizzard should continue to sit on their hands, keep queue times long, and hurt the game for another season?


They need to do a lot more than just buff tank survivability to save m+


Sorry Mage, this an open and unbiased thread, so only tanks get to have an opinion on whether they should be buffed.

I play prot warrior

I don’t know if healers felt useless before when tanks were strong and how do they feel now, but as a tank main it is a lot of fun to keep myself up and would definitely like the survivability buffed.
I run a lot less keys as now I depend much more on the healer, and tend to get more defensive talents, which causes less damage and (at least until recent 22% buff) strain to get aggro.
Maybe the idea was that healers focus more on healing and the pressure on them to do damage and heal at the same time is lower, which should unburden them somehow and tanks just take hits and pull things? It would be a noble idea, but for utopia and not current state of the game.

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Survivability is fine as it is when the classes are played right. But does it doesn’t have room for mistakes.

My personal opinion:

  • Buff Tank passive survivability (base armor, passive damage reduction, etc.).
  • Nerf active mitigation to make the overall mitigation the same.

The overall survivability would be the same. But tanks who make mistakes or are sill learning would find mistakes less punishing.

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from my experience as blood dk,
there is no problem with tank survivabiliti. people run keys 10 level above maximum

who cares i survive when my entire team is dying like a flies from some random unavoidable aoe ?

you find this fun for you ?


Given the wording of your two options and your knee jerk reaction to the first poster who was not fully in line with your preferred option your question does appear to be very much biased Magicalgirl :joy:.

And their is some poetic beauty in the sentence “this is an open and unbiased post so only tanks are allowed to answer” :partying_face::smiley:


That’s the joke

Here are my ideas from various other threads consolidated. And yes, I do play a tank character even though not as my main.

  • Enemy damage reduced so that non-tanks do not die from 1-2 hits
  • Tank self-mitigation super-increased to allow tanks to survive on their own enough for a long time (assuming proper play). I want tanks to have up to 97%-99% incoming damage reduction (excluding damage blocked by shields) by proper usage of their cooldowns.
  • Tank self-healing massively nerfed to the point of obsoleteness. HP should be primarily recovered from healers. At best a tank (and generally non-healers including damage dealing specializations with heal abilities) should be able to heal at most 1% of their maxHP per 10 seconds while in combat.
  • All tank temporary-hp abilities (this means all abilities that increase maxHP) should also absorb healing equal to the amount provided. These abilities should exist as “oh crap” abilities to survive something bad, not to self-heal.
  • Threat from tanks increased to infinity. Not joking. If a tank hits an enemy, the enemy sticks on the tank until taunted by another threat. This will also entirely remove the need for high damage from tanks under the guise of “I need damage to keep aggro”.
  • Tank (and healer) damage to enemies in instanced content nerfed to oblivion. This is the job of the damage dealers. A tank should care about extending their survivability and ensuring the healer doesn’t overspend mana healing them, and not about speed clearing, and a healer should be playing with the health bars and their mana.
  • Leech removed as a stat and replaced with Carefulness: All self-shielding and damage-reduction abilities increased in duration and their cooldown is reduced by x%.

I think Blizzard should just nerf the hell out of the content and make it much more forgiving and straight up easy.

I do not for a second believe that the general playerbase consists of sweatlords and wannabe eSport gamers who crave wiping on bosses and bricking keys day in and day out, in a constant effort to push rating and become pro.

People just want to blast through the content, get some sweet juicy loot, and feel like they’re amazing at playing the game because they do crazy numbers and kill everything in their path. They’re all closet hack 'n slash players.

I think the game would fare much better if it leaned into the typical gamer segment who thinks RBG lighting will increase their dps, more so than leaning into the eSport segment who wants every double-digit key run to require a PhD in gaming in order to have even a remote chance of success.


Judging my the recent datamined dungeon changes i don’t think it matter, sounds like there will be uncasted, unavoidable high dmg AoEs that just crush the dps and healer in 1 go anyway.

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That sounds pretty biased tbh. But yes, I think the player base agrees with you.

tank really needs to get buffed .at present it not only makes tank role difficult but healer role too as healer has to take extra effort to keep tank alive and i guess will make dps life easier too

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I think there should be less tankbusters. Right now every pack has 1 or multiple and you need a defensive every ~15 seconds.

And i still do not get how tanks get clapped so hard instant on pull. For example i play prot pala on an alt. We were in dawnbreaker and went to the garden-miniboss. You need to fly there. I landed basically next to the miniboss and was instant dead from full health, in a +6. Like wtf? It is probably a learn to play thing, but this isn’t really motivating to play the tankrole.

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Agreed. Banning half the M+ community isn´t really an option, though, because for many of us their toxicity is most if not all of the reason many of us don´t tank and heal for PuGs anymore, not because we don´t enjoy tanking or healing :wink:

In case you aren´t aware, your WoW subscription does not limit you to one character /account. Many of us play multiple classes and roles. :beers:

As far as the actual topic goes, I personally don´t find tanking or healing in M+ any more or less challenging than it was the last 6 seasons, just different. You actually have to pay attention now instead of just roflstomping everything without even needing defensives, and if you make dumb mistakes you die. I personally enjoy this more than the brainafk facerolling of the past where the only real “challenge” was to not overpull or be wildly out of position.

But i “only” play up to a 10 (formerly 20) level, sometimes one or 2 levels higher just for the luls, because even with the changes requiring me to actually play my class properly I still find M+ in and of itself boring. I coudln´t care less about pushing keys, and don´t even care about the vault loot anymore, I just want the mount, and in seasons where it´s available the mythic particle effects doohickey.

And as soon as I have those, the season is over and you couldn´t pay me enough to get me to keep running, which together with the boring part is why I don´t nolife everything but spread out my progress over the season and just run when I’m already bored enough that it doesn´t matter, which generally happens more towards the middle and end of the season when raid participation starts to tail off. :stuck_out_tongue:


Unbiased my behind…

No, tank’s survivability overall is quite fine. Perhaps there is some tweaking that could be done, but eh. For the average key, and even 10s, tanks are often close to self-sustaining…and the healer mostly has to keep an eye out for the DPS (and for the tank busters).

Just reduce the amount of significant casts, as that’s where quite some damage comes from.

Adapt :slight_smile: Prot Paladin without SotR up is quite vulnerable. So land further away and prepare? It’s not that hard…you have a short cd defensive, long cd defensive, absorb on shield tossing, 100% immunity, … use something.

Yeah my solution is static flight style hover on top of the pack and bubble. But it isn’t the only pack that claps stupid hard. I did a grim batol 6 and it is scary af… I do not understand how you walk to a pack and are instant dead. Currently trying to stand still before packs. Pull as much holy power as i can. It is weird, and not enjoyable.

Yea thats a super scary part of the dungeon for a tank. 2 options there. Press AD as you land or bubble as you land. I always make sure I have wings for that pack too.


There’s no need to stand still before pulls unless you have nothing available? Just don’t waste GCDs, and start attacking before you reach the pack.

Some packs are scary, no doubt. But nothing a Prot Paladin doesn’t have the tools for to deal with.