Angry Blind People Post

Yes. The conjecture I have read.

What on earth are you even attempting to say?

Didn’t claim the opposite so don’t insinuate I did thank you

There is no irony present
But if you’re refering to this ‘part at the end of them post’ :

Then it was doomed to fail from the start. You invite the idea, to bash it before someone has even suggested it. Gives a lot of insight into how open you are for the debate really :confused:

This isn’t the logic I suggested, only your quite poor interpretation of my original statement.

Don’t be rude + never claimed they did.

Your opinion


More like since their release

Completely relevant actually and you playing ignorant doesn’t change it

As you previously said, irony indeed

actually, lorewise evokers should not even have 1 spec. Because its a made up class with no backup lore. Dhs and evokers are not even comparable. DH is a warcraft 3 class and was introduced as playable class in wow in 2016. 7 years already being the only class with only 2 specs. And now they introduce this new fake race/class lizzard evoker and they already giving it a third spec? Be real. That doesn’t sound very fair.

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So let me confirm. Someone made some stuff up about a spec that dosent exist and it’s killed your excitement for that spec?

WoWhead has been tauting possible existence of a 3rd spec from datamining that they believe would be a support spec. Whilst I doubt evokers will be getting a 3rd spec, the suggested one sounds boring.

It seems pretty clear to me that this is where the 3rd spec thing has come from. If you haven’t seen it then I can see why you’d be confused. I would rather they have a tank spec or just unlock other classes for Dracthyr.

Shaman tank specc now!

Just to add my unsolicited two cents to the wrong conversation.


Yea sure mate <3 The locks and the BM’s would want to have a word with you

I dunno man i have read the datamineing and tbh it seems like you are leaping to a rather large conclusion. Perhaps consider completing in the next Olympic long jump?

Just thinking back the last few expansions there have been 100s of teases like this often with a lot more in the way of datamineing that have literally never happened. Or when we have had them they have been complete different.

Seems like a rather extreme stance to take off the back of so little. But hey you do you

Personally I prefer to keep a cautiously optimistic open mind about these sorts of things at least untill we have something more concrete

Think for a second and you might figure it out.

You said they use fel. A statement of absolute irrelevance.

It very much is.

Or rather i give people the benefit of the doubt with what their argument could be. And yes, i rule out suggestion if they dont make sense from the get go.

Then do explain. Chop chop. Because this is exactly how you sounded.

Do what you preach before telling others to do the same. Also i havent said that you claimed, i have said nobody cares that you have an evoker as that statement is irrelevant for the point of discussion.

Not an opinion.

So do have anything of value to say? No? Figured as much.

No its not. We are discussing a potential third spec. Whether Devastation feels complete or not is irrelevant.

I dont throw a fit and said “so anything not blue approved or a new idea will get stamped on” just because someone doesnt agree with me.

Bla bla bla. Theres a beginning for everything.

“lorewise” all DHs should have been slaughtered after BT. You were brought back because of Illidan fanboys.


Bla bla bla once again. And Druids have 4. More news at 5.

at least DHs are here from warcraft 3. So its a good thing they are “saved”. Dracthyr is just a 2023 invented wanna be dragon race. Its not really comparable.

so its only fair they get their third spec first. duh.

I merely stated I don’t like the current theory and would prefer something else. There is nothing extreme about that.

Everything had to be created first at some point. Your argument is a non-argument.

DHs are fine with their current specs as far as the lore is concerned. Evokers having no access to a spec that utilizes the Black Dragonflight properly however is a lore issue considering all the flights run through their veins. A compromise would be to add more black flight spells to the existing two trees.

Also “fair” lol. Druids have 4 specs. Game has never been fair im afraid.

God damn I had to scroll halfway through till I figured out wtf blind people means… blindfolded: demonhunters, wanting a 3rd spec before drakthyrs.

But yeah, would be easy to give drakthyrs a tank, with a thicc body transformation, like the valdrakken guards. That’s a no brainer.

Demonhunters really can’t have a fitting healer theme to be frank.
What you could do though is give them a arcane dps spec.
If you remember doing the legion final main story quests, you get to play as illidan before he turned evil. He was a arcane mage, with insane cosmic spells.
Work around that, high mobility, same spells he uses in that arena quest taking out 1000 demons, add some medium range arcane magic melee attacks, that would be awesome.

