Angry Blind People Post

Well they could end up like your lot - tank spec and a dps spec that is swapped every couple of seasons. Who gets laughed at thes day Fury or Arms? :slight_smile:

I want to heal by beaming people in the face with bruning fel energy.
Like monster drink; just go brrrrr and you have been caffinated.

Healing wouldn’t make sense but I suppose caster dps could be possible.

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Angry bird people post?

Whelp, I’m too still mad that we don’t have playable Arakkoa!

Though, honestly. If DH gets a their spec it would

  1. Need to be using ranged weapons so that we would no longer have 1 class that is the only class using 3 weapon types.
  2. Not steal (process everyone does at least once a day that terrifies prudes) from warlocks.
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Ranged dps caster with a twist is the best way to go imho

What did the Demonhunter say the first time he touched sandpaper?

“What in the world did I just read?”

Why did the Demonhunter stop playing?

He could not see a future with the class.

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Im reading all those “muh lore consistency, warcraft 3, very warcraft vibe etc etc” and I understand that sentiment. I just want to know what you saying to lightforged draenei warlocks :popcorn:

Did you see what happened to good ol’ Charlie Brown?

Neither did the demon hunter.

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Normally I’m not that type of person.

But somehow now.
Salty DH tears taste good.

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