Anima farming

I am sure they will increase anima earnings later on. 35 is a bit too little for the cost of many things, as you mentioned.

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We are just in a few first months of the expansion and safe to say its about two more years ahead of us…
The slow anima flow (again, ~1000/day not that slow) is here to make sure 80% of the game won’t become redundant after the 3rd month.

This is lazy design. They can keep adding mogs and rewards to use the new anima. Rewards should be obtainable within 2-3 months and then new rewards should be offered to keep you farming.

Even F2P game have new rewards to farm every couple of months. This game is underdeveloped. I’m starting to think that F2P is the way to go. Here devs don’t bother creating new rewards because players are paying their sub anyways …


The problem with anima is it’s scarcity and it’s uses to everything. Surely if anima only was there as a currency for transmogs it would have not been that much of an issue. However, anima is also a currency for upgrading gear, and for upgrading any covenant facility.

One can easily grind 5000 anima per week. However, that is only worth a single transmog, a gear upgrade, OR barely a level 1-2 upgrade of any facility - a cost which increased 100% for each level upgrade.

There is simply too much to use anima on in relation to how fast we actually obtain the anima. I have myself only spent anima on upgrading covenant facilities, and none are fully upgraded yet.

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You can farm them in 2-3 months though if you want to.

I like the anima, because compared to BFA and legion… I can actually ignore it… finally :smiley:
because what? all u can get is tmog and mounts and maybe a nice portal network… but I can also live without them. I didnt even know grinding anima was a thing… the anima u get from just doing stuff is more than enough ^^

Maybe the 1k anima for the weekly renown is a bit annoying to get (at least for alts). then again, you will just get that renowned the next week by killing a boss or doing a WQ. I can see why people might wanna rush it to have a soulbind before everybody else, but after renown 31 it wont matter anyway

Nah, not really. My mission table alts finish that on most weeks without ever leaving the mission table, and they’re doing gold adventures too. It’s only annoying on alts if you want to get it out of the way on Wednesday.

Na-nanana! You need to grind dailies, do u think its must be easy? First deserve! Kekw

I am so done with it all, it’s a joke.

With all the time gating since launch and now this anima time gate/grind I just can’t find myself logging in anymore except for raid and even that is becoming less.

M+ is a bad joke and has been since before BFA.

The costs for sanctum is insanely high, the costs for rewards is stupid, locking everything behind renown is awful and rewards are just too low especially for anima.

PvP and mission table balance is just another bad taste, they released SL in an unfinished state and tried to extend lifespan with all this grind and time gating and it just isn’t working and is really obvious.

I really liked SL at first and what they were going for but as usual Blizz shoot themselves in the foot with restrictive systems over the top, lack of balance and time gating everything until it’s choked to death.

Legendary and conduit system feels very un-impactful and just meh.

Just taken all the fun out and turned playing into a chore.


exactly… I dont see the problem.

How come no one, abolutely no one complaining about the offerings? They are needed to basically anything meaningfull, including the quasi-free legendary (okay you need 4th anima line reinforced before you could buy a random legendary you don’t have for 35, but still) any there are precious little source to have them
Your conductor rare/treasure/WQ/etc… and thats it (and if some kind Kyrian or Night fae summon the rares for you)

In the knee. Multiple times. I also find game boring but play casually because I am too lazy to start anything new. And it mildly entertaining. To me.

I have 240 of them and don’t know what do with them. Bought all memories and some crap but that’s . Nothing useful I find. Actually what else can I buy?

what offerings :rofl: Just grind the leggo elsewhere and begone! Anima is just to unlock cosmetic rewards and im very happy with that. Come on… would rather have a resource like anima unlock player power like azerite and artefact power? heeeell noooo, I am so happy this type of grind is over. I just see Anima as neat little addition to the game that you can completely ignore if you wish, but which can also give you some tiny perks along the road… its perfect!

Yep, I also don’t find anything in particular that will be mega useful. Maybe a turtle soul shape from wild seeds. Well, cute fluff.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m totally fine with the curent anima system and rate you can grind it out
The only anyoing thing is the weekly soul-limit
I’m a bit obsessed with my Ember Court, will unlock the 4th rank, then have to wait till I can save 70 souls… a bit anoying
But actually okay… would be nice to have on max efficiency, but its just a silly little, totally optinal content , weekly party and I have a tons of fun and enjoy it
Aside than? No point to upgrade the covenant armor, since you grow out of it quickly and the mogs are not all that great (well for me)
So you are right, its refreshing the courency grind is optional… if you are not obsessed to colect , etc… you simply don’t have to do it, and have a week to squeeze out 1000 for the covenant weekly (2x Broker quest in the basement and a WB itslef is 2x175 and a 250 anima = 600 , and that 600 is what? 20 min of game? And you did nothing else just killed a WB and done two normal… )
You know what? You don’t even need to do that, since there is a renown catchup mechanics, so could skip the 1000 aima and the soul saving too if you hate the maw

Ah I guess we agree then :slight_smile: Im sure some fine tuning would be good… as long as this system stay away from affecting actual player power I am happy.

By the way, what is so appealing with the ember court, maybe you can get me started with it again? It was the first sanctum upgrade i got on my DK a few months back and i really liked it… but then I completely forgot about it… guess I have weeks of lost opportunities for cosmetic rewards behind me xD

Hard to explain :sweat_smile:
The whole organizing an event, collecting stuff, slowly shaping the whole thing, toying with the guests and their preferences and so on…
But made a little guide if you are interested :wink:

:o thanks mate, ill take a look :smiley:

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