“Hoy! Don’t mouse over this, you might spoil yourself!”
Hello! I was wondering if anyone had any plans in place for the [SPOILER] of a certain magenta place. A settlement of sorcerers.
Of course none of us know precisely how the city will fall in canon, but if anyone wanted to make an event to depict the fall of [SPOILER], we could aim for a semi-canonical educated guess. What’s the harm in retconning our memories if things are different? History’s meant to be lived!
How could this work?
I’m thinking this could take place in Mid-August or Late July, using the Northrend incarnation (to avoid stepping on the toes of anyone still roleplaying in the Legion version, and reduce latency), a simple combat system and multiple dungeon masters to ensure everyone could get to partake.
I envisage multiple groups of 5-15 people, each run by one dungeon master, but with a central channel utilised by a central DM, perhaps via Discord, used to broadcast messages to all the groups to describe the battle happening around them.
This’d be organised a bit like the sieges in those old Lord of the Rings PS2 games. Each team of dungeon-masters’d handle one front of the battle, facing increasing waves of foes.
One side’d fight in the streets, one would fight in the Undercity, one would fight in the sky. Nerubians, void-worshipping fanatics and Shadowspawn would emerge from Rifts, or be shot down by big, fleshy dirigible-type creatures covered in eyes and tentacles. We could rely on both beacons and live actors to play the role of minions and bosses specifically.
The fight would continue until something or another causes the city to break apart and fall, at which point it’ll become a frenzied retreat before it hits terra firma.
What do you think?