Another ingame shop mount! And game still is in beta

Brb uprooting myself and my entire family from massive financial stability to go test WoW.

It’s not like Irvine lacks people who want to work on testing.

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Well, do as you please. On the other hand, Blizz would enjoy this scheme. Alot, I am sure…

No, game isn’t in beta. It’s retail, buddy, like or not. Therefore, your argument is invalid.


You might want to log into the live servers then if your still in beta…

Another in-game shop mount with a mystical beast theme, is my only gripe.

Where’s the creativity Blizzard? Why not a Gnomish bomber plane, something different. It’s always these generic mystical creature mounts

Its a stunning blue foxxy.
Who cares :smiley:

Turns out buying a game and paying for a sub is not enough. Why would you run hundreds of time same raid/dungeon for a decent looking mount and waste your time, grab your wallet and get one. At least its not a horse or a recoloured mount like blizz do this days :grin::grin::+1:t2::+1:t2:


Over 4 months in now (official now since it’s the 15th of December and it went live at the 14th of August) and already 2 store mounts (if you count the boat since it’s confirmed it will be a store early-mid 2019)!


… the answer of a disillusioned and irredeemably cynical player who won’t admit that the best thing they can do with WoW is… walk away & never look back.

So the Vulpine familiar and…?

The Alliance getting other mounts than horses? God no, we just couldn’t think about any unique mounts that would fit them! Oh btw here are 2 shop mounts in short succession(one tied to 6 month subscription) that are totally unique! No sir, the flying tentacle ship doesn’t fit Stormsong Valley at all! How dare you even suggest that!


I agree they should put more time into the game and fix it, but I can’t see any issue with shop mounts, dunno why people seem to have such issues with the shop, if you don’t want to buy the stuff then don’t??

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Good selfcritism, i like it :+1:t2::+1:t2:, cya. Dunno how old are you btw so i will give you an advice, it will be a way better if you will write arguments too, not just point on someone and say about him some random stuff.

I like WoW and will continue to play until either I die at my keyboard or the servers shut down; you, however, seemingly only come here to sh*t on the game…

Well that explains pretty much. How about go outside and breath some fresh air?

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Thank you for your input; I shall take it into consideration at my earliest convenience.

Mummy won’t buy it for them mostly, I think.

Lel must be it!

Looking down upon others with a different opinion doesn’t make that opinion go away.

I’m not trying to remove their opinion, you can’t swim against a Tsunami. Nor am I on any high horse. I am however allowed to express my thoughts.