Another ingame shop mount! And game still is in beta

Well, your remark seemed condescending to me. Must’ve been my interpretation then.

Maybe i’m wrong maybe i’m not. I win no prizes and suffer no consequences for either outcome. It was just a passing comment, not like we’re in House of Parliament here.

But this is a 12+ game played by a lot of entitled people, who get angry when they don’t get what they want. So that’s likely the case

This is just my opinion, but I agree with OP, it’s pathetic they are still selling store mounts (and pets), and for a price higher then our subscription.

If you have money and want it, go for it. I will not think any less of people if they do. I like the mount a lot, but I refuse to give a single penny more to them other then the sub.

They could at least sell these and use most of the money for charity, just saying …


Or, sigh, you know, people dislike the fact that on top of a big box price they pay a sub and still get macrotransactions as well (can’t call them micro with those prices) instead of getting the stuff in game which is exactly what they pay a sub for in the first place.

Or at least, what it used to be was: you pay the box price (or expansion price) for the whole game, and pay sub for server access. Just to be precise.


Well that’s your/their view. Which is fine. It is what it is.

But this is 2018 (just about), this sort of thing isn’t going to go away.

At least they’re keeping to a trend it seems, all of the store mounts seem pretty bland with the possible exception of Warforged Nightmare. The rest are all glittery animals.

The one thing about Bliz that’s scummy with WoW is that also you gotta pay for character services, which are usually free with the other MMOs. Where other MMOs have a store but small or even free sub we here pay for the game, expansions, got a store, a monthly sub of € 12.99 or € 20 (if you buy sub from the ingame AH) and the most simple of charcter changes all cost money (€ 5 for a name change alone). Meanwhile the other games have real events and rewards for subbing aswell which WoW doesn’t, other games where the total of months subbed gets you get rewarded. Not in a row either. You can play for half a year (get a mount as a ty), then 1 year not and then sub for anathor 6 months and get the 1 year reward.

These store mounts are perfect for this, give them out based on how many months sub somebody bought or has been subbed. I never missed a month and never got anything. Former friend was subbed for 6 months in anathor MMO and got a ty letter for loyalty and to enjoy the gift. Do something for the people who supported you through good and bad times (really if I had unsubbed late Cata, MoP and entirehood of WoD I wouldn’t have regretted it but stayed subbed out of loyalty and friends. 80% of friends now all unsubbed though, some for years and others for a few months to a year).

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Just thought I would pop back in and say I have zero regrets on the buying the mount and would do so again in a heart beat.


Damn Moritz, you are hard to love, but harder to hate.

A cute mount, but lets see what it looks like after it gets under my meat wagon.

I shall take it as a compliment! :slight_smile:

I just find it so funny that they had to “film” the Vulpine Familiar in Suramar to show that it can fly when flying won’t be available in BfA until patch 8.2, in about 6 months.

Seeing the little predicament the triple A industry is in atm I’m gonna wait till it actually does go away.

In the meantime I’m enjoying investing my money elsewhere.

you gotta love watching them squirm tho.

once my mog set is complete ill take some screenshots on this mount.

Meh. The mount doesn’t even have a mail box on it. How are you going to bend a draenai female over it then?


Can always take them to one of my secret places :stuck_out_tongue:

p.s long time no see :smiley: where have u been gone

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Played Witcher3/D3/D2/Starcraft2 and even Destiny 2. There was just nothing to do in WoW(I was benched for mythic). Tried a lot of games and I have to say that the one I enjoyed the most was FFXIV

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I personally really like it, I might have to go get it eventually :blue_heart:

No! This fox noodle mount is horrid, let it stay behind a paywall where it can never defile my collection.

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