Angry Blind People Post

All i’m saying is if the evokers get a 3rd spec there would be a lot of blind people mad at you blizzard. They have sacrificed everything, and what have the evokers given.

Add in a sweet surprise and give them the 3rd spec before the evokers do, and save the forums from a million QQ Angry posts about wow being dead.

Drama Lovers


Do these Angry Blind People have wings by any chance?


They do, but they cant fly. Just like their hopes of getting a 3rd spec.


Oouchhhh… !!

Including any chance of a third spec :woman_shrugging:

What would be new? :thinking:



Are you proposing that Demon hunters get a Healing spec?

LOL…What are they gonna heal with? Fel Energy? …

hey…Wait a sec…


That could work, as long as it keeps them happy

angry blind people should get a necrotic spec

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OMG, this thread is brilliant so far. :joy: :+1:


I read that as ‘neurotic spec’ and thought, yep they should.


And all those “blind people” would see it that way.

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Well those blind bois steal OUR METAMORPHOSIS so now they deserve NOTHING


lock metamorp was 1000 times better


From the stuff I’ve read it sounds like a rubbish 3rd spec. I’d rather have more classes unlocked for them.

Don’t worry
They wouldn’t see it


Give angry blind people the ability to turn a blind sight to damage, cast a wide net of “Ignore” on damage for other people.
They will heal by simply not acknowledging that damage exists. :frog:

“I can’t see you so you can’t see me”-mindset.

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I could see a magic damage support class specialising on enhancing magic damage really hard and preventing magic damage. Last thing I wanna see tho is a fel healer keeping a prot pala alive tbh

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So what’s this? A preemptive strike against them just in case they might have something to stay about it? Get them to feel ashamed of making their opinion heard? Cause everyone here knows they won’t be getting their 3rd spec any time soon.

It’s a joke Torchia… Come on. Take your fangs down!

Its a joke that goes back to when Dragonflight was in its beta stage. And Dracthyr got their soar racial ability. A few demon hunters complained that it was unfair they didn’t get it too cause you know… Wings…

This third spec is happening. There is already too much hype about it I think