I think it’s about time Blizzard does a serious reiteration of the affix philosophy. I get it. They are are to provide some sort of flavor and variety to the dungeons on a weekly basis.
Tyrannical and fortified are in my opinion decent enough. But affixed that are put in place for the sole purpose to annoy you is beyond stupid. As a caster there are more than enough mechanics that requires you to stop casting.
All of them provide no fun gameplay flavor. They are only making every single dungeon experience worse. They are pretty much universally hated by the player community.
The community has previously suggested positive affixes. Small bonuses. Take for example Torghast. While the chores were stupid it was pretty fun to slowly become completely busted during a run. Do something similar for M+. Not remotely as broken but something that adds flavor to the dungeons that way. Fun flavor. Not frustrating flavor.
I gotta say that you might have a point.
Because as time goes by blizz only nerfs the Affixes more and more. If the trend continues, we will be left with no affixes at all.
Which would be sad really IMO. I like affixes, but I agree that some still need some tuning. And im on board with the kiss/curse mechanics.
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I think I agree.
The reason affixes were a thing was because dungeons stuck the whole expansion. Now that they mix it up more I think a lot of the affixes have had their day.
I’d also prefer something kiss curse. Stand in sanguine take damage but do more damage. Not that I can think of that many others…
I’d also like them to look at dungeon lengths. I think 25-30 min is the sweet spot. These 39-42 min dungeons are too long. People want to dip in and dip out, not use 2 flasks in them.
Also, as dumb as this sounds, I’d like more “big deeps” pulls for people. I can’t think of anyone who didn’t absolutely love pulling 1000 lashers in algathar for example. There was one mechanic there and if you got hit you died. Simple and impactful. Not like places like Nok’hud where you just ran in circles screaming.
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This week in particular is beyond annoying. Doing big pulls to speed things up? Nope, half the dungeons are narrow hallways with extremely limited space to move from spitefuls, without taking on the next pack.
Or my favorite, Incorporeals spawning 40 yards behind someone in a corner and nobody even knows they are there until you get the debuff.
As much as people hate bolstering, I had way more fun running dungeons last week. Except for a few outliers, like Dreadpetals bolstering up Abominations, it was still possible to focus mostly on the dungeon.
This week it feels like I am mainly playing the affixes, and not the dungeons. Finished up my vaults and I probably won’t be logging in to do more keys this week, just because of how annoying the affixes are.
Another problem is that some affixes becomes trivial with certain specs, while others have nothing to contribute with. You can’t expect players to to have a bunch of alts to swap in just because of an affix. Some people prefer to play fewer characters or perhaps just one. If you’re a warrior this week, you are legit useless in every group. You’ll take more damage from spitefuls since you’re melee, and you can’t do much with Incorporeals either.
We have had several annoying weeks. But I guess they all are which is why I want the philosophy to change.
I mean - bolstering + fortified… no thanks. Spiteful + Incorporeal - VERY annoying. The fact that incorporeal does not despawn when the ghosts are up - go figure.
And this week - afflicted + raging. Good luck finding healers for your groups. Because this week they take a break.
And that’s the major issue. People stop playing the weeks that are particularly annoying to them. I doubt that’s what Blizzard really wants.
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I joined 24 rise, first boss, i have to dispel 1 dude, heal pt out, soak the mechanic and heal 2 spirits. See ya next week.
You don’t ‘have to’ heal 2 spirits. The key owner needs to make a group with the right comp to cover them, and other members need to talent into their dispels and use them. Stop trying to take responsibility for other people’s fails.
I cant say ive felt that less people are playing during certain weeks, and i mostly play in the 20+ keyrange. Time of day and dungeon + key level combo are the only factors when it comes to how many people want to do your key.
That is basically the healers role though. And yeah you just feel helpless. I am not pugging on my healer this week at all either.
No, it isn’t. And the reason dps (in particular) think it’s the healer’s job to cover for their mistakes is because healers keep trying to do it.
Wait until they figure out that shamans can cheese the affix…
Even DPS shamans…
I do not think you get far as a healer with only healing the unavoidable damage. Maybe it is the game at the top 1% but under that people are not professionals and sometimes get more than needed. And we just heal it.
There’s a big difference between saving dps when they make mistakes and healing them when they stand in everything, trying to dispel all the affix mobs because they don’t bother, etc.
you do get far if you drop groups where you are the only dispel or when you see dps not speccing dispel.
i carried lots of groups like that but i draw my line in fall because you cannot handle timeways with 2 afflicted going out.
i tell the group before to help. if they dont it will be their problem. if they enjoy playing with -100% haste they will learn to 
imagine having shamans not even knowing about poison dispel totem.
in fact you wont get very far as a dps player that doesnt use dispels, and that is not only for afflicted but also e.g. in dht for poisons
I had my fair share of wipes because i am the only one. Timeways is just 1 small example of those. I am not doing it anymore without at least 3 players.
luckily i didnt have any wipes, but close.
The only reason i tolerated it eas because i played my holy priest this week mostly and holy priest has the easiest time besides resto shaman
No, these are the ones that MUST go. They always cause scaling issues.
You’re equally not going to get very far taking a lot of the avoidable damage. The game is a delicate balance of these things and nobody, not even the best players in the world, are flawless. What matters is how you deal with whatever comes along your path.
Last night I did a dungeon where the healer was the only person able to deal with the affix. Nobody else could heal or dispel them. It was one of the smoothest pug runs I had so far this season.
Now, in order for that to happen the group had to play exceptionally well in order to allow the healer to deal with it. If you’re not that confident in your own abilities you just need to build in some more failsaves in the form of people in the group that can help with the affix. Thats it. All problems already solved by others have proven solutions. If you’re not doing world level keys then you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Just do what others do 
I am telling you; it is not going to be smooth having to dispell 2 afflicted when the dispell mechanics comes up on timeways in fall. You just dispell a player and try to heal your group and let the afflicted go off. Which can be very much the solution. But i can not call it smooth. And the game has A LOT of mandatory-asap-dispells. Timeways is just a dispell-example that must be quite clear for non healers.
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