Yeah, but you can’t create something out of nothing. It feels fake and dull (like drachtyrs are). If they introduced this race slowly over the years, with good lore arguments why they exists, it would have been a different story. But that’s not the case. Dracthyrs are the equivalent of the Jailor story. Cheap and fake. No ideea what kind of a wow player plays that seriously, haha. Probably the ones that support “modern era” direction and appreciated the Jailor story.

They already have black stuff abilities. What are you talking about. Its not like devastation focus only on the red. Or preservation only on green. Every spec have a mix of everything. So there’s no point for a new spec only focusing on black.

Yes you can, because actually you just can’t be aware of everything going on in the world, especially what happened millennia ago, so it is perfectly plausible to have things created out of thin air and be put in game as things pretty much none knew about.

You might not like that, sure. But is perfectly plausible.

Yes and no actually. In the sense that you have couple of abilities that smell like Black DF but nowhere near the abundance of the other color. The other 4 are way better mixed together.

Everyone that played an Evoker can probably agree that Black DF magic is basically missing from it.

of course you can. But its just bad writing. Sorry, but your wannabe dragons is just a fake cringe race.

your argument already started to fail. There’s no need for a new spec focusing on black magic. Because the other two dont focus just on one single kind of magic. And you already have black magic spells.

Actually the whole point of an evoker is that he is using a mix of all the colors.

What youy are saying is that real world is “badly written” by the way. You seriously wanna tell me you think you know everything truly going on in the world.

You know how many world events you think went in “A” way, but the reality is that the event was totally different but really few people know about it? In the modern age is way harder to pull off given how easier info flows all around the globe but in a more medieval/fantasy settings that is not really the case.

Okay? This is more of a poor “flamestart” attempt from you but, just to be clear, this entire game is “fake” my friend. No need to be so upset over something you don’t like.

Following this logic, Evoker should be a single spec class but it is pretty evident they divided them for gameplay reasons (while still making both spec use every color).

Dev: Major focus on Red/Blue, Bronze/Green/Black sides.

Pres: Major focus on Green/Bronze, Blue/Red/Black sides.

Black magic is by far the most bland and least used by far, and even if we leave out the theories about the Storm flight which could make a Black/Storm spec likely, even a simple Black/Red spec is more than plausible.

There is a NEED for a new spec? No of course, there was no need for Evoker either, but i ain’t complaining if they are going to add it.

that’s the thing. There’s no need. They could just wait out until DH gets third spec first because that’s only fair. And actually healthy for the game. DH can get a ranged weapon spec. Evokers can’t. Something the game dont have except hunters. But evokers third spec can only be just another caster or a tank. And we have enough of that already.

I agree evokers should not even exists tho. And if you ask me, not even DH should. But DH got way more reasons to be here gameplay/lore wise, than evokers do.

dude, stop trying to defend their badly* writing. They did it just a for a few extra fast bucks. There’s nothing more deep in their way of introducing this wannabe dragons race.

If they wanted to do it the right way, they should have introduced dracthyr race as a non playable race first. Then work around it until it got fixed in the lore and just way after if lots of people trully loved it and they didn’t have anything better to add (nagas?), they should have done it.

How they did it was a cheap way just for some extra fast bucks. Nothing more. That’s exactly why im so annoyed about dracthyrs. They represent what’s wrong with retail. Dracthyrs are just another way of exploting players for money instead of giving them good quality stuff how they deserve.

Then DH should wait all the other classes to get a 4th spec because that is only fair given Druid exists?
It makes no sense as an argument, if they feel like adding a spec X to class Y because they want to connect it to the lore of the expansion then they should do it.

“Fair”. Is a really silly way to go against something given we are talking about a videogame here, and the developers shape the story how they feel it. If they feel like DH is complete with 2 specs and Evo need 3 so be it. If this “3rd spec” thing end up being fake, who cares, i am not going to rip my hair off.

Really does not fit how i imagine a WoW Demon Hunter. But if they decide to add it, have fun playing it. I won’t be there telling you how you are playing a cringe spec or w/e.

We are not talking about history books here. At the end of the day we are talking about something that someone invented from the ground up, you do realize that?
You are saying something should not exist because is “more fake” than your fake beloved class.

I simply pointed out how it is perfectly plausible in a world like the one in WoW to not have knowledge of everything that happened/is going on because that is exactly how our world was (and still is to a certain degree) as well.

You may not like this as a way to introduce things but is still plausible, I did not say it was something deep or super elaborate.