Aniversary realms balance

Ok now that honor system is active i’ve been drying to ask 1 question. To my understanding Blizzard was talking how much they care for balanced pvp. Wheres it ? On spineshatter horde outnumbers alliance 15 to 1 so all location are controlled by the horde it takes roughly 45 minutes to get from feathermoon to the entrance of diremaul. And the capitol locations are camped . No guards whatsoever patrol the streets. While fun for the horde do you think alliance players are having a good time ? Realm open world pvp litteraly halted because for every alliance raid theres like 10 horde raids = everyone gets wiped


Strangely; playing on my horde toon earlier and chat was full of “bloody alliance everywhere……where are all the horde”.

Just sayin’

Edit - oh and pve realms exist for a reason


PvE server is always open


Grass is greener on the other side of the zone.

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Since horde is full most of the time, all bots roll alliance. Bots are not the best pvp’ers. Also in classic pvp players tend to go horde. Other than that, you might be having bad luck with layers or most nerds racing to 60 picked horde this time. My experience is quite different from yours. Im alliance level 41 and imo the balance in the open world could be worse, though there are more horde death squads yes.


People go alliance in classic, as it is the best faction for both pvp and pve.

However the issue here is a (quite small) faction population imbalance. What does make ganking worse for alliance is that the travel is just worse. Wetlands boats are in pvp zones, zeppelins from durotar, barrens and tirisifal are all in horde territory. In feralas horde’s hub is in the middle of the zone, a chokepoint, alliance is split in two sides. If you just bother to group up and actually fight (Hopefully the reason you picked a pvp realm) you wouldn’t find it so troublesome. But people would rather run solo to the instance, thinking it saves them time having everyone die one by one than just go as a group and survive.

This is mostly personal bias. It goes back and forth every few hours, one zone dominated by faction A until faction B groups up wipes them and takes their turn.
There probably IS some more Horde roaming around, but I haven’t felt anything remotely like severe imbalance.

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My post is not necessarily about what faction is the best for what game mode. Most classic/vanilla servers I played horde had at least 5 minute queues for BG’s while alliance had instant queues. If that is no indicator for the preference of pvp players for horde in classic, idk what is. Guess we will know more next week.

Horde is farming green Alliance while Alliance is farming green Horde.

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For this we must say thank you to the min-maxers, WoWhead, private servers and cie, in vanilla, the majority of servers were dominated by Ally players (in terms of number) and BGs Hord side often instant. But since it is gospel word to say Horde = cheat racial for PvP, “modern” players contenting themselves with regurgity what Saint Internet tells them, the horde often finds itself in majority for PvP.

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nice formula


i srsly believe as a solo or small grp u get in layers with big dominance of the other faction. and it makes sense because the other people gather up on a layer. its just pain as solo player

My theory as well.
Horde gank squads everywhere.
Can’t go 20 meters without getting killed.
Thanks Blizzard for making it so everyone is trying to get 150 - 3000 honor kills in a week.
Bloody incompetent nonsense company.

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Horde has better racials for PvP.

gnome & dwarf are better. on horde the human players go orc, so only for them have horde got better racials. Paladins more than make up for any difference between orc & human though

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Blizzard promised they were going to balance the layers with one layer being the leftover unbalanced. Reality is all layers are horde dominated 10:1.

I have seen this during leveling.
I see this at max level.
I did try to change layers.
Everywhere its the same, always.

There is horde, more horde, and if you kill them even more horde. And while you are in ghost there is horde camping you, and even more horde coming back and forth.
10:1 layer balance!!!

BALANCED = 50/50.

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As I speak. Again, horde dominated.
I kill some, they keep coming. mount up. More horde infront.
More horde behind now. Even more horde to the side.

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it is 50/50 if you count the 200 fishing bots at the edge of the map

So in the year 2025 with AI and stuff, they cant find the obvious bots and at least account for them in the layer calculation instead of banning them?

Intergalactic fail.

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That can’t be true. I spent last few days hunting horde and there are very few of them. You might have landed on some unlucky layer.