(Hopefully) Helpfull Guide to the Ember Court 🦇

There are several guides floating around, so I decided to make my own, using them as a source and adding my own discoveries
I hope it will help other Venthrys to organize and udnerstand their Ember Court better!
So let’s get down to business, shall we?

The Ember Court is the unique Covenant Sanctum feature of the Venthyr Covenant. In this weekly mini-game, players will host a party, inviting famous Shadowlands NPCs, arranging the catering and entertainment, dealing with party crashers, and more.

Court Atmosphere

Court Atmosphere is the main objective of the Ember Court. There are 5 different types of Court Atmospheres that are rated simultaneously and these will be shown on a bar on the right side of your screen:

  • Cleanliness: Messy or Clean
  • Danger: Safe or Dangerous
  • Decadence: Humble or Decadent
  • Excitement: Relaxing or Exciting
  • Formality: Casual or Formal

To change your Court Atmosphere, you’ll run around the Court and try to find different activities that you can accomplish. Each of these activities will show how they change your Court Atmosphere when you complete them.

Each Guest that you invite has a preferred Court Atmosphere. It’s important to look at the Guest List and try to make sure that your Guests don’t have opposing Court Atmospheres (e.g. one likes Safe and one likes Dangerous).

If you don’t like a Guest, you can use a Blank invitation (drops from Calling-boxes sometimes, but you can buy it for infused rubies) on a guest to make Prince Renethal choose another one .

Guest Happiness is a result of how well your Ember Court’s Atmosphere meets a guest’s preferences. The more the Court’s atmosphere matches their preference, the higher their happiness will be. Your guest list will have your guests’ preferences on it, and you can view your guest list at any time. This allows you to prepare and set the atmosphere for your Court to favor these preferences.

Okay, these are the basics, the goal is to make your guest happy, because a happy guest reward you with better tribute!

Now for the „Advanced” part:

Preparation for the Ember Court

Before every Ember Court, you’ll be required to make a few decisions before beginning the main event. Your choices here will require some outdoor world activities. There are three main things you’ll have to manage before every Ember Court.

  • Earn Guest RSVPs – yes, sadly you need to do the RSVP quest every time you want to invite someone! - Lord Garridan keeps the guest list.

  • Decide on Entertainment

  • Decide on Beverages

  • Decide on Decorations

  • Manage Security

Choosing Amenities for Your Ember Court Event

  • Hips handles your entertainment options for the Ember Court.

Atoning Rituals grants +Humble and +Formal.(Unlocked with the quest Ember Court: Atoning Rituals)

Glimpse of the Wilds grants +Clean and +Safe. (Unlocked by the Ember Court: Glimpse of the Wilds quest in Ardenweald )

Lost Chalice Band grants +Decadent and +Exciting. (Unlocked by the [Staff: Stage Crew], - requires Honored reputation with The Ember Court] that opens the Ember Court: Lost Chalice Band quest in Revendreth)

  • Picky Stefan manages your refreshment options for your Ember Court.

Tubbin’s Tea Party grants +Relaxing and +Formal. (Unlocked with the quest Ember Court: Tubbins’s Tea Party)

Divine Deserts grants +Messy and +Decadent.(Unlocked with the quest: Ember Court: Divine Desserts in Bastion)

Mushroom Surprise grants +Dangerous and +Humble. ( Unlocked by the [Staff: Waiters - requires Honored reputation with The Ember Court.], that opens the Ember Court: Mushroom Surprise! In Maldraxxus)

  • Building: Dredger Pool requires Friendly reputation with The Ember Court.

Boot the Beaut lets you select decorations.

Traditional grants +Clean and +Dangerous. (Unlocked with the quest Ember Court: Traditional)

Mortal Reminders grants +Relaxing and +Casual.(Unlocked with the quest Ember Court: Mortal Reminders)

Mystery Mirrors (opens with the [Staff: Dredger Decorators] – not reached yet the reputation I need to have this and not find any info)

  • Building: Guardhouse requires Honored reputation with The Ember Court.

Watchmaster Boromod lets you select security.

