Another humiliation for Kaldorei (SPOILER)

I think it’s more of a “pause”. When blizz will need another war they know whom they gonna call. Or another war criminal.
And what I am saying is that it is not a “bad/lazy writing”. It is in the very nature of what “Horde” is. No matter what kind - True, Dark, Iron, New. It will do what it suppose to do - rally conquest after conquest until it will be stopped. I am not an Alliance fan boy either, believe me. But it exists only as reaction to the Horde. Since WC1 actually.

End the Horde, Alliance will fallow.

It’s actually not in character for most Horde races to be warmongers, except for orcs and maybe undead and they are hardly the majority.

Which is a big fail on Blizzard’s part but it doesn’t mean the faction needs to be disbanded.

Believe me, I’d love to have the Alliance be the aggressor for a change.

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Hopefully once we will see Orgrimmar being sieged 3rd time. And after it there will be nothing left to siege again.

Yeah, no thank you.

You had 2 Orgrimmar sieges and the Zuldazar raid.

Next time one of your leaders goes bonkers we will come to Stormwind and straighten them up :slight_smile:

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You know how they say. 3rd time’s a charm ^^
Plus Tyrande already has some experience with opening Orgrimmar gates like a tin can.

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Dream on, mate ^^

You will soon thank Sylvanas for saving you :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Wrathion (Vision of Stormwind, when approaching Stormwind Keep):
No… Not the keep. That is one vision I would rather not see.

Something-something, Anduin, Sylvanas, tentacles.

gl hf

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I am very sorry to admit that most likely you will be right.
But hey, I am a huge fan of Sylvanas. So as a “spectator” I will only win.

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To be fair, at least it’s not even presented as a fight. Tyrande demolishes him in about three seconds.

This is how it should have happened to begin with. The power of the Night Warrios completely annihilates Nathanos, but other plans have been made in the background that render a pure power upgrade irrelevant.

I wonder what else you nelfs will find to whine for in the forums…
These kind of attitude is the main source of humiliations for the kaldorei.

Despite the one that is coming with Tyrande in Shadowlands :slight_smile:

PowerfWHAT? :rofl: :rofl:

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Tyrande manage to defeat one of the favorite Sylvanas Loyal Fans character just in a couple of seconds. And when this dog was standing on his kneels and was trying to troll, with total poker face Tyrande have cut his speech off.

Yes, Nathanos will go to the Maw, and yes, this victory is useless. But this moment have shoved that Nathanos trolling does not works on Tyrande. Nathanos was shown just like a weak fool, that likes joking, and joking was the only thing that he could do. While Tyrande finally was shown as badass Night Elf she was.
So, for a story, this victory is useless. But for the players, that moment of satisfaction gives a lot.

And just for info:

  1. This is the first time ever in WoW history when Blizzard made a cutscene with Alliance victory.
  2. This is a first time in WoW history when 1 leader kills another leader from second faction.
  3. This is for a second time in WoW history when someone lose his head in cutscene, and in both such cutscenes it was Tyrande who cut her enemies heads off.
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The increasing curling of Tyrande lips, as well as the bitter tone of that last “For Teldrassil”, beg to differ.

Not to say that she didn’t manage to beat him. But saying that he didn’t get to her in his last moments seems rather inaccurate.

Another entitled alliance member who thinks they can delete an entire faction. Pis.s Off.

Should’ve cut off his limbs and thrown him in the Vault


I wanted to get your opinion, so thank you

But frankly, did you get any satisfaction after watching it?

Playable Night Elves was a mistake. Night Elves are never happy.


I rather think that it’s just a very vocal minority of their player base.

Still, it’s reaching some baffling levels for certain people.
Reading some of the comments, one would say either Sylvanas or Nathanos have jumped out of the screen and murdered some peoples dog or something.

The fixation certain players have with these fictional characters is bordering on obsessive. Wonder if they’ve stopped to consider they are fictional.


Cannot say for player base, but Horde shouldn’t have been left to exist after War campaign. But oh well… logic never wins.

This is Story forum where people discuss and share opinions about past, current and future of Warcraft story. If I was to come to any other section of forums, that would be inappropriate.
Now you, getting personal and calling someone obsessive - that’s inappropriate.

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This game would be better off without night elves. All you people do on a daily are complaining and trying to get the Horde deletd. You are entitled whiners.

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said person who makes topic after topic of pure whine.