Anima Rewards Increased

Please make these Achievements accountwide.
I would like to play my 10+ Twinks, but upgrading the sanctum takes months. So I do not start at all.

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I have only 1 upgrade not on rank 3 on my warlock so I was ready to log in and no life the crap out of it to get all rank 3’s and the achievement. Then I noticed that it was not account wide and my excitement vanished into thin air. Way to kill it Blizzard.

This should be acc wide. Also still not sure if I want to use the anima I got on upgrades rather than save it for cosmetics :thinking:

Upgrades mean going to the maw :sob:


Grinding anima for covenant upgrades that are worthless to me just to get a bit more anima sounds counterproductive… why not just up the anima rewards and that’s it


This is indeed a great news
Except the lil’ fact, if you want some anime, you have spend tons of anima to max out the covenant feature, something that should be optional…
If you want both the mogs and the feature, great
But I guess most of the players want either or actually neither…
But non the less, I always happy to have more anime
Would be nice if it would be accunt wide tho’, maxed our venthry, profit on alts to help speed up the other covenants

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This is nothing… It is absolutely a pointless change now that should have been there from the start. The additional anima is way too little to make it rewarding to play. Quoting Wowhead summary:

Activity Base We Can Rebuild Denying the Drought Sanctum Superior
Castle Nathria - First 8 105 Anima 140 Anima 175 Anima 210 Anima
Castle Nathria - Last 2 175 Anima 210 Anima 245 Anima 280 Anima
Low Mythic+ 35 Anima 70 Anima 105 Anima 140 Anima
Medium Mythic+ 70 Anima 105 Anima 140 Anima 175 Anima
High Mythic+ 105 Anima 140 Anima 175 Anima 210 Anima

This is ridiculous. Reasons this is a slap in the face:

  • It forces you to upgrade stuff you do not want. I don’t want the stupid autobattler mission table on any characters and I regret even spending anima on the first upgrade on one character.
  • Its not account-wide.
  • The upgrades offer to little when upgraded as demonstrated.
  • This doesn’t affect all areas where anima is present (WQ that is 250 is still 250).

A better system will be one where anima upgrades with Renown Levels! That it feels natural and it is tied to the whole single player play.

Such achievements should make the anima grind easier on alts. For example, if you have upgraded a covenant feature, such as travel network, it will be discounted on an alt.

Another thing that should be baked into the system is the ability to share anima with your characters.

Overall I am disappointed by this change. Anima grinding still feels slow and unrewarding.
Blizzard cannot understand that one of the pillars of gaming is rewards. If they feel out of reach I recon most people will stop playing instead of trying (and continue paying).

Blizzard fix your stuff.

Calling Taliesin for an opinion on this. :smiley:


It’s like, they know there is a problem and offer a fix that is so tedious and time consuming that doesnt even sound like a fix
Disappointed to say the least, grinding anima and dumping it into useless upgrades just to get a smidge more anima /facepalm


The “funniest” takeaway from this is that somebody in Blizzard really thinks a unit of 35 anima is significant and plenty.

I don’t get it, does it worry them that players won’t have anything to do with excess Anima once they get all one-time rewards? If so, then mission table already exists as the designated anima burner (do ALL missions and heal followers) so it’s not like you’d be stuck literally unable to use your Anima.


Great change but a bit too late, but glad they are listening to the player base about the insane small drops of anima, by increasing it. Now they need to give us more ways to earn soul ash, instead of having to do Torghast.

Seems bugged. Still awarded 250 anima even tho i got the first achivement.

Also another thought:

The answer feels implied that YES, but I would like to make it absolutely clear: is it tied explicitly to achievement, or actual buildings? So would changing covenant keep earned progress on my new sanctum?

I had maxed out buildings on my Kyrian, before being ‘incentivized’ by the 9.0.5 tunings to go Venthyr, so I just got the rank 1 achievment as i logged in -.- ; Another reason to feel bad about covenant swapping, definitely…

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More anima, yay!!! I’m resubbing immediately !!!


Nice this is good news! Had everything else except the mission table on rank 3, got enough to upgrade it to rank 2. Of course this an upgrade that could’ve happened sooner but better late than never, at least they’ve been listening.

Precisely this. While I am greateful for this buff, you’ve made us collect pitiful scraps of anima for months, and this upgrade isn’t even that big. But fine, it’s still a great and much needed change. But not making these upgrade achievements account-wide is just ridiculous. They most certainly should be made account-wide.


Good one guys, except April 1st was a while ago.

Why do you go about these changes we want in the most ridiculous and convoluted way possible? This is a rubbish and frankly insulting change. 250 anima per WQ or I’m not bothering. It’s -that- dull.

But I’ll stick to ESO, no worries.


Acting like it is a meaningful change


210 anima per M+ runs seems quite nice to me :slight_smile:

As you’re posting here it seems you’re already subbed!

If I would know it before I wouldn’t used all the anima to upgrade to tier 3 Transportation and conductor first… I left the path of ascension at tier 1… played that feature once, didn’t like it… too hard…
Now I have to farm more anima to tier 2 to get the achievement.