Venthyr Volunteers grants +Dangerous and +Exciting.(Unlocked with the quest Ember Court: Venthyr Volunteers)

Stoneborn Reserves grants +Safe and +Decadent. (Unlocked with the quest Ember Court: Stoneborn Reserves)

Maldraxxian Army ( opens with the [Staff: Bouncers]– not reached yet the reputation I need to have this and not find any info)

Aside this, the achivement Court Favors gives some ‘help’ too. I mean a little list of collectable favors, that helps your Ember Court:

Tubbins’s Lucky Teapot: allowing you to pour tea for your guests (+Formal)
Crown of Honor is purchased from a Bored Dredger, found within the locked tombs in the Halls of Atonement. Gives the abilityto designate one of your guests as the Guest of Honor.
Racing Permit is from the Quest It’s Race Day in the Ramparts! - This item causes Wheelbarrow Racer to spawn in your Ember Court, which you can use to quickly travel across the area. They are faster than a ground mount, and move continuously. While riding, you have two action buttons: Request Stop has a low chance of causing the driver to stop the vehicle; Stick in Spokes stops the vehicle and sends you flying a few yards forward.
Dog Bone’s Bone drops from skeletal dogs from Maldraxxus… no idea what it does ^^’
Maldraxxi Challenge Banner is obtained from the PvP World Quest: " State of Decay" In Maldraxxus - allows you to duel guards to promote them. (since I rarely PvP don’t really know how it works or what bonus provides and not found any info)
Altar of Accomplishment is bought from Temel. (It’s by the bridge to the east of the party, only shows whilst inside the court. When interacted with it will give you options to show for various atmosphere)

There are several others, but I not encountered them so far

The quest Small Bites (gather cheese from around the Shadowlands) rewards your with the Stock: Appetizers adds +2 min to your Ember Court
The quest Anima Tastings(gather Anima from around the Shadowlands to the elite to sample) rewards you with the Stock: Anima Samples adds +3 min to your Ember Court

Basic Ember Court Procedure

The Ember Court is a timed scenario that takes place in three stages.

  • Stage 1: Preparation - The first stage gives you time to get your bearings and get a head start at setting the Court Atmosphere. You’ll be able to interact with Staff members and give them instructions, talk with some guests to get buffs, and interact with a few objects to set the mood.

This is important and the Venthry I talked so far totally neglected this part; during this precious minute, you have the ability to talk to the Staff (Hips, Stefan, Boot and Boromod) to give them some intructions, for example tell Watchmaster Boromod to duel the Guests (don’t kill them ^^) for + Danger or Guard the perimeters for + Safe and so on

You also could Clean up rubble around the Court (+Clean) but you can do that druing the court too and that 60 sec is not too much…

  • Stage 2: Party - At this stage, your guests will arrive and begin to wander the grounds. Objectives will activate and begin to appear on the map. You’ll now be able to directly interact with all court activities and events such as your entertainment, and start serving your refreshments.

Bonus objectives occur both randomly, and based on your chosen Entertainment and Refreshment options. A bonus objective will appear on the map and require you to participate in its activities. These will appear on your map and minimap with a STAR icon, similar to the stars used for rare mobs out in the world.Bonus objectives that appear on the map will always have at least 1 benefit towards one of your guests. Therefore, if you are lost on what events/activities are actually helpful, these stars on the map are good indicators.Your Entertainment option will generally provide you with a little mini-game that you’ll have to succeed at enough to maximize its value.

For example, Atoning Rituals, if you have a guest that prefers Formality, will have a bonus objective that has you participate in accusing souls of their sins based on some dialog given to the player. Correctly choosing the right option will boost the Formality Level of the Court Atmosphere. Do this enough times and the event will eventually complete, meaning you’ve maximized your gains from it.
Divine Desserts let you to kick the tables and start a Food Fight (+Messy, +Decadent)

There are several little events like:

Catch pieces of Theotar’s Tea Set, allowing us to serve special tea to one of our Guests (+Bonus Happiness)

Set up the band stage (+Exciting) and find the Band’s lost instruments (+Exciting)

Defeat a Rare Provocateur for some Court Gossip (+Relaxing OR +Exciting depending on what you do with it)

  • Stage 3: Closing - When Stage 2 ends, the party essentially ends. Your guests will now gather and give their final opinion of the party. Each of them will give you a reward based on their final mood. Collect your tribute.

Well my fellow fine fanged friends, this is all the help I could gathered (WoWhead was a great source as always) and gives you to squeeze out the most of your weekly Ember Court!

