i have had a sub up for going on 10-11 years without break, and played enough in that time to make it worth keeping the sub active, realistically i should have gone 6 months sub, or even 12 month, ages ago but didn’t for those that play for 2-3 months and then quit for 2-3 then yeah 6month isn’t the way to go, but chances are those people wont care about the imp enough to get it on the store either
£105 for the imp card on ebay at the moment, i think i will take my 6 month sub over that
And Landro Longshot won’t even redeem it in Classic/Classic TBC era servers
It looks like one of the most useless toys why would anyone pay money for that? It literally just whispers you random things then disappears and goes on cd waste of bag space don’t care if this is added or not.
I personally don’t care much about micro transactions/boosts/try hards/people getting off on parsing scores ^^ but I think the general root of the problem people have with the micro transactions are that it give’s players access to stuff in the game that you can only access with £$£$£$£ now if you were able to acquire the same stuff via, let’s say… a long rep/attunement grindfor the same reward then I don’t think there would be as much of a problem… food for thought? either way you guy’s have been arguing for ages xD
Yeah I agree it would be good if anything in the store is farmable in game but then you will get people complaining that they skip content with buying some people are just against mtx which is fair as it does make alot of games worse if the game is changed to make it unplayable or grindy Without paying. In wows case the game is relatively the same as it was without mtx so it’s hard to be against cosmetic changes as it doesn’t change the games integrity or how it’s played.
Well it is micrtransaction but I have been paying for 6months since forever and as much as I hate store stuff like that I wont be switching to monthly sub and pay blizz even more just to show that I dont like “milking”? But canceling 6months sub would be giving them even more money so that doesnt make sense.
I mean… I think it’s cute.
If you don’t want to, simply don’t redeem the code at Landro
I know. I was telling that from economical point of view only, because lot of people dont get why others are paying for 6months instead of monthly.
aye very true, me personally I will just never use the microtransactions, no boost, no cloning, no special edition for me ^^ I see both side’s of the argument and the only thing I personally wish they had implemented was with the boost, if any account had a character lvl 50 or over then they couldn’t buy a boost, this in effect would stop people instantly getting high lvl druid’s for TBC herb/mining farming ^^
Private servers not looking so bad right now.
It’s kinda sad that we live in a world where some private servers actually delivers a better product…
I think you misspelled Pirate Servers, they’re not private if you invite others, nor if you seek to monetise an IP you don’t own.
They don’t care about what we want so why should we care about what they want? But hey, if we unsub you will make up for it with another microtransaction.
Erm, when you say we, you mean the tiny vocal minority, right? because I promise you now, if MTX cost subs they wouldn’t offer them. Don’t make me buy a second boost on my alt account just to call it Cession
In all seriousness, you ppl are so bound to wanting to see the negative only! I really wonder why you’re playing a sub to blizzard at all if you hate them this much. Or is it envy of the OP and those who agree with him?
I pay a half year sub, over a year i pay for only 10 months which saves me like 26 euros. Blizzard gives me a gift for that type of sub like usually a pet or a mount which is between 10 and 25 euros so they save me another 10 to 25 euro’s.
And you ppl can’t or won’t see this, you guys don’t have enough money to pay for half a year sub? Then if you are taking a piss at ppl who can and get rewarded, you’re plain envious jealous ppl. You ppl have some switch wrong in your heads that you’re letting yourself go like this on a public forum, go see a shrink to get help for that.
Imagine being this poor so you get salty
ppl like this OP have completely lost it. Now they call the monthly subscription a micro transaction. On top of it being the cheapest option to play the game
Einstein was right. human stupidity is truly without limits
The pet is a micro transaction.