Another humiliation for Kaldorei (SPOILER)

without knowing anything of the actual story for shadowlands, whos to say she cant use his death to track him to Sylvannis?

Ye lets start a topic to remove night from the game and be permaday.
Dark Lady watch over us.

That cine is a humiliation for Nathanos Simpson.

He taunted like a mentally-challenged teen bully and got 1 shot immediately like a chump.

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There is definitely a foreshadowing with one of former wielders of the night warrior power killing an old god. Even though there are examples of Hearthstone showing something that would end up being in WoW (like the appearance of N’Zoth reveal), I would not read too much into into it.

Although, Valeera in it gives an interesting perspective on the whole

So, your Alliance still endures. Longer than I expected, though she has already planted the seeds of its downfall. She is patient, that one.

When your thrones run red with betrayal… when your holy places burn and the shattered mask hangs above your hearth… only then you will know. And it will be too late.

I wonder what would be Anduin’s reaction in a such situation.

gl hf

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