Personally I find this little feature very fun and a shame you only could play it once/week and even bigger shame you can’t ‘practice’ to discover what refresment or entertainment provides what – for example, my Food fight discovery was by accident, a missclick… while not fully managed to figure out the runaway animal game during the Glimpse of the Wilds entertainment (more or less, use the sylvar girl as a vehicle to gather maggots and return them to the boxes and fishes to bring back to the big water bubble, it took me several precious minutes to figure out, the purple mushrroms are throw you in the water to relese the fish…)
But all and all, while not everyone likes it, I think its fun and have a great potential
If you found anything I missed, please don’t hesitate to add here!

Lets make our Ember Court together the best place in the Shadowlands!

EDIT: totally forgot, don’t forget to use Theotar as your Soulbind ; life of the party is very useful ability, increasing the happiness gained from completing events in the Ember Court! For every completed event your guest gain extra happiness and the reputation they recive is basically doubled


Very useful :slight_smile:


This is great, thank you.

I’d love someone to do ones for the other covenant specials. Helps me understand whether or not to invest the anima.


Are the rewards worth the time invested? Only done the court once or twice and can’t remember what I got.
The rsvp is what ticks me off the most, can’t just go there and get right into the action, so i cba.

Good guide, thanks for putting it together, I did the into the the court and now I cba with it. Is there anything cool you get for doing it?

What I would like to know is how to find a bucket when the candles set fire to stuff. Twice now I’ve been all over and can’t find anything to put the fires out.

Its really depends of your view of “cool” and “worthy”
Would the Ember court reward you with huge money or end game gear?
No :slight_smile:

The main rewards are Ember Court reputation - for transmog rewards and such
And Guest reputation - like with the Mist of Pandaria farm-mini game, except this time only the Court could improve that reputation
The guests however could reward you some nice things - depending their end happiness and personal reputation (firendly, best friend, etc) - like Mounts (Dauntless Duskrunner, Pale Acidmaw, Gruesome Flayedwing and Silvertip Dredwing), battlepets, weapon mogs and other stuff (Droman Aliothe for example rewards you with the best feast)

To be honest not found the the bucket my self either… but noticed a slight danger-level rising when the whole court was on fire :fire:
However, tho’ they are tiny, you can interact with the candles, cleaning them wich added a tiny +safe - I guess if you keep them “clean” they wont drip and set the decorations on fire
Again this is my theory and wasn’t able to confirm (guest list thing ,simply not had enough court to test it)


:heart: :bat:

:bat: Another week, another Ember Court :bat:

Well, my fellow Venthry, I managed to unlock the 3rd guest list and after burning through ~20 blank invitation to test out (by the way, those rubies are good for anything else than buying this invitaton reroll?) and I’m 90% sure, the first two guest could be only:
Plague Deviser Marileth (Messy)
Sika (Clean)
Grandmaster Vole (Dangerous)
Kleia and Pelagos (Humble)
Choofa (Exciting)
Droman Aliothe (Relaxing)
Stonehead (Casual)
Cryptkeeper Kassir (Formal)
[During this testing I noticed, the first guest slot can only be Plague Deviser Marileth, Sika, Cryptkeeper Kassir or Choofa. The second slot can only be Stonehead, Kleia/Pelagos, Droman Aliothe and Grandmaster Vole. So, not all guest combinations are possible - again, could be just a coincidence; time and rubies are limited]
My personal favorite was so far the Aliothe + Kassir duo :slight_smile:
Some of them are not default and requires more than the RSVP quest!
To unlock Stonehead you need to do a little quest to be his buddy (its a shiny Naaru part [i think] next to him with a quest mark, but to interact with it, you need a little trick; near wall, at the ember ward side, there is an interractable rock clalled Hollowed Rock that you can put on as a disguise and sneak close to take the quest. Snacks for Stonehead is nothing more than a gathering quest, gather Gooey Bug Bites (50) from the little swarms, Ash Crisps (20) from the elementals, Mirror Candy (6) from the Venthyr in the area you collected shards to unlock the mirror network and and a Light Snack - these ones are tiny yellow naaru shards. They remain forever naaru shards for me.) Go back to Stonehead and he grabs you, like he always does to throw you out, but now you have the option to talk to him and offer a snack and voilá, Best Bud With Benefits achivement unlocked! Now you can invite him to your court after the usual RSVP quest)
Vole and Choofa are easy, just buy the unlock for 5 rubies from the lady next to Lord Garridan, who keeps the guest list

