Anima Rewards Increased

Just for the information to anyone reading this, this is NOT account wide

It wouldn’t share on twitter like usual. Pain in the posterior, had to do a screenshot instead.

Better than a size-12, shined up REAL nice, turned sideways and… I’m sure you get the gist.

I legit had to check this out cos it bothered my sleep only to find out it wasn’t account wide.


Errmahgerd… kyoot puppeh…

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Anuvva big 'ead…!! :stuck_out_tongue:

I luv Dredgahz… sue me.


Pft, Blizz decides to up it after I burnt myself out and decided to call it quits… :expressionless:

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I am sure they are going to listen to you asking in that tone …bruh (w/e that means)

No they are not but they pay the same rate as you .

Yes its is to low but maybe ask and comment in a more polite manner then cursing and using “hip speak”

Same as i feel it is still to slow and not account wide .


Veiled/pretentious familiarity, but - in reality - abject derision.
In short words - childish power-tripping.

I’m quite interested to see what an impact it will have. I’ve done nothing but grind my way to every upgrade in my sanctum. I’m onto the cosmetics now. So lets see if this helps. It certainly can’t make it any worse.

So, in order for people to be able to grind more anima, they have to…, grind…more…anima ? lol

Just raise the anima drop rate across the board and stop making us jump through hoops like lab rats.
Always such a blatantly convoluted fix, always.

“We don’t want players to feel as though spending 10,000 Anima on a feature upgrade is ever the wrong thing to do” - even spending the anima for the queens conservatory rank 1 is easily the wrong thing to do, nevermind 10k anima upgrades. Wait, literally, three days only to be handed 5 bits of cloth and a few fish or some sheet ? Who yas tryna kid ?

“…and you can start earning the additional Anima immediately” - lol you’d like that wouldn’t you. No thanks cheif. Not falling for the dirty manipulation this time.


Would any change in the game be sufficient… ever…?

i’d be fine with the rates if it was account wide.

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I can confirm that it also adds anima items at the end of a M+ run, just did a +12 on an alt with all upgrades rank 1 and got 4 anima items instead of the usual 3.

The value of having everything rank 1 is decent but when you look at the 35k anima you have to spend for the rank 3 upgrades it still feels a bit lackluster to get +105 anima per M+ (so 210 total).

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We have to spend anima to get more anima? So if I spend now 5k to get my rank 2 Command Table and get the rank 2 increase, I’ll be getting 35 extra anima per WQ/Dungeon. So if I do a whopping 143 (ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-THREE) World Quests and Dungeons, I will have made back the anima I spent on a feature that is otherwise entirely useless.

Wow, what an investment and clearly not a scam here.

AND, to top it off, it’s not even account-wide. So by spending all those thousands of anima on useless upgrades of useless features, I’m not even giving my alts the chance to get their non-useless sanctum features faster.

Listen, honestly, I am a player who has still quite a bit of goodwill towards Blizzard. But I think you should take this post and this change back to 12 days ago, because that’s where it belongs.

  1. Make it account-wide.
  2. Increase the anima granted by each one of the anima items from 35 to 50, anima is way too grindy across the board and an increase is needed.
  3. Make it account-wide.
  4. Increase the extra items from the achievements from +1/+2/+3 to +1/+3/+5, so that higher costing upgrades offer somewhat higher yields. Change 250 anima quests to just give 5 x50 so they can be affected by this too.
  5. Make it account-wide. Seriously, I cannot emphasise this enough. Make. It. Account-wide.

It’s not account wide so it’s useless… But good try to keep us warmed up while waiting for 9.1… hope it drops on PTR soon

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I think I’ll wait until 9.3 or next xpac to do much anima farming if it’s worth it by then tbh, unless they reduce cost for stuff it still feels like too much grinding to do for 1 character let alone alts.

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This really feels like it should’ve been account wide. This won’t impact the having to repeat the grind on alts by much.

I had all upgraded but i changed to night fae so i never got the achiv, i guess i change back to get the achiv and re change night fae again feels good.

Not being account wide definitely hurt but it still does speed up the grind on alts considerably, I think people might be underestimating how quickly extra anima from every activity there is adds up, getting everything to level 1 is fairly quick and just for WQ farming it can add between 25%-100% (depending if WQ are 1-4 +35 items… lets be real though nobody is doing the ones that reward just 1), then tier 2 you get another boost.

It’s a nice change that will speed things along considerably, however it will still take ages for new alts or even existing ones to upgrade their sanctum to full, my main however might finally be able to start buying cosmetics… some weeks from now