Another humiliation for Kaldorei (SPOILER)

Why bother taking it personal or weighting it as in some real life connotation? Yes, why bother.

Can we still judge whether said development is positive, necessary or detrimental? Absolutely.

You realise that negative events often drive positive/interesting stories, right?
That these characters aren’t real people, and that often to have some engaging experience, the story’s protagonist often needs to face struggles.

When people start treating these things as anything other than story elements, it may be indicative of some urgent need to back off, leave the game, and take some fresh air.
Because it’s some sick way of thinking.

it’s called suspension of disbelief. Also I didn’t take it personal.

Yes, but in this case I see them as unnecessary and cheap. Sort of like out loud jump scares in modern horror movies.

I treat them as a story elements and I discuss them, accordingly. Also haven’t got personal on anyone so far, and I won’t do so even responding to your advices.

Didn’t sound like it with stuff as:

Again I ask, do you realise that people often judge story elements as in, weighting the quality of the impact they may have in the development of the narrative?

That saying that X event would do some good to Y element, may be something true, regardless if X is positive or negative, right?

And yeah, it gets extra weird when you judge and tag other players depending on their taste and what they consider insteresting developments.

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This humiliation is not big enough yet. I say lets Sylvanas kill Tyrande. This will be a blow against nightelf community they will never recover from. Take away everything from them what they love. Down with the night elves!

You are entitled to your own opinion. And it got very off the topic.

That’s a bit paranoid, no offense.

Blizzard didn’t have an official stance regarding Sylvanas yet and I don’t think that she’s innocent, clearly.

What I think is there’s some justification for her actions, that’s all. I know at this point it sounds wierd but I’m confident it will all be cleared out in SL in a manner befitting both parties involved.

*Or at least I hope so

Its not what was mentioned though. Do not just lazer focus to what happened. Yes we all know how much they bled, but instead to what it brought to Night Elves afterwards. From great tragedies comes great strength as well.
Night Elves finally, got what has been cried out for many years, being independent, free from human-dimsel chains, have their own arc and story being ferocious warriors. United more then ever thats exactly whats happening, sorry if its not BJ and rainbows only with a massive powerspikes and no backdraws you don’t write fiction like that. Its boring.

It seems some complain for sake of complaining and not appreciate the small good stuff along the way.

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I suspect Nathanos may not receive the kind of treatment in the Maw that he expects or wants. Sylvanas doesn’t need him anymore. She abandoned him. His most useful purpose now is to provide the Jailor with anima and maybe undergo a tranformation into a monstrous boss, like Lady Ashvane. So by killing him Tyrande condemns him to a terrible fate. At least, that’s what I would like to see happen based on the current story. I fear that Sylvanas will not get a redemption arc but Nathanos will (I’d rather neither did, as much as I like Nathano’s voice actor and used to like Sylvanas).


I question the coast of this achievement.

Any “small good stuff” will always seam like a mockery comparing to the outcome of BfA prepatch.


Everything comes at a cost. Even the beloved Night Elven empire came to be with a great cost and even greater casualties. How the he’ll you want to reach next milestone without the cost.

But they are still there, its a choice which one you will preach more. And what conclusions it will lead to. No one has is all sorted out in nowadays story.

True. The Long Vigil and long peace came at the cost of the old empire.
The feral brutal and wild Nightelf-portrait in WC3 came at the cost of Cenarius.
The returning Wildgods in Cata came at the cost of a burning Mt. Hyjal.
Legions plenty of NE-centered Content came at the cost of Ysera.
And now the new feral Nightelfs who only need a wrong word to kill you came at the cost of Teldrassil.

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Its actually funny how all of the named above has somewhat returned or restored.

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Just for info. In the same day when Blizzard gave a cinematic where Tyrande kills Nathanos, Blizzard gave an commercial about Hearthstone, where they kill Tyrande.

Blizzard just can’t give Night Elves a happy moment without a bite.


You know that Hearthstone and WoW have completely different teams, and have nothing to do with eachother except sharing the parent company and characters.

After reading your posts for (i think) over a year now i think you’re actively looking for things to complain about.

You just didn’t get it.

Would you be able to specify what i “just didn’t get”?
Blizzard has teams, and i really doubt that somewhere in a dark tower with a Horde banner outside there’s a guy sitting and thinking
“hmm our WoW-team did something nice for Nightelves today, let’s give the order to our Hearthstone team to dropp something that will p’ss them off again because otherwise they’ll have fun”

They have different teams with different leaderships and different plans. Nobody is out there with the lifegoal to make Nightelf fans feel miserable.

You did get it cuz it was clearly a joke to soften the discussion and you took seriously.

sorry, irony and jokes in written form are sometimes hard to get. I usually mark them with a smiley or a (S) to prevent confusion.

Well they have interviews where they said that Sylvanas isn’t evil despite commiting genocide against Night Elves, and now we even know that she’s torturing and obliterating their souls so if that’s not evil, then they must hate Night Elves.

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I wish I had the answer for it tbh. Let’s hope the story does justice to everyone involved.

I wish it for you just as much as I want Sylvanas to come out of this clean.