Now the 3rd slot!
They are the harder to please guests, they have 2 preferences!
Alexandros Mograine (Safe and Humble)
Rendle and Cudgelface (Messy and Relaxing)
Hunt-Captain Korayn (Dangerous and Casual)
Polemarch Adrestes (Clean and Formal)
As you can see, they are somewhat easy to pair with the first two slot’s guest,. but a good party requires some planning!
Luckly we have a week to plan the event and oh boy, we really need that week if you asks me
So to my favorite pair, Kassir (Formal) and Aliothe (Relaxing), added Adrestes (Clean and Formal), selected Tubbin’s Tea Party (Relaxing and Formal) as refresment, Mortal Reminders as decorations (Relaxing and +Casual - the formal is easy to "farm thanks to Tubbins’s Lucky Teapot wich allowing you to pour tea for your guests for +Formal, tho’ maybe the Traditional (+Clean and +Dangerous. would have been better, will try that next time), for entertainment Atoning Rituals (+Humble and +Formal - not to mention very easy to accuse souls and sort them out) and for security Stoneborn Reserves ( +Safe and +Decadent.)

Important as always, don’t forget to use Theotar as your Soulbind ; Life of the Party is very useful ability, increasing the happiness gained from completing events in the Ember Court! For every completed event your guest gain extra happiness and the reputation they recive is basically doubled!
The party was awesome (between two tea pouring for +formal and Atoning ritual, I encountered an event I not seen so far: The Court of Harvesters Quartermaster from Darkhaven, Mistress Mihaela, shown up and offered me to choose a suit - after all, you need to dress up properly for a party! It was an easy choice: casual dress of formal? A quick click and the event was done, I have gain a formal bonus and a 1h buff. The buff was just about my dress, because it granted me a nice black velvet robe
Then a dredger shown up - Theotar politely reminded me, one of Tubbins’s friends arrived… and after beating up the uninveted guest he dropped sume fireworks. Using it grants you an excitment bonus, turning it in to the Prince a Safe bonus
Another uninvited guest shown up - great security, they had one job, one - spreading nasty rumors, so again, after a good old beating, she was gone (my buttler and the guards actually helped… what do you know) and droped an ittem called Court Gossip (+Relaxing OR +Exciting depending what you do with it)

As for the 4th slot? Just reached rank 3, so had to dig a bit, but found the names and what they like
Your 4th will be the elite guests with the best rewards and they are the ones with the three different preferences!
Mikanikos (Clean, Safe and Humble)
Baroness Vashj (Dangerous, Decadent and Exciting)
Lady Moonberry (Messy, Exciting and Casual)
The Countess (Decadent, Relaxing and Formal)
Tons of possibilities (well a dozen or so combination, but you catch my drift)!
But it is just a matter of time and eventually someone makes a waaaay better gudie what I managed to gather here with the calculated best possible guest combinations and detiled random event descriptions
Untill that blessed day comes, I hope my little … lets call it a giude, shall we? My little guide will help you all wonderful wonderful people out there to organize the best Ember Court that possible!

As usual, if you have any event you figured out and not here (okay, not many here and not in a collected form, eventually I will make such a post too), please don’t hesitate to add! Every bit of information helps!

So I actually managed to get Dog Bone for my Ember Court this week. When I looked for it, it was sniffing the corner near the tea stand, saying that it was looking for something when you talked with it, but there was nothing clickable near it. Has anyone figured out how to find the thing it is looking for, and what it does?

I killed a thousand if not more bone dogies, yet that Dog Bone refused to drop so I have no idea… :frowning:
Evenetually we will discover it!

This week’s Ember Court was Fang-tastic! :bat:
Grandmaster Vole (Dangerous) [to earn his RSVP, pvp in the Theatre of Pain to prove your worth… or pay 250 Gold bribe. So much for the Maldraxxian honor…] Choofa (Exciting) [to earn the little guy’s RSVP just gather his friends around; expect the beawer its simple, the beawer is trapped under a waterfall and you have to do a little jumping on the waterlillies, to reach the goal - Door of shadows works and a great help] and Hunt-Captain Korayn (Dangerous and Casual) [the grumpy Vorkai is a bit combat oriented, massacre the Groms for him he asks and earn his RSVP] were the guests so this week’s court was a bit deadly dangerous and very exciting!

