Angry Blind People Post

There was a demon hunter with a scythe back in legion, alani? She seems to be using ranged spells.

Is that not an overlap with the warlock + scythe?

Close range ranged class? :thinking:
Not a meele, but one that focuses on Chaos Nova, Fel devastation, Fel Barrage, eyebeam; Aoe-heavy close pew pew pew with Fel?
A walking talking Fukushima meltdown basically; like Batman Beyond’s Blight

Sure, i like the idea of Evoker possibly getting a 3rd spec, so what? My stance on DHs 3rd spec would stay the same regardless of Evoker existence.


If they change their mind and add a 3rd spec for DH then i am happy for you, truly. Still i disagree with the idea DH hold any right on the line of “what should come next”. If Blizzard feel like earthwarden shamn is next in line cause reasons and not a 3rd dh/evoker spec then they should go for it. There was never a line or a “fair” argument when it came to classes and spec, only what Dev decides to do.

But sure, feel free to try and discredit my opinion just because.

Evokers: We want a spec with a black dragonflight theme.

Demon Hunters: Nooo! We still didn’t get the 3rd spec we can’t even agree on what it should be like! And evokers are a made up class just like monks which we’re still mad that it got released before us btw.


for me, I consider the best ideea to be something similar with the diablo demon hunter gameplay. Low ranged crossbow, with tumbles, dashes, fel traps etc. Because we only have 1 ranged weapon user atm and we dont really need anymore casters/tanks/melees. That kind of gameplay is unique in the warcraft, so there will be no need to steal stuff from other classes.

The lore explained could be something easy and realistic like “after the legion defeat, dh searched for porpuse so they become all kind of rare creature hunters. Exploiting their agility with using crossbows for unique types of bolts for every kind of creature” . Like the witchers. They are monsters exploiting the monster within fighting other monters.

And before you guys said anything, yes, that kind of Van Hellsing spec could fit better for rogues. But as long as we have DHs in game with only 2 specs, it is what it is. Rogues would have been more like vampire hunters, while Dhs could be more like the witchers. Works both ways.

Weren’t you the one against cheap lore?

Please explain how searching for purpose would make them go like “yeah whatever about how inner demon imma go and pew pew with 2 tiny crossbows cause hunting rare cretures can’t be done with warglaives”

Your spec is basically a fel-reskinned Diablo Demon Hunters, something that does not fit WoW Demon Hunters at all.

Adding a 3rd spec to a class mid expansion maybe kinda backfires cuz you got to re-balance many many things again. Having a Ranged Fel-focused/healer 3rd spec for DH or a Black-dragon themed tank spec for Evoker sounds cool thu.

I’m not a writer dude. I just said an ideea that could work and give you the arguments why. Good writers can implement that in a good and healthy way. And anyway, its still a way better concept than how dracthyrs were implemented. Not even comparable.

Because glaives are specifically good for killing demons. But when you get to fight vampires, spirits, beasts etc, you need to adapt your weapon to them. So different bullets for different creatures. It actually makes good sense why.

Also, there’s a good reason blizz could fit the demon hunter name to that kind of class.

The only people that would be mad at something as insignificant as this in a video game are mentally unstable vegetables.

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Guys…Guys… There is no need to stick to the lore and facts here. With the introduction of pandas and Monk class Blizzard has broken from that cycle. Players would care less if the so called proposed 3rd spec could be related to anything written in the lore. I say, go bold and invent a new Spec that could be fun to play.

like for example - A new spec for Demon hunters that supports their fellow group members with Emotes and Speeches.

Few examples -

/Yell ‘You are not prepared’ - Gives all party members beside the DH 10% Unpreparedness buff that allows them to cast their skills faster

/Yell ‘I am my Scars’ - Gives all party members increased HP and the ability to break out of any roots and movement impairing skills

/Whisper ‘Lord Illidan Knows the way’ - The whispered party member looses control of their character for 10 seconds and starts navigating in the direction towards the Black temple

You know things like these…


I literally puked out my coffee reading this lmfao

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not really true. We had pandas even in warcraft 3. Pandas are fine. Dracthyrs, void elves, vulperas, are not.

Compare the amount of the black dragonflight spells in usage to the rest. Not comparable. Which is exactly why they are getting their third spec now. It also has your aforementioned “mix” by being a combination of bronzen and black.

Have existed in lore since Warcraft 3.

Wanna know something funny? It was originally an April Fools joke that they were gonna be added in WC3 - and people got UPSET that it was a joke, because they thought it was cool.




I checked WoWhead after reading this comment and knew that there was going to be news due at 6pm but forgot

I can’t believe it

I’m very much an angry seething blind person rn

Their two specs are currently rubbish, so a third equally rubbish spec would be apt.

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BLIZZARD where is our 3rd spec?? Weve been waiting since 7 years


Oh boy here we go

Listen to the Rogue Blizz - another leather bothering 3 spec DPS class.