An upper limit for topic creation

Just out of curiosity, would it be a good idea to implement an upper limit for topic creation per player account? Something like 5 topics a month? Would help reduce some of the unnecessary spam in the sections and encourage users to think carefully about the topics they create.

I believe this would be a good idea, both for the player base, as well as for the staff. Ease the burden on the mods and also sponsor a positive and friendly environment through reduced number of spam threads.


You mean Twilunna topics? Who are everywhere.


For example, yes. I understand the incentive behind farming trust levels through tons and tons of useless topics but it has to slow down at some point.

Not talking about restricting player speech or anything. Just making them think twice before opening a useless thread.

As an added bonus, I think this could work well against duplicate topics.


Another solution would be for the ignore function to be more effective - e.g. if you ignore a poster, their threads don’t appear at all for you. That way you could ignore anyone who’s topics you find annoying or spammy and could avoid interacting with them completely.


Maybe they should just redesign the trust levels and the way your account + characters are used here. I’ve been using the forum for ages and I still can’t post links or images


You cant farm trust levels when your on the 6 month hardlock xD


But you still spam :cat:


At least its wow or forum related spam xD


which, to be fair, IS an improvement. (?) :joy:


I had a feeling this may be about you
 I don’t see the harm in it myself.


I think the forum readers will decide if some char has too many topics and say so, or just not read them.
Absolutely no need to think about limitations on posts.
I can think of 1 char (we l know the name) who posts a lot of fun topics.


as a fellow big thinker i thank you for sharing your suggestion which you put some thought into. discussing policy related to expression of thoughts and debate is often unpopular. being someone who often has her words restricted i cannot get behind your idea however. limiting the ability we have to spread our word is bad and it is how the big entities get away with their sinister agendas.


Like I said, restricting speech wasn’t my goal. Ideally, I wouldn’t even need to open such a thread to discuss this since players themselves would recognize toxic behavior and flag it, eventually leading to a suspension. If that doesn’t work, then mods would have to step in and have a stern talking.
Sadly, a lot (if not all) seem to do quite the opposite, as I’ve seen even green posters actively promote the toxic content.

I digress. I just wanted to put forward a suggestion that A: wouldn’t violate rules; B: practically and efficiently combat the toxic behavior and C: promote a more comfortable atmosphere here on the forums.

I’m not saying not to have fun. But there should be a time and a place for such activities.


I have a screenshot of 15 posts from this person all right under one another, with many more posts above and below with other posters in between. I just don’t want to post it here because I have the feeling it would fall under the “naming and shaming” rule of sorts.

I’m not against fun threads, but this is isn’t even borderline spam, this is far beyond the line of spam. You know who you are and you’re literally drowning all other posters by trying to make as many thread as possible


I agree, improve the ignore function. Completely remove anything from ignored users, its a reason they are on ignore.


I know what you mean, but usually that lasts like 5 mins maximum. In the end people decide themselves which topics are interesting and which are not. If no one replies the threads vanish from the top of the list really quickly.


These are threads that have been around for very a long time and when they get finally drowned, they get necroed a couple days or weeks later. Just going through the posts now I counted 19 threads from this person before I got the the blue “last visit” line, and there’s more under it.

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Yeah I get that, but the threads are usually gone just as fast as they appeared. A few might stay, but those are the ones people find interesting and decide to reply to.

Find it really sad its the 3rd topic the OP has made mocking Twil and very ironic as to me this counts as spam .