The Entertainment was provided by the Lost Chalice Band +Decadent and +Exciting
Refreshments were Mushroom Surprise +Dangerous and +Humble
Decorations were Traditional +Clean and +Dangerous.
Security was Venthyr Volunteers +Dangerous and +Exciting

Surpriingly small number of events happened, but thanks to Theotar’s soulbind ability, provided enough to end again with each gueast mood at the max!
So what happened (sorry, can’t remember the even’t name properly)

Set up the stage - With opening the anima cannisters on their stage you can have a nice Dangerous bonus (4 of them around) and the band lost their isntuments, you need to find it. Three instrument, each of them granting +Excitement (The 3 instruments are hidden in the crate at Lord Garridan’s tent, in the crates at the back of the dancfloor where the Venthry dance and one of them was stollen by the Dredger fans wandering around - just beath them and eventually they drop it)
Uninvited gest - A Venthry lady arrives (signaled by Tremel “Theotar… is she is one of your friends”) and stars to spread nasty rumors. So just beat her up, and loot her corpse; she drops an ittem called “court gossip” When you use it, it gives an excitment bonus (or you could turn it in at the Prince for Relaxed, but not now we needed excitement), the trick is, like all the good rumors, it needs an audience; when you target an npc and use the ittem, it gives the bonus BUT then jumps to another npc, for another bonus… more the merrier, so chose a large group and start the gossips. Fun.
Mushroom suprise - Next to the pool, there are crates of musroom; just dug up the shooms… and they spawn a funguar that attacks you, poisons you, explode… or just try to escape. Very lethal event, almost died there! But the Danger bonus it provided? Oh boy, was HUGE!
Party crashers - Long story short, a small army attacks your party trying to murder your guests. So kill as many mobs you could to fill the % meter. Simply, yet they - especially the rare Gargons - are quite dangerous and deadly.
Theotar’s tea party - Signaled by our mad duke panicing voice; the little stone fiends are droping his tea set! You need to grab the tray next to Theotar and try to catch 5 tea cup… its sounds easy, but its damn hard! And timed… if you managed to catch 5 cups, rush back to theotar to complete the event. Your reward is an ability button, you could chose one of your geuests and Theotar will make a toast, praising the said guest providing an extra happyness bonus to it.
And of course, the candles again set up a huge fire - still no idea how to put out the fires - making the runing around and fighting extra dangerous and leathal… :fire:

The 3 elevated mooded guests of mine rewarded with very nice reoputation bonus (further boosted by Theotar’s ability) and some nice purple food/consumable ittems. Nothing fancy, nothing groundbreaking, but was very nice of them!
Next week I will be able to unlock my 4th guest and I’m already in neck deep in the planning to make my Ember Court!

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:bat: :bat: :bat:

Well my beloved and curious Venthyr friends, another week passed and after a 12K Anima and 40 Souls dragged to our sanctum, and an anoying 24 h upgrade, my Ember Court reached the 4th Rank!
So yay! A 4th Guest!
After some - who am I kindig, a whole week! - planning, decided, the Countess will be my 4th guest, after all, we are Venthyr!
Checked my map, and okay, the quest to earn her RSVP showed her at the The Eternal Terrace in the Redelav Tower. Cool, I thought… just hop in the mirror and walk there. A few sec.
And she was nowhere to be found!
But the map showed her inside the tower
Okay… but the doors were closed.
Not gonna lie my fine fanged friends, it took me an hour or so to figure out the solution. During the Venthry compagain we entered that Tower!
So went to the Thornhill Manor (our dear mad Duke’s once estate; go left from the lift of the Eternal Terace; neutral mobs there and a little stable; and two carriges parking there) at the Old Gate and voilá! The mirror was still there! So went thurgh and I was inside the Tower
The Countess RSVP quest was surprisingly easy: she wanted to dress up and steal a rival’s nobel horse from the stables of the Redelav District. Pretty easy actually, just steal the dress (the map shows you where it is) - so everyone treat you as neutral - and go to the satbles, hop on Baltasar, the horse and scram! Just follow the green spots, they shows the way where to deliver the prized horsie! And with that, I earned the RSVP!
Time to party!!!
The Countess likes Decadent, Relaxing and Formal parties… but I planned ahead and already decided the other three guests
Polemarch Adrestes (Clean and Formal)
Cryptkeeper Kassir (Formal)
Droman Aliothe (Relaxing)
So you see, my theme was Formal with a dass of Relaxing
Deciding the amenities was a bit hard… and not sure I made the right chocies, but hey, thast the beauty of the Ember Court!
For Entertainment: Atoning Rituals grants +Humble and +Formal
For Refreshment: Tubbin’s Tea Party grants +Relaxing and +Formal.
For the Decorations: Traditional grants +Clean and +Dangerous. (and thats where Im not sure I picked the best; Mortal Reminders grants +Relaxing and +Casual… and that little casual “bonus” could have been balanced with the Tea party’s huge formal gain… to be honest, at the 2nd min of the court those damn candels started a huge fire again and the relaxing level plumeted… thank god I have an univited guest that droped a courtly gossips, and turning in to the Prince, the Relaxing level skyrocketed; no nasty exciting rumors in my Court!)
And for Security: Stoneborn Reserves grants +Safe and +Decadent.

