Another legendary ilvl added, another goldsink, Unsubbed

Yes and ofc blizzard set the prices for the legendaries he? So they put it on the AH and set the price? Rlly don’t say it’s their fault that the players ask a ridiculous amount gold for it. Because it’s not.

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Also they made world quests so long, and each “step” in the wq gave a very little %,
To jeep you more ingame, to waste your time more ingame,
Also just reminded me, that for example just to take the flight from madraxus to revendreth takes like 5 mins to arrive on the eel,
Im sitting at the pc and while riding on the tome wasting eel, im thinking of what amazing other games could I play rather than do these chores for a game who does not respect my time and money.

Raw materials also affect price.

SL wq’s are pure trash, BFA ones were much better. I only do callings if overlap exists.


Well they kinda do. The costs of materials to just unlock the rank 4 legendary are ridiculously high and you have to invest either a lot of gold or time into learning it.

Fewer people having the recipe will drive the price higher. If Blizzard made the recipe more accessible prices wouldn’t be as high.

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Fair take, but I generally don’t like easy, the table missions themselves are also just a pain to farm up with characters because you constantly get your follower average ilvl reset every time you get a new one and honestly I havn’t gotten my 3rd character up to 60 yet because I cannot force myself to go through that leveling process again
So I’m also not really able to do mission tables on an army of alts even if I wanted too without first doing tons of investment which honestly I just don’t feel like doing
I would rather wait for 10.0, keep RPing and whenever I feel the itch to actually play a game, just do anything but wow

They’re the ones who decide how rare the mats are, which translates almost directly to the price people expect for it
Harder, rarer to get, more in demand mats = more expensive
You cannot say Blizzard has 0 play in this, they could have just reused the WotLK era glyph system to get your legendary abilities up but no, they had to tie it into craftable gear, that was Blizzard doing that

Hahah i don’t even have maxed conduits on main as you can see:

Power gains from ranks are minuscule, to the hell with grind.

Yes and is that blizzards fault? And believe me the people that can make them are filthy rich in gold and materials.

It should be rare no? Or do it need just a few copper bars? Pretty weird he no the materials should be extra rare and even still it’s Quite cheap for a legendary

It should be on an ability ring, those items you use to collect your legendary abilities? keep those in, but seperate them entirely from gear and just put them into a skill wheel of which only 1 can be active at a time, change only possible in rested areas like talents
Professions did not have to be involved at all, but it works better as an incentive to buy gold

As for it should have been rare?
Legendary abilities are a core part of the expansion, it should not be rare, it should be accessible and easy to swap

I prefered when gold was a secondary way of gearing (crafted items, bind on equip items), over it being the only way to acquire some things.

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I agree that some % based world quests take too long, there are some that I will avoid. Just to name a few: the stealth one in maldraxxus, the one where you have to clear the blue/white mobs near the Sepulcher, the 3 portal ones after ringing the gong in bastion, the flying and flappy bird ones in bastion, and the one where you have to feed the little creatures to the cane in AW.

However there are also a ton of easy world quests that take a few minutes tops to complete. Bastion % calling is probably the easiest, where you get 80% for just killing 4 rares in the building.

That’s why I took engineering, wormhole is instant.

Yeah, it’s annoying. I usually make a tea or coffee, read something online, or watch a youtube video while waiting. I’m not too bothered by it anymore.

Wormhole generator to get around quickly, bind hearthstone to covenant sanctum, make sure you have a L3 teleporter to get to Oribos quickly.

Tbh it feels like legion hit the sweet spot. Though atm with the gear we have I won’t really complain too much about the WQ in SL, though some are still very annoying.

Higher prices means it’s more attractive to craft, so eventually it balances out.

Your troops don’t level down, hasn’t been like this since I think 9.0.5. You can even get Croman and Meatball up to a high level, then unlock the mission table in another covenant, and you’ll have high level troops to blast you through the MT.

This is a serious issue with leather yes. I think it would help if blizzard would stop limiting professions to 2. I love skinning, but I really, really, really cba giving up alchemy and engineering.

They did alleviate the issue slightly in 9.1, and now that you can spend valor and such to buy blue leather.

The problem with the current crafting setup is that rich people had a massive headstart in 9.0 because they could buy up all mats and craft legendaries, profiting of the system early on. Someone who wasn’t rich had to farm first, which took a lot of time. It’s Blizzard that came up with this setup, so it kinda is their fault for designing it this way.

Has one legendary at rank 6 on my main. The rest in rank 1 on my alts and They Will never get higher. I have 4 or 5 rank 1 legendarys and 44 alts and most of my alts Will never get a legendary.

I hate The legendary system in SL. It should have been removed from beta

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Not blizzards fault that people are poor in-game and don’t understand how to make gold? It’s probably the same people that buyes BoE’s from the New raid in the start lol sorry not sorry

It could very well be fixed since 9.0.5, but that should give you an insight as to how long ago I quit those tables after briefly dipping in my toes to see what was different
The issue is that my characters are not at that level now and honestly I cannot be bothered, I would rather wait for 10.0 and hope it’s less gold grindy
And if it isn’t…? Well, as long as the RP remains good, I’ll be sated, I will just not be touching any actual content beyond leveling one character to max.

Hard agree yes on the professions, I’d be happy if they just limited that third slot to gathering professions (like your second legendary has to be a covenant one) if they think having outright unrestricted 3 is too much

Trust me its not that we don’t know how, it’s just that we would rather just…

when it comes to the actual content that generates the gold for you

It’s Blizzard’s fault for designing a system that lets rich people profit early on because they can control the market, especially if this is directly impacting player power.

Another point that’s worth mentioning is that the legendary crafting system can be really problematic on low population realms, where some base items just aren’t available at all or are only sold by a single person that can dictate the price.

Paired with blizzards unwillingness to further merge low population relams this can be super frustrating for the people playing there. It shouldn’t be on those players to buy a transfer, just to be able to play the game in a reasonable way.


Or they could simply offer people free transfers from low pop to mid pop realms :man_shrugging:

yeah JUST DONT QUIT EVER xd trashnoobs

Merge everything into several large realms. I don’t think there’s any reason to have this many realms when so many smaller ones suffer. Give people selectable “channels” they can go to, with auto select if it’s crowded.