Another humiliation for Kaldorei (SPOILER)

The Horde will not be deleted or destroyed or dismantled. Get over it.

just to be defeated again and again. Both Horde and Alliance should be gone. Faction devision is a huge mistake

No it isn’t. The factions are good as they are. When next faction war comes I will happily destroy all the alliance dogs I can find. You are all pathetic. spits

Send me to my lady! Please Tyrande do it!

Well, I did like to see how badass Tyrande became. But satisfaction - not really, while knowing that Nathanos will going to Shadowlands anyway.
But I don’t really need revenge as satisfaction, I want more to see how Kaldorei rise.

  1. I want to see Night Elves getting new Capital city. Plus, some small cities re-builded in their lands.
  2. I want to see Night Elves lands and forests regrow.
  3. I want to see Night Elves children models in game, as a sight that Night Elves are starting to restore population.
  4. I want to see Tyrande get rid of the curse and survive in the end.
  5. Maybe if it is possible I wan to see Night Elves souls resurrected from the Ardenwald.

And only on the last last place, I want to see revenge. If I will get those 5 points than its OK for me if Sylvanas will be redeemed.
But one thing I will never forgive Blizzard if Tyrande will die. I already have told before, and I will continue to tell this - if Tyrande will die, than I will going to quit Warcraft World after 25 years of playing it since strategy game. And I will definitely going to keep that promise given about 3 years ago. That is mine exit point.


Please do not think any true Night Elf fan is agreeing with these NElf-posters. the Burning of Teldrassil is the best thing that could’ve happened to the Night Elves to bring them back to their War3-Roots. the Subsequent Terror of Darkshore and Tyrande vs Nathanos cutscene’s are two of the best cutscenes in the game for NElf-fans aswell. Yes, it might not translate that well into the game, as Blizzard is bound to the 2-faction system, but the same could be said for the Horde since MoP! Also Forsaken-fans are in a way worse position then the Kaldorei currently are, yet they appear to lack a vocal minority!

basicly, its akin to what

said. Only this vocal minority of NElf-“fans” keep on doubling down on their NElf-victim complex.


Quickly, someone give this beautiful person a medal. He won the forums today :hushed:


He is Highborn, those Highborns doesn’t really care about Darnassus. :imp:

And in the name of justice, Night Elves player base is in top 3, while Forsakens are in the bottom of the list. Of course Night Elves voices are louder on the forums.
But still it does not means that they don’t whine. In fact, there are more threads about asking to Redeem Sylvanas. Only thing is that those threads usually are made by Blood Elves. :face_with_monocle:

But I agree about Warcraft 3 statement.


That doesn’t matter because blizz thinks that Sylvanas is innocent despite commiting genocide and torturing innocent souls into oblivion. They said it’s not evil just because it’s against night elves so you know their stance.

Tyrande is dying in SL too

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It’s probable.

Blizzard has already burnt its way through most of what the character could offer, and may be tempted to give it some closure after almost 30 years of usage. Using her current powering to push some final sacrifice sort of story, is well within their usual comfort area.
They already did such with Ysera.

And at this point, NE are but an extension for Tyrande and Malfurion to act as protagonists of their stories.

Malf has a WoW story?


Of course, he’s a damsel in distress for TYRANDE “WHERE ARE YOU” to rescue.

Oooohh Tyrande…

That was not Malf though. Malf has always been offside character - almost no racial storytelling ingame.

You will send me to my Lady…


(Didn’t find some dude with a fedora emoji)


Classy, tw@t, but still classy.

Ok, so like… mass genocide of X people is the best thing what happened to them? Do you even realise how degenerative it sounds?
I won’t take anything you say serious after this.
Maybe there is a way to bring back nostalgic WC3 feels without burning thousands of innocent kids to crisp? Or at least, not praising it as a necessary development?

Do you even realise how deranged you sound for taking this sort of stance for a simple narrative development?

Do you realise that this is a work of fiction, and that players may be capable of judging plot points by their quality, instead of making weird comparisons that consider fictional characters as real ones?

I mean, doubt anyone is apologetic regarding genocide when they say that the destruction of Draenor, or the invasion of Silvermoon, facilitated interesting stories for both Orcs and Blood elves.


‘Tis apparent to me that the point of this cinematic was to satisfy both Tyrande’s and Nathanos’ fans, with clearly mixed results. Still, we’ve always known he’d be joining her in the Shadowlands if he were to die. 'Tis best to savour this little victory for wot it’s worth. After all, he’s but a pawn, nothing more. The real quarry is Sylvanas.

fallowing your logic - why even bother, right?
and also, common sense shouldn’t be applicable to any discussion regarding fiction.