like the user Irishbubbles, an honorable ex human - now zombie said
it could also have been a pet to complement the broom from WOTLK Argent tournament. Combined those two can sweep the plaque, for the event. And later just be kept as pets. Now that would be interesting and fun!!
I heard they have a replica of powerpuff girls telephone with red nose and whenever you create a thread management board uses it to communicate with lead developer to satisfy your neeeds. No troll.
Yeah, stupid decision. Not a big deal, just stupid. Is there any actual benefit this thing gives that warrants it not being a toy? Seems pretty useless to me.
Same why there is dailies not local quests? Why blizzard why? Coz they think that classic is good for retail and do more and more things in that direction.
There is already a broom toy that does sweeping, it’s called ‘The Enchanted Broom’… this Pre-Patch broom, is designed to remove patches of blight, in the Pre-Patch event, that is a perfectly logical reason not to make it a toy, just a Pre-Patch item.