Indeed, that appears to be the case.
Not really no.
The whole point of this topic is asking why a toy like item isn’t a toy? You can’t compare a pet to a toy and say it’s the same thing.
The point is there’s a toy like item in the game on a limited timer that isn’t a toy and has zero point to it.
It has a Pre-Patch point to it.
There’s still no reason not to make it a toy though, since after the event it will just be a waste of bag space.
You get my point though.
So delete it, like all the other tat, with no gold value, that regularly ends up in your bag.
No, because you didn’t have one… there is a pet broom that follows you around sweeping…you spotted it was a pet, not a toy, well done… this item isn’t a toy either… its a limited time item, after which you can ditch it out of your bag and recover the space, because you will not have blight to sweep up…you knew all that, however it’s Sunday and you’re bored?
I literally tell you my point? lol
So you want a toy, that acts like an existing pet, to sweep up Pre-Patch blight, when there isn’t any Pre-Patch blight, because the Pre-Patch has finished, because you are reluctant to throw anything away (apart from all the other valueless items, you throw away on a regular basis)?
For the HOARDER!
No it’s not. Stop mentioning my name and talking about me.
please dont ruin the accursed keepsake or the haunting memento
I thought it was a pet to compliment the Enchanted Broom. So disappointed, like heartbroken, devastated, cut me deep, real deep type of torment.
yes thats the 34 bag for
so we wait 6 hours to get +2 upgrade to be wasted on a broom. sad.
Hi there,
Oh my god!
Don’t compare my loving Enchanted Broom named Dust Sweeper to a toy, battle pets are not toys, thanks.
if you raise them right they are partners- like ash and pikachu
waaaait! hold on a minute can you summon this and the enchanted broom? do they interact with each other like how the crawling claws have a game of rock,paper,scissors? Has anyone tried this?
They already did in WoD. The ghost used to be permanent…
i wouldnt know this because i was dumb enough to vendor/delete my haunted mementos from back then