Angry Blind People Post

I would have still prefered to have a big tanky Evoker spec, like Onyx Spellwarden kind of thing, but the whole augmentation style that seems to be what people are assuming we will get could also be cool.

Dracthyr be trolling demon hunters like…


Demon hunters deserve a third spec first. First its because it was introduced way back in 2016 with no reason at all to have only 2 specs. So long time ago. And second its because its a real hero class, with cool history and gameplay that already exist in warcraft universe.

Lizzard race/spec is just an invented wierd looking race so they could sale the game more at launch. Not sure how many true wow players really plays that “race” seriously and really care about a third spec.


What have they even sacrificed, besides their fashion sense? Meanwhile, evokers are a totally unique and underappreciated class. They’re dragons, for crying out loud! And dragons are way cooler than demon hunters. I mean, have you ever seen a demon hunter breathe fire? I didn’t think so.So, yeah, Blizzard should definitely give evokers a third spec before even thinking about giving one to demon hunters. And maybe they should even give them a fourth

They are lizzards, not dragons. Nothing cool about lizzard race/evokers. Demon hunters were in the warcraft universe. They are a true hero class with gameplay and lore that already exists. Lizzards are just a made up cringe race. No true wow players play/take that “race” seriously.

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Whereas as a true WoW player I refuse to take anyone seriously who uses the word “cringe”.

But to make the word only slightly bearable, I will add an “r” and make it infinitely more interesting and worthwhile of everyone’s time rather than “Twitchspeek” cringe.

Oh, I see, so now we’re splitting hairs about the difference between dragons and lizards? Excuse me for not being a herpetologist. But let’s be real here, evokers still have way more potential for a third spec than demon hunters ever will. And who cares if they’re not “cool” enough for you? At least they’re not a tired and overused trope like demon hunters.
And as for being a “true hero class,” please. Demon hunters are just a cheap rip-off of other classes, with their edgy tattoos and ridiculous blindfold. So, in conclusion, evokers deserve a third spec much more than demon hunters ever will. And anyone who thinks otherwise is clearly just a fanboy who can’t handle anything that doesn’t fit their narrow view of what’s “cool” in WoW.

Sure, I can agree that DH should never been a playable class and their kind of abilities should stayed on warlocks and rogues maybe. Wow didn’t needed these “hero” classes. But demon hunters and death knights belong in the warcraft universe. Their abilities, gameplay and lore exist up from warcraft 3. So as long as blizzard is going this hero class route, DH and DK are true warcraft classes that belong in this game.

Dracthyrs are lizzard looking. They dont even look related with the dragons. Its a cringe race that should not exist ingame. Actually, it didn’t even exists in warcraft lore. It was just invented in DF so they make a few bucks. These small wierd looking lizzards have no history, no gameplay, no anything to fit in the warcraft universe. Its a meme race noone takes seriously. It should be removed at all from the game, instead of considering giving it more specs.

Never. How can you even said that? Demon hunters are around 2016. The cringe lizzards just been introduced. Demon hunters should have priority for a third spec. Its a shame they still got only 2 in 2023. its been 7 years already…

According to whom?

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The lore. Demon Hunters use Fel. Fel can only consume and destroy and arguably heal fel beings (only DHs are fel beings).

Evokers have all Dragonflights run through their veins and considering the Dragonflights cover nearly all aspects of magic you can figure out the rest.

Unless you want to propose some ranged spec for Demon hunters which wouldnt make any sense anyway.

The thing is that I cannot see a healing spec for Demon hunters.
Meanwhile a ranged DPS spec would be … a Destruction warlock

Actually meta was 1st used by Illadan and lock stole it from him.


Imitated, not stole.
“Stealing from” implies removing one’s property from them

What do you mean what you have read. There is literally and I do mean literally no information about the 3rd spec. Everything you have read is conjecture

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why not? we have ranged demon hunters in diablo. They can be similar to that. Crossbow physical/fel dmg spec. Lore can easily being explained with something like: after legion was defeated, dh purpouse was to become all kind of monsters hunters. Like the witchers. So they adapted and used ranged weapons as well. It fit perfectly.

Also, we need more ranged weapon classes. Not healers. We have only 1 ranged weapon class atm. And lots of healers.

Do you actually have an idea how this 3rd spec would be different than the existing two? I’m not asking you to design an entire spec yourself, but if not you nor anyone can think of any idea that fits then maybe Blizzard can’t either.

Yeah I’m not feeling it. They share nothing exept their name. WoW DHs suddenly using bows and arrows feels stupid.

I don’t remember Evokers being a staple in the lore before Dragonflight.
Destruction warlocks use a lot of Fel so please just take a moment to think about the statement you are making lol

I have a solid base for a suggestion actually, just haven’t got round to posting it :slight_smile:

Lastly, there is so much in the game that at one point, didn’t make sense in reference to the lore

The bottom line, if Evokers get a 3rd spec before DH something has drastically gone wrong. I also have mained an Evoker throughout DF and have 2 max level + geared

ALSO, and something that I somehow forgot. Devastation for Evoker needs work ! It doesn’t feel like a complete finished spec…AND it has bugs.

evokers are just a made up class and lizzards a 2023 made up race. It doesn’t trully belong in the warcraft universe. But DH is here straight from the warcraft 3. Its not even comparable. No ideea what they thinking giving to this fake class a third spec before DHs.

Just gonna throw it out there Reve, I really like Evokers. But yes, they do seem to be completely invented out of nowhere for this expansion. I don’t remember any clues about them before, and if there were, they must have been crumbs.

I don’t want to :poop: on Evokers , but if they get a 3rd spec before DH that’s a complete joke and indefensible.

A lot of people lack imagination around here sadly, so anything not blue approved or a new idea will get stamped on

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Which share nothing except for their name.

If bows/crossbows would have been of use to them they would have used them before. They have decided to instead use Warglaives instead or very rarely swords and axes.

Demons still exist. Demons werent exclusive to the Legion. And their current weapon types have proven to be the most effective for their style of combat.

DHs are already established in the lore at this point however. Same as why a third spec for Evokers makes sense as every Dragonflight magic runs through their veins.

Destro Lock =/= Demon hunter. Also the irony is amusing given i already added the range dps part at the end of the post. And if you want a range dps that is using Fel Magic then well, go play destro lock.

“Because they botched the lore before lets botch it some more”. Flawless logic.

Nobody cares that you have mained an evoker and have two of them.

And DHs lorewise dont need a third spec. It also wouldnt make much sense. While Evoker were already raising eyebrows why they only have two specs and are severely limited to their dragonflight powers within said specs considering how they were depicted in the lore. Most especially their Black Dragonflight powers.

Different matter entirely.

Or people dont share your mindset. Shocking revelation i know.