I’m a bittly happy… and a bit sad, because nothing new event happened, so I can’t write about it, only the usual, Theotar’s tea set, uninvited guest, party crashers who attacked the party, accusing souls… a moment of relaxation (if you don’t know that, you just have to sit at the table hearing the Krypt keeper endless musings for a huge Relaxing and Formal bonus) and pouring the tea for the guests!
Or beloved mad Duke saved my cute behind in this one, not just because his Life of the Party skill, that boosted my guest’s happynes for every completed event, but after catching 5 of his tea set, I could choose a guest for a toast! The Countess happyness skyrocketed…
At the end, I finished with 4 elevated guest (and a nice achivement for it)

So, for the prizes!
Cryptkeeper Kassir’s as usual gave me a crypt-key and a purple sinstone of a high inquisitor!
Polemarch Adrestes was a bit underwhelming… to be honest not even remember what he gave me aside the reputation tokens :thinking:
Droman Aliothe’s gift was 3x feast of gluttonous hedonism; not that bad to be honest!
And the Countess?
The 4th Guest reward was truly awesome if you ask me, like everyone she gave me huge reputation, but also gifted me with a Toy (The Countess’ Parasol) and the Decree: The Countess’s Boon; this is a buff, that last 6 days, and grants you 168 Leech, extra 10 reputation in Revendreth for every WQ you complate and a funny little side effect, tho’ a bit random; every time you use an ability that have a chance to summon a Dredger that deals ~4000 damage to the enemy!

All and all, I had a tons of fun again, - except those damn candles; eventually I will figure out how to prevent the fires or put the fire they starts out… - and personally I’m totally satisfied with the rewards!

The Ember Court is complex and requires planning… thats true and I must admit, that is not everyone’s cup of tea; but if you are in to these things, planning, organizing, using your brain to figure out how to earn RSVP (solving Droman Aliothe’s berries request was really chalenging…)?
I’m sure you will have fun too!

:bat: :bat: :bat:

My dear social butterflies finally, FINALY found the answer to this one
And more!
It was a fun experiment, really… I thought, fire is dangerous, so maybe the key is the safety… so invited the guests who love? safety and what do you know? THAT was the answer… tho’ I guess its a RNG answer…

Sika, our beloved little Steward love safety so much, her Tribute chest at the end of the court contained the Anima-Infused Water
Its a neat litte Ember Court stuff; It adds little buckets around the court that you can pick up and use to douse fires.
So… yaay

My suggestion is for her and in theory the best combination:

Slot 1: Sika
Slot 2: Kleia and Pelagos
Slot 3: Alexandros Mograine
Slot 4: Mikanikos

Refreshments: Mushroom Surprise
Entertainment: Glimpse of the Wilds
Decoration: Mystery Mirrors
Security: Stoneborn Reserves

Another fun thing was Pelagos and Kleia
They gave me a “Bastion Etiquette” book in their chest that I was able to give to my buttler
At my next party I had a new option - aside the usual, take a day off, or keep the uninvited out - telling him to make the party more hospital to our Bastion guests and throughout the party I kept getting random “Bonus Happiness” to those guests!

So, tho’ lots of people hate and despise the Ember Court, I still find this an awesome feature!
Full of secrets, quests and all, puzzles to solve
Its a darn shame you only could play it once a week
Would be better to paly it any time, even for rubies, of course without rewards, just for practice and for the sheer fun of it!

Hope your next Court will be a blast!

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Vey useful thread, thanks for taking the time to put it together.

I just have one question though: the achievement, Rendle’s Big Day. I have the Red Noggin Candle (got the recipe from the Bored Dredger) but how do you “use” it, i.e. give it to Temel? And likewise the three other party hats, are they drops from around the Shadowlands?

