Another day another Guardian

still playing bfa :joy:

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Yeah but that’s normal because they have a OP honor talent that redirects 20% of the damage taken by their team to them, permanent mass sacrifice if you will, so such CC is instantly broken if his friends come close enough.

Totally legit btw. Great class design. 5/7 would ask for it again.

That’s why Guardian is top spec in every current pvp statistics… oh wait


Explain how fury is unlikable?


In his case, if you are a 1.5k hardstuck Guardian Druid with questionable brain functionality.


This is the most important part. Even tho they have no clue about this they still manage to win because of guardians offheals.
With guardian being a thing, sincerely I don’t see the reason why would anyone play feral. :joy::joy:

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Well, ever heard of resto feral affinity ? I heard a rumor saying ferals would be deleted because this was the same as rest feral aff but not as good.

another 1500 pro defending, I wonder why nobody above 2400 does …
why do you hide your char? in hope people don‘t find your main guardian?


They make it because they main druid or guardian. People who main other complain. Selfish purpose. Dont think anyone who dont main guardian /druid will defend the spec.

They need damage nerf. Or inc rage cost of regenaration etc.

I’ve never cringed so hard when reading someones nonsense. Holy fck, don’t talk.

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I usually win vs guardian druid/frost dk in 2s, that is the only variation of the comp I faced there, its still kinda ebola and should be nerfed imo, if the people that actually play that comp around my mmr were good I would 100% lose, also I got farmed kinda hard in 3s by that comp today, only won once as TSG vs that. Faced dh/guardian/resto shammy. Dh just burned through our healer’s mana before we got a kill. I would like to see this braindead spec get some nerfs. Also to the guys defending the spec - are you actually more braindead than the actual spec?

“120 Troll Guardian Druid Blackhand”

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Imagine being so retarded that you main guardian you’re 1/8 mythic and you are unable to use proper traits and stats and over the top is that you’re defending it.
You’re either retarded or idk what to say


Told u , just check people who defend guardian druid you will see guardian main. I played tanks since tbc. Never seen any tank doing job on arena that much.

not only guardian main, but also trash tier player. never seen a high rated guardian defending it.

1 Like'jin/Shephardâan

You’re some kind of prophet Naelys.

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Guardian is more than fine. If anything they need buffs. Grats to all DPS specs for finally being slaughtered and having their counter. You simply can’t expect to overrun everybody. Tanks are T A N K S. It means they are super solid, enduring classes able to take most being and deliver some dmg to keep you pressured. Guardian is perfect. Thanks blizz. Close thread finally!

It’s amusing that you’ve resorted to arguing for buffs, not because you genuinely believe guardians need buffs (I don’t believe anyone could be that stupid), but because you think that by arguing the polar opposite end of the scale, people (or blizzard) will be more inclined to meet in the middle/compromise and settle for leaving them unchanged.


Oh look, a player who can only play tank specc in PvP because he is too stupid too watch out for his HP.

Oh and he says that guardian is fine, very well.

When any of the other here see on 2k+ a guardian Druid Idiot and he is like unkillable its a lie because u stupid Dips_it of a Tank PvP Player are killing other tanks on your 1,5 cr?

I hate you Tank Players.

Nearly forgot:

Love for this Thread, i love Tank-Hate.

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Your hope of seeing Guardian nerfed in next patch is utterly doomed. Forget about it and just enjoy 1 more year of seeing bears own you unless you find ways to cope with it. Last patch is on its way no way we gonna see bears nerfed.