Another Normal Realm/re-enable layers

@Warercs: Yes.

I reckon OP is a first year law student :slight_smile:

Anywa,y let us know how you get on with your case.

@Skrull-xavius- Sadly not, Ill be reaching my 1000th case this year at the rate we are receiving them. Sadly though Maritime Law is nowhere near as interesting as it should be recently! I agree the conversation got a bit out of hand but that is what us law folks do…

@Trelw- Can I just point out that when I made this post layers were shown as disabled and each and every normal realm was full yet you claim Dottie was “closer to the truth” with their posts. Could you please point out when and where I wasnt observing the whole truth? Hardly befiting a green post I have to admit, better just to say it as it is and call me a liar?

@Antharas: I believe my replies to Warecs already covered all points. If you want further clarifications on something, please specify and I will see what I can add, if anything.

Yes to what?

@Warecs: Yes, US has more PvE realms than EU.

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