Glad to help! :heart:
As for the achi…
When you unlock the third guest page for the Ember Court, one of the guests you can invite is Rendle (and Cudgelface). To earn his RSVP, you need to turn in one of the four crafted hats:
The Crown of the Righteous wich is created with Jewelcrafting
The Pink Party Hats, it is created with Tailoring
The Fae Revel Masque wich is created with Inscription
The Red Noggin Candle wich created with Alchemy
You could either craft them or buy from the AH (depending of your realm of course, on AD its varied, from 100 gold to 2500, or free if you have crafter friends, these are in the 10-15 range, with almost nothing material required to craft)
You get credit for the achievement for turning in the appropriate hat, so you will need to invite them 4 times!
Thats mean 4 Ember court with rerolls, to get Rendle (and Cudgelface)… However you can do it on the same day, just turn in one of the four items, get credit and abandon the quest. Then take the quest and repeat.


There is a great list on Wowhead that I’ve been using, even if I can’t match exactly because some things are not unlocked yet, I still manage reasonably.

The Countess Group

Building Layout

  • Refreshments: Tubbin’s Tea Party
  • Entertainment: Atoning Rituals
  • Decoration: Mortal Reminders
  • Security: Stoneborn Reserves


  • Slot 1: Cryptkeeper Kassir
  • Slot 2: Droman Aliothe
  • Slot 3: RendIe & CudgeIface
  • Slot 4: The Countess

Lady Moonberry Group

Building Layout

  • Refreshments: Divine Desserts
  • Entertainment: Lost Chalice Band
  • Decoration: Mortal Reminders
  • Security: Maldraxxian Army


  • Slot 1: Plague Deviser Marileth
  • Slot 2: Stonehead
  • Slot 3: Hunt-Captain Korayn
  • Slot 4: Lady Moonberry

Baroness Vashj Group

Building Layout

  • Refreshments: Tubbin’s Tea Party
  • Entertainment: Lost Chalice Band
  • Decoration: Traditional
  • Security: Venthyr Volunteers


  • Slot 1: Choofa
  • Slot 2: Grandmaster Vole
  • Slot 3: Polemarch Adrestes
  • Slot 4: Baroness Vashj

Mikanikos Group

Building Layout

  • Refreshments: Mushroom Surprise
  • Entertainment: Glimpse of the Wilds
  • Decoration: Mystery Mirrors
  • Security: Stoneborn Reserves


  • Slot 1: Sika
  • Slot 2: Kleia and Pelagos
  • Slot 3: Alexandros Mograine
  • Slot 4: Mikanikos

This was submitted on Wowhead comments by Naks

Another helpful player - Tyraelsvoid made a chart of guest preferences:-


Thanks to both of you for the info, new and newer. I find the Ember Court is a nice change of pace from mobs and the usual stuff.


Greetings and bienvenue
And welcome, my fellow doomed friends!
To make our Ember Court a marvelous place, we need to add some… perks
There are several actually, and we even have a nice Achivement, called Court Favors for gathering them!
So lets see, shall we, what the players discovered/gathered so far!

Anima-Infused Water - Tribute chest reward from Sika (requires friend) - it adds buckets of waters to your court to put out those nasty candle fires! Extra safety never hurts! And extinguishing the fires potentially could spawn the Ashen Amalgamation. He dropped Pile of Ashen Dust. A nice little pet, called Char :fire:

Altar of Accomplishment - Sold for 25 anima by Temel. Itt will add… the Altar of Accomplishments to the court, next to the bridge; a Broker stand next to it, you can’t miss. He gives you the option to choose which item to place on the altar depending on your accomplishments in Shadowlands.
These are:
Massive Sinstone (+ Decadence) - Adventurer of Revendreth
Champion’s Anima Pod (+ Relaxing) - Adventurer of Ardenweald
The Abomination Head (+ Messy) - Adventurer of Maldraxxus
The Symbol of Service (+ Humble) - Adventurer of Bastion
Once you make the choice, that choice is locked in for the duration of the scenario.
If you do not have any of the achievements, the broker will not have any dialogue options and the Altar is left barren. There are no benefits from having a empty Altar.

Bounding Shroom Seeds - Tribute chest reward from Choofa’s (requires friend) - It places bouncing shrooms round the Ember Court that can be used to reach high places.

Crown of Honor - Sold for 100g by Bored Dredger, a low rate vendor found in locked tombs in the Halls of Atonement outdoor area. Vendor only stays up 20-30 seconds, so buy it fast! After you get the item, you can use the perk by talking to one of your guests during the Ember Court scenario, which will give them bonus happiness.

Dog Bone’s Bone - Drops from undead/skeletal hounds in Maldraxxus (very low-ish drop rate) - it will add Dog Bone, a skeletal doggy to your court, who potentially could help to sniff out usefull things. For example, The Mushroom Surprise have a Humble option, so to speak, when your guests love Humble things. Selecting that will spawn Wild Fungus all around the Court, during the party you could collect and turn in at Picky Stefan for +Humble, any number of times when you have 5 of them. Now, when you speak with Dog Bone, it gives the option to search out a rare fungus from Maldraxxus for +Humble, called Giant Lungcap, which you could turn in on its own for +Humble, as well. There may be other events where Dog Bone helps out like this, but this gives you an idea of what kind of things it does.

Dredger Party Supplies - Tribute chest reward from Rendle and Cudgleface (requires good friend) - Permanently add a party at your Ember Court’s dredger pool, allowing the staff to have some fun!

Generous Gift - Tribute chest reward from Polemarch Adrestes (requires good friend) - Permanently add a Generous Gift to your Ember Court. Giving this gift to any guest will increase their happiness.

Kyrian Arsenal - Tribute chest reward from Polemarch Adrestes (requires good friend) - Permanently adds Forgelite Sophone to your Ember Court, allowing you access to helpful Bastion weaponry.
Necrolord Arsenal - Trbute chest reward from Alexandros Mograine’s (requires good friend) - Permanently adds Bonesmith Heimir to your Ember Court, allowing you access to helpful Maldraxxus weaponry.
Night Fae Arsenal - Tribute chest reward from Hunt-Captain Korayn’s (requires good friend) - Permanently adds Gormsmith Cavina to your Ember Court, allowing you access to helpful Ardenweald weaponry.
Venthyr Arsenal - Tribute chest reward from Rendle and Cudgleface (requires good friend) - Permanently adds Forgy to your Ember Court, allowing you access to helpful Revendreth weaponry.

Maldraxxi Challenge Banner - Reward from State of Decay (War Mode must be activated to see this quest which is up 6 hours/day). It will permanently add a Maldraxxi Challenge Banner to your Ember Court, allowing you to duel guards to promote them. The benefit of fighting guards is that you increase their health and damage, which will be useful if your court is attacked by outside forces. You only have to deal a token amount of damage in order to upgrade guards

Racing Permit - Reward from It’s Race Day in the Ramparts! world quest in Revendreth. This item causes Wheelbarrow Racer to spawn in your Ember Court, which you can use to quickly travel across the area. They are faster than a ground mount, and move continuously. While riding, you have two action buttons: Request Stop has a low chance of causing the driver to stop the vehicle; Stick in Spokes stops the vehicle and sends you flying a few yards forward

Rally Bell - Sold by Lady Ilinca for 25 anima (requires best friend with one guest) - Permanently add a Rally Bell to your Ember Court, allowing your best friends to join the after-party. The Rally Bell is located in the Spire of the Unseen You have to climb up the ramps a bit to one of the ledges. You cannot interact with it during “normal time” of Ember Court, but you can ring it during the After Party phase.
Currently, it seems to cause everyone you know to show up to the Ember Court (not just best friends), not sure if this is working as intended.
All the guests just seem to wander around. You can chit chat with them, but no special interactions or bonus seems to be applied even to those who have Best Friend status.

Slippery Muck - Tribute chest reward from Stonehead (minimum reputation unknown) - as per description, it will parmanently add Slips, a very slippery dredger, to your Ember Court, allowing you to try to catch him. But for why? :man_shrugging:

The Wild Drum - Tribute chest reward from Dromon Aliothe (requires good friend) - it permanently add the Wild Drum to your Ember Court, allowing you to inspire guests, greatly increasing their combat effectiveness for a time.

Training Dummies - Tribute chest reward from Plague Deviser Marileth (minimum reputation unknown) - Permanently add Training Dummies to your Ember Court, allowing you to show off your strength to raise Excitement.

Tubbins’s Lucky Teapot - Reward from Tea Tales: Gubbins and Tubbins world quest in Revendreath - Adds a third teapot while having “Tubbins’s Tea Party” as a refreshment option

Vanity Mirror - Tribute chest reward from The Countess’s (minimum reputation unknown) - Permanently add a Vanity Mirror to your Ember Court, allowing you to magically capture the image of your guests.

Unknown how to get:
Bewitched Wardrobe
Protective Braziers
(Feel free to add if you know these ^^ )

Some of them are very usefull, some of them are… not.
Have fun everyone and good luck to collect all of the features, bonuses, and perks to make your Court